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Allrecipes. Epicurious. Frugal & Healthy. Camping Food & Dutch Oven Recipes. Homemade Sriracha. In continuing our Stock Your Thai Pantry series, one item that must be mentioned is Sriracha sauce (ซ้อสศรีราชา) — the all-purpose hot sauce that, according to the most prominent yet unsubstantiated theory, originated from a city after which it was named. I can’t think of any hot sauce that is more widely used and versatile when it comes to the modern Thai cuisine. Even though Sriracha has become a generic name for similar hot sauces made both domestically and outside of Thailand, the Thai palates don’t have a hard time recognizing the authentic spicy, sweet, tangy, garlicky sauce that we grew up with. Folks seem a bit touchy when the subject of Sriracha (what’s authentic and what’s not, whether the name should be used to call non-Thai products, etc.) is brought up.

So I will try my best to write this post in the most just-the-fact-ma’am way as I possibly can. Thai Sriracha, according to my observation, is runnier and sweeter than the US-made Sriracha. Why make your own Sriracha? I can. No Knead Bread - A Rustic Loaf! This recipe first appeared in the New York Times in November 2006. Mark Bittman visited the Sullivan Street Bakery where Jim Lahey, who devised this tasty bread and its unique cooking method, demonstrated how to make this bread. This was one of the most emailed articles from the New York Times, because its simple and results in a magnificant loaf of bread. Unlike most recipes that have you hunting in speciality stores for ingredients you will never use again, this recipe has four basic ingredients: Flour, water, salt and yeast. No sugar or added fats. Time and patience are the key elements to making this recipe work. The following is a visual guide to making this delicious bread, based on much experimination with various techniques and tools.

Once your dough has rested for 12 hours, it should be very bubbly and doubled in size. In a large glass or ceramic mixing bowl, (NOT metal) combine: Mix well to combine dry ingredients Add: 1 1/2 cups water (click here for metric equivalents) Authentic Pad Thai. Buy ingredients for this recipe! Pad Thai is often called the signature dish of Thai cuisine. There are several regional variations, indeed it has been said that Thailand has not only a different curry for every day of the year, but also a different pad Thai for every cook in Thailand!

This is our variation, and please see our street vendor photos & videos (below) for others. For simple, fast, easy-to-prepare Pad Thai, we have two time-saving versions: Use our prepared Pad Thai Sauce Use Mama brand instant Pad Thai Try Lobo Instant Pad Thai with Peanuts Our version of Pad Thai is tried-and-true, follow these directions and you'll be amazed at the results. As with many Thai chefs, we prepare our own Pad Thai Sauce first. This recipe requires dry roasted, unsalted peanuts. First, prepare your Pad Thai Sauce: Ingredients for Pad Thai Sauce (makes four large servings) 1/4 cup palm sugar 1/4 cup fish sauce 1 tablespoon tamarind concentrate 1/4 cup Sriracha sauce (We use Shark brand. Method.