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E. coli genotypes. From OpenWetWare Nomenclature & Abbreviations A listed gene name means that gene carries a loss of function mutation, a Δ preceding a gene name means the gene is deleted. If a gene is not listed, it is not known to be mutated. Prophages present in wt K-12 strains (F, λ, e14, rac) are listed only if absent. E. coli B strains are naturally lon- and dcm-.

F- = Does not carry the F plasmid F+ = Carries the F plasmid. Methylation Issues in E. coli Type I methylation systems: E. coli K12 restricts DNA which is not protected by adenine methylation at sites AA*C[N6]GTGC or GCA*C[N6]GTT, encoded by the hsdRMS genes(EcoKI). Commonly used strains endA1 recA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1 glnV44 hsdR17(rK- mK+) thr-1, araC14, leuB6(Am), Δ(gpt-proA)62, lacY1, tsx-33, qsr'-0, glnV44(AS), galK2(Oc), LAM-, Rac-0, hisG4(Oc), rfbC1, mgl-51, rpoS396(Am), rpsL31(strR), kdgK51, xylA5, mtl-1, argE3(Oc), thi-1 Bachmann BJ: Derivation and genotypes of some mutant derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12.


Main Page. Enzyme Database - BRENDA. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Primer designing tool. RCSB Protein Data Bank. The Next Million Mozillians (redux) A little over two years ago, I did a bunch of posts about the idea of recruiting ‘the next million Mozillians’. My thinking at the time: we need to grow our community dramatically. We need to build even more creativity, reach and resilience into who we are. This is how we build a 100 year organization for the open web. I still believe we need to do this. However, it turns out, finding a million more Mozillians (or whatever number we need) requires more than good intentions and a snap of the fingers.

It requires a crisp understanding who we want to recruit and why they’d want to get involved. The good news: I think we are closer than ever to having broad and solid strategy to dramatically grow the Mozilla community. Grow and strengthen our existing community of contributorsExpand our scope: invent new ways for people to contributeBuild a massive base of supporters who contribute in small ways This list is not a top down set of marching orders. 1. This is an awesome number. 2. 3.