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プログラミング言語Clojureのニャンパスでの活用事例. Heroku - Clojure で Slack の Bot を作ろう. Clojure で chatbot 作るライブラリ作った. Liquidz/jubot. Liquidz/cuma. Clj-jwt 0.0.10 - Clojars. Mikeflynn_ : The first mention of #clojure ... Clojars. Nightcode. Liquidz/cuma. The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2014. As long as we have been doing our programming language rankings here at RedMonk, dating back to the original publication by Drew Conway and John Myles White, we have been trying to find the correct timing.

The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2014

Should it be monthly? Quarterly? Annually? Eriksvedang/othello. Tokyo.clj #18. Light Tableのプラグインでのnode.jsモジュールの使い方メモ. Liquidz/lt-splash. Light Tableの簡単なプラグインを作ってみた. Light Table Workflow for Interactive Clojure Development. ← Using Ember.js Outlets | Safari’s Clojure Collection → A guest post by Timothy Pratley, who currently works for Tideworks Technology as a Development Manager building Traffic Control software for logistics clients including SSA Marine, CSX, and BNSF.

Light Table Workflow for Interactive Clojure Development

Interactive development is a big win. Being able to evaluate snippets of code without building and running your entire project makes it faster to test code. Being able to modify code and data in a running system allows you to experiment with data and operations immediately. Clojure is an environment you can interact with through a Read Eval Print Loop (REPL). Google Groupes. Joxa. Clj-time/clj-time. Ehrdclj : .@skuro talking about misaki... Clojure で中置記法を実現する infixing というライブラリを作った #Clojure - Qiita [キータ] Liquidz/clj-jwt. Light Table 0.4. 28 Apr 2013 Today, I'm proud to announce the 0.4 release of Light Table - go download it!

Light Table 0.4

A bit of the future. Clojure Cup 2013. Uochan. Liquidz/cuma. Clojureのテンプレートエンジン「cuma」を作ったクマー. Clojureでシンプルなテンプレートエンジンを作りました cuma: Extensible micro template engine for 動機†


うごメモはてなの情報取得 API サンプルコード. Engelberg/instaparse. Micro_sexp_template.clj. プログラマのための言語別コーディング規約まとめ. Bbatsov/clojure-style-guide · GitHub. Misaki 0.2.6-beta リリースしますた. Liquidz/misaki at 0.2.6-beta. Clojure(ある意味)基礎文法最速マスター - athosの日記. (このエントリはLisp Advent Calendar 2012 1日目の記事です。)

Clojure(ある意味)基礎文法最速マスター - athosの日記

はじめに. Meet the new Light Table. 05 Nov 2012 Meet the new Light Table We have to start with a picture.

Meet the new Light Table

Static - Static Site Generator. Resources from Jason Rudolph's "ClojureScript Experience Report" Light Table reaches 0.1.0. 17 Aug 2012.

Light Table reaches 0.1.0

10 Tech Skills That Will Instantly Net You $100,000+ Salary. Photo by liquidz_uo. Squid's Blog. Clojure. 外部S式リード時のエラー行取得. ClojureProgrammingお菓子会(仮) Clojureでブログ生成: misakiのベータ版公開. Light Table Playground Levels Up. 09 Jul 2012 I'm happy to announce the release of v0.0.7 of the Light Table Playground.

Light Table Playground Levels Up

This version is a serious upgrade to the Instarepl that brings the ability to manually evaluate things and work in your own projects. Core.logic. It's playtime. 24 Jun 2012 I'm happy to announce the official release of the Light Table Playground!

It's playtime

You can find instructions for getting it here: What is the playground? The playground is a chance for you to follow along as we test out new things for Light Table. In return, it helps us collect metrics on how people are using our experiments as well as gives us an opportunity to see how certain concepts fare in the real world. Core — Reducers - A Library and Model for Collection Processing. I'm happy to have pushed today the beginnings of a new Clojure library for higher-order manipulation of collections, based upon reduce and fold.

core — Reducers - A Library and Model for Collection Processing

Of course, Clojure already has Lisp's reduce, which corresponds to the traditional foldl of functional programming. reduce is based upon sequences, as are many of the core functions of Clojure, like map, filter etc. So, what could be better? It's a long story, so I'll give you the ending first: There is a new namespace: clojure.core.reducersIt contains new versions of map, filter etc based upon transforming reducing functions - reducersIt contains a new function, fold, which is a parallel reduce+combinefold uses fork/join when working with (the existing!)

Basics. ChottoJob. Light Table by Chris Granger. Here's a much higher quality video: Despite the dramatic shift toward simplification in software interfaces, the world of development tools continues to shrink our workspace with feature after feature in every release. Even with all of these things at our disposal, we're stuck in a world of files and forced organization - why are we still looking all over the place for the things we need when we're coding? Why is everything just static text? Bret Victor hinted at the idea that we can do much better than we are now - we can provide instant feedback, we can show you how your changes affect a system. Clojure1.4のReader Literalsで遊んでみた. Clojure 1.4が出ました! 前々から話題になっていたReader Literalsが使えるようになったので ちょっと遊んでみました。 まずは下準備† 基本はこちらに書いてある通りです。 $ lein new myreader $ cd myreader $ vi project.clj. Clojure 1.4.0, clj-time, congomongo.

April 15, 2012 · No Comments Clojure 1.4.0 has been released and it includes several nice enhancements and some bug fixes. Everyone will have their favorites but mine include (in no particular order): Light Table's numbers. 15 Apr 2012 EDIT: Light Table is now on kickstarter! EDIT: oh, and I set up a mailing list to keep informed. All I can say is "wow"! The response to Light Table has been far more positive and far greater than I could've imagined. To put it into perspective, here are some aggregated numbers at the time of this writing: There were 105,872 unique visits to the post, just shy of 200,000 pageviews and 80,000 video plays.It has been viewed in 163 countries (there are only 204 total)The post on HN stayed on the front page for more than 48 hours (It's actually still there now) and has amassed more than 1400 points.

So the big question on most people's minds is "Now what? ". Light Table - a new IDE concept. You can now try Light Table out via the Light Table Playground! Light Table's kickstarter has wrapped up! Despite the dramatic shift toward simplification in software interfaces, the world of development tools continues to shrink our workspace with feature after feature in every release. Even with all of these things at our disposal, we're stuck in a world of files and forced organization - why are we still looking all over the place for the things we need when we're coding? Why is everything just static text?

Bret Victor hinted at the idea that we can do much better than we are now - we can provide instant feedback, we can show you how your changes affect a system. Mocking out in Clojure with with-redefs-fn (no Midje this time) I made some changes in a Clojure project – librarian-clojure. The changes revolved around security in a Compojure web application. What I needed was to check whether they’re correct and hence I needed some tests with mocking involved because the functions the changes were introduced to used external sources – MongoDB and an encryption library. I didn’t mean to set up the environment, but just enough to get the task done. And it should be fast and quick. The functions are used in a web application, but neither a web container nor a Request object was necessary since Ring turns HTTP requests into…maps. I’ve been doing Java programming for years, but only recently have I been exposed to the aspects of Test-Driven Development (TDD).

I’ve also been leaning quite recently towards believing that despite repeated assurances of TDD applicability to and increased quality of applications developed in Java or any object-oriented languages, TDD was simply too laborious. Be Sociable, Share! Like this: Where is Lisping headed? Where is Lisping headed? ClojureでJekyllライクなブログジェネレータ「misaki」を作ったった. 全部Clojureのターン(noir+noir-cljs) Parallel SSH and system monitoring in Clojure. Leiningen 2.0.0-preview - Google Groupes. Clojure Libraries. 4clojure – Welcome!