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New York City public school students will be allowed to have cell phones inside schools. Cell phones have been banned in New York City public schools for eight years, but that has all changed with an official announcement Wednesday.

New York City public school students will be allowed to have cell phones inside schools

Thanks to Mayor Bill de Blasio making good on a campaign promise, the ban is lifted and more than a million students will be allowed to carry their phones to class. De Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina say the change will better enable parents to stay in touch with their children, especially before and after school, and will end the inequity under the current ban, which was enforced mostly at schools with metal detectors in low-income communities. Whether you consider cell phones in schools to be a terrible distraction for students or a modern necessity, they are now be receiving the welcome mat. And that's a positive change, according to the parents' union that has been pushing for this.

The mayor, the father of a current public high school student, had argued for cell phones in schools. However, not everyone is applauding. Election Lesson: Take a Stand. Subjects Language Arts Civics Current Events Grade 3-5 6-8 9-12 Brief Description Students take a unique approach to a classroom discussion/debate of the election process.

Election Lesson: Take a Stand

Objectives Students share their opinions on an issue using a discussion/debate approach. They formulate a clear written statement of their opinions. Keywords debate, opinion, discussion, critical thinking Materials Needed[shopmaterials] four posters, each labeled in large letters with one of the following: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree a teacher-generated list of statements about the election process writing paper and pencils Lesson Plan Place a poster in each corner of the room. Cell Phones in School. Cell Phones in School Policies on the use of cell phones in school vary.

Cell Phones in School

While most schools have thorough written policies in place regarding the use of cell phones by students, these guidelines are continually being reviewed, revised and updated on a regular basis for a variety of reasons. As cell phone used in and around schools evolves and becomes more pervasive throughout society in general, educators are also finding that the age of the typical child with a cell phone in school is getting younger. New Issues Regarding the Use of Cell Phones by Students With added cell phone features becoming standard, such as photo and video cameras and recording devices, educators face new issues that did not exist a few years ago. Cellphones will likely be allowed in NYC schools, but not everyone is pleased. CO-OP CITY, The Bronx (PIX11) – It’s never been permitted before, but soon, students in New York City may be able to bring their cellphones to school legally.

Cellphones will likely be allowed in NYC schools, but not everyone is pleased

Reaction to this new development was mixed when PIX11 News asked people about it, but the strongest opposition to the policy change came from people who have profited from the current ban on cellphones in schools. Every afternoon outside of the Truman Educational Complex, a scene reappears time and time again at dozens of schools across the five boroughs as well. A crowd of students, hundreds of them, surround a van. The critical mass isn’t due to somebody handing out something for free. It’s quite the contrary. “It’s a dollar a day,” said Bradley Anianuu, a sophomore at the school.

Not every New York City public school adheres to the no cellphone policy, even though the Department of Education officially restricts cellphones from every campus in the 10,000 school system. Fair Cell Phone Use in Schools. Cell phones are a wonderful convenience and fun gadgets to have.

Fair Cell Phone Use in Schools

However, there is still debate about whether or not they belong in schools. Consensus needs to be reached between parents, students, and educators regarding the fair use in schools. Certainly to ban them completely is to ignore some of the educational advantages of having a cell phone in the classroom. Also, there needs to be sensible communication concerning the misuses of cell phones; some uses are definitely unacceptable. Educators, parents and students should think of some of these possibilities when addressing the cell phone issue: How does Mass Media Affect Socialization in Children and inYoung Adults (with images) · _Mama_Cita_ Cell phones promote serious social, psychological issues.

Paul Mountjoy WASHINGTON, April 7. 2013-“It’s getting harder to differentiate between schizophrenics and people talking on the cell phone.

Cell phones promote serious social, psychological issues

It brings me up short to walk by somebody who appears to be talking to themselves.” Bob Newhart. Regeringens utredare: "Stoppa mobiler i skolan" Stoppa mobiltelefoner under lektionerna.

Regeringens utredare: "Stoppa mobiler i skolan"

Det är en av åtgärderna regeringens utredare Metta Fjelkner föreslår i dag. Skolverket - Elever får inte använda mobiltelefoner så att... SvD:s läsare: Helt fel att tillåta mobil i klassrummet. Flera läsare är särskilt upprörda över Skolverkets enhetschef Kjell Hedvall.

SvD:s läsare: Helt fel att tillåta mobil i klassrummet

Han gav i SVT:s Aktuellt på torsdagen beskedet att eleverna får använda mobiltelefoner under lektionerna så länge det inte stör undervisningen. SvD:s fråga till våra läsare var: "Är det rätt att eleverna få använda mobil i klassrummet? " "Absolut inte", skriver Eva-Lotta. "Det blir ytterligare ett moment för redan okoncentrerade, störande elever som får en chans att inte koncentrera sig på lektion och lärande. Facebook "kräver" åtgärder i form av svar, kommentarer, fototagning etc.

Peter Rönnquist är inne på samma linje. "De elever som har koncentrationssvårigheter kommer att få ytterligare ett störningsmoment", skriver han. Många läsare menar också att Skolverkets besked är olyckligt för lärarkåren. "Jag tycker det är helt fel. Skolverket: Elever får ha mössa och mobil i klassrummet. Samtidigt som många lärare klagar över den höga stressnivån i skolan är det okej att ha mobiltelefoner under lektionstid, enligt Skolverkets Kjell Hedvall.

Skolverket: Elever får ha mössa och mobil i klassrummet

No-mobile-phones. Cell Phones at School: Should They Be Allowed? Highlights.

Cell Phones at School: Should They Be Allowed?

Teaching tips: how students can use mobiles to learn English. Mobile technology is everywhere, but do you restrict or encourage it in your classroom? Educator, multimedia author and editor Joanna Norton shares tips about how English language teachers can use technology to their learners’ benefit. She will be presenting on this topic at a British Council seminar Opens in a new tab or window., live-streamed from London on Tuesday, 20 May.

Technology is transforming how we communicate, socialise, play, shop and conduct business. These profound changes place increasing pressure on the traditional models of language learning, such as teaching in a formal classroom setting. They also present us with amazing opportunities to re-design the way we teach and learn English. Teaching with desktop computers vs mobile devices. Should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? Yes, student should use their phones at school We are preparing students for adult life; we should therefore allow them to use the tools that they will be using in their adult life. If we are preparing our students for life after school, we should allow them to use the tools they will be using when they get there. How many jobs can you think of right now where a smart phone is not beneficial?

Mechanics order parts on their phone, engineers view blueprints, doctors calculate dosages, and grocers check inventory. The list is endless. How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools. Does your staff need Educational Technology training? The K-12 Teachers Alliance can help you plan your in-service professional development at no additional cost.

Report calls for cell phone ban in classrooms - Radio Sweden. Mobile phones should be banned from classrooms and students should receive reports on their conduct, according to a new report on how to make Swedish classrooms more orderly. The report, headed up by former teachers' association president Metta Fjelkner, stated that orderliness and discipline can be improved through a number of changes, Swedish Radio News reports. One measure is to ban cell phones during class time.

Nowadays, teachers can confiscate mobile phones if they somehow interfered with lessons but the proposed ban would let schools completely remove the devices during classes. The report also proposed reviews of student behavior in junior high and high schools. The reviews would not be the same as a conduct grade given to students at the end of a school term. Mobile phones in the classroom: teachers share their tips.

Jo Debens, geography teacher, Priory School, Portsmouth The geography department at my school has been leading the use of mobile device in learning. Throughout last year the mobile@priory charter was created and led by head of department David Rogers and co-constructed by students to enable them to use mobile devices in learning. This was trialled through the geography department and found great success with students becoming more actively engaged with their learning. Some of the examples of where we use mobile devices range from simply taking photos and videos to share in class or recording homework, to creating revision podcasts or animations.

The point often is student choice, encouraging independent learning and allowing students to choose what approach will suit them. On fieldwork, students can record images, video, sound, take notes, use GPS technology and mapping software to record information essential to their coursework. Carol Rainbow, retired ICT teacher/ICT adviser.

Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom? - Robert Earl - National. Mobile devices are ubiquitous in American high schools, and their use is harder to regulate than old-fashioned note passing. But here's why teachers should be paying closer attention. Two U.S. high school students compete in the LG Mobile Worldcup Texting Championship. According to a Pew study, American teenage girls send an average of 100 messages a day. (Reuters)