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Travesía por los estados de la palabra

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A Madrid tributo a Garcia Marquez 7000 parole stampate in 3d nella Casa del Lector | Stampare in 3D. Ultra-lab stampe 3D 7000 parole in omaggio all’autore colombiano Gabriel García Márquez Si dice che un’immagine vale più di mille parole, ci sono alcuni scrittori però che creano immagini senza soluzione di continuità. Scrittori che, attraverso le loro parole, possono scuotere non solo i fondamenti della letteratura stessa, ma anche la società, la politica e la filosofia. Come, guardando al XX secolo, con l’autore colombiano Gabriel García Márquez che è stato uno degli autori più influenti del secolo scorso. Con romanzi come Cent’anni di solitudine (1967) e L’amore ai tempi del colera (1985) è riuscito a toccare e ispirare le persone in tutto il mondo.

Gabriel García Márquez è diventato una sorta di padre della letteratura spagnola nel mondo. In vita ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti, ma ora ad una anno dalla sua morte una nuova mostra a Madrid lo celebra in modo veramente originale. Exposição sobre Gabriel Garcia Márquez usa impressão 3D. Um dos mais influentes escritores do século XX, autor de obras como Cem Anos de Solidão (1967) e Ninguém escreve ao Coronel (1961), Gabriel Garcia Marquez ganhou uma homenagem bem original.

A homenagem aconteceu em uma exposição em Madrid, por meio de uma colaboração da Embaixada da Colômbia na Espanha e a empresa multinacional espanhola Telefónica. A impressão ficou por conta da Ultra-lab e o design pela Think Big Factory. Sete mil palavras retiradas de seus livros foram impressas em concreto e montadas como um mar gigante da poesia. A exposição é chamada Travesía por los estados de la palabra e pode ser visitada na Casa del Lector, que é um instituto cultural em Madrid.

Foram necessárias 50 máquinas MarketBot para fazer essa impressão gigante, explicou Fred Muscinesi, da Ultra-lab ao site “Para fazer a parte de impressão 3D do projeto, Ultra-lab entrou em um modo de produção para garantir que as 7000 palavras foram impressas em 3D em 20 dias. Gostou do texto? Fonte: Ultra-lab 3D prints 7000 words as a tribute to Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. Feb. 27, 2015 | By Alec While people say a picture says more than a thousand words, there are some writers out there that can do more than pictures ever can.

Writers that, through their words, can shake not just the foundations of literature itself but also of society, politics and philosophy. And when looking back over the twentieth century, I’m sure few people will contradict me when saying that the Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez was the most influential author of the past hundred years.

With novels such as Over Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985) he has managed to touch and inspire people throughout the world. And while tremendously influential throughout the world, Gabriel García Márquez has become something of the father of literature in the Spanish-speaking world. "To make the 3D print part of the project, Ultra-lab went into a real manufacturing mode to ensure that the 7000 words were 3D printed in 20 days. 7,000 3D Printed Words Printed in Spain. L'oeuvre de l'écrivain Gabriel García Marquéz imprimée en 3D. Avec 50 imprimantes 3D et 7000 mots imprimés, l’Ambassade de Colombie en Espagne et l’entreprise Telefónica ont décidé de rendre hommage à l’écrivain et prix Nobel Gabriel García Márquez.

Intitulée « Travesía por los estados de la palabra » (Traversée dans les états du mot), l’installation propose aux visiteurs de parcourir l’univers de l’auteur en découvrant une mer d’idées, de concepts, d’images, de visions poétiques, où chaque mot a été imprimé en 3D et disposé au hasard pour un rendu visuel magique. Plus de 7000 mots ont été imprimés en 3D Cette immersion physique dans l’oeuvre de Gabriel García Márquez a été rendue possible par la startup espagnole Ultra-lab. Transformée en véritable fabrique, elle a imprimé les 7000 mots en moins de 20 jours et s’est chargée d’installer les 20 imprimantes 3D MakerBot Mini qui tournent en live sur le lieu de l’évènement.

Chaque mot de l’écrivain est généré au hasard avant d’être matérialisé en quelques minutes sur l’imprimante 3D. An Army of 3D Printers Immortalizes the Words of Gabriel García Márquez. Images via A 3D-printed sea of text, culled from the works of Colombian literary legend Gabriel García Márquez, emerges in interactive mixed-media installation Crossing The States of The Word. Working in unison, a team of artists man an army of 50 3D printers in order to reproduce over 7,000 words from the well-loved pages of the author’s short stories, poems, and novels.

Hinting at Márquez's own inclinations towards the unexpected, the artwork even extends beyond the physical world and into the realm of virtual reality. Behind the 3D word-sculptures, a video display from interactive website Los Estados de la Palabra allows users to travel into a CGI world of texts from the renowned author. Crossing The States of The Word forms part of the International Contemporary Art Fair (ARCO) in Madrid, and was initiated by the Colombian Embassy in Spain in conjunction with telecommunication company, Telefónica. Via 3DPrint Related: Urban Typography Transforms Texts into 3D Skylines. 7000 words 3D Printed Installation – Tribute Exhibition To Gabriel García Márquez. Ci sono scrittori che attraverso le loro parole possono scuotere non solo i fondamenti della letteratura, ma anche della società, la politica e la filosofia. Gabriel Garcìa Márquez può essere sicuramente annoverato tra questi, uno degli autori più influenti degli ultimi cento anni con romanzi quali Cent’anni di solitudine e L’amore ai tempi del colera, è riuscito a ispirare e toccare nel profondo le persone di tutto il mondo.

Morto un anno fa, è stato premiato e ricordato già in molti modi, ma questa mostra dal titolo “Travesía por los Estados de la palabra” (viaggio negli stati della parola) realizzata a Madrid nella Casa del Lector è forse la cosa più originale che sia stata realizzata in sua memoria. “To make the 3D print part of the project, Ultra-lab went into a real manufacturing mode to ensure that the 7000 words were 3D printed in 20 days. Travesía por la obra de Gabriel García Márquez impresa en 3D | Revista I3D. Con 50 impresoras 3D Mini Compact de Makerbot Industries y 7000 palabras impresas, la Embajada de Colombia y Telefónica homenajean al escritor Gabriel García Márquez en la Casa del lector de Matadero Madrid.

En el marco de esta instalación-dispositivo transmedia, Ultra-lab se ha encargado de la parte relativa a la impresión 3D. Travesía por los estados de la palabra es un punto de encuentro entre Colombia y España que intenta dar a conocer la lucha del escritor para sacar las palabras de sus “fierros normativos”. La instalación propone una traducción al mundo físico del proceso de creación: 50 impresoras 3D fabrican las palabras que constituyen un mar de ideas, de conceptos, imágenes, visiones poéticas, donde cada palabra se dispone de manera casual, más allá de la voluntad semántica del autor o de las reglas gramaticales. Los visitantes podrán adentrarse a una obra literaria a través de una instalación eminentemente concreta y sorprendente.

¡Si estás por Madrid no te lo puedes perder! Impresoras 3D para homenajear a García Márquez en Arco - Tek'n'life. Art Installation Celebrates Gabriel García Márquez with 50 3D Printers Making Over 7,000 Words. ARCO, the International Contemporary Art Fair, is being held in Madrid from February 25 to March 1, with one very exciting art installation as Spain celebrates Colombia as their guest country for this year’s fair.

And who better to celebrate than Gabriel García Márquez, best known affectionately as ‘Gabo’ throughout Latin America? The celebration of Gabriel García Márquez is fitting in its enormity as they celebrate the author, who was described after his death by Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos as “the greatest Colombian who ever lived.” The installation was initiated by the Colombian Embassy in Spain along with Telefónica, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, operating in Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. The installation, Crossing the States of the Word, is quite an operation in itself as the cultural link between Spain and Columbia, as it features 50 3D printers operating simultaneously printing over 7,000 of the famous author’s words.

Concrete words: a journey in 3D printed Gabriel García Márquez work #ArtTuesday. March 3, 2015 AT 1:00 am Thanks so much to Fred for sending in this really interesting installation. With 50 Mini Compact Makerbot Industries 3D printers and 7000 3D printed words, Colombia Embassy in Spain and Spanish company Telefónica celebrate the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. For the realization of the huge installation, Ultra-lab ( has been in charge of the 3D printing part.When the visitor enters the room where “Travesía por los estados de la palabra” (Journey in the states of the word) ( is installed, he is submerged in a physical metaphor of creation process: 50 3D printers are printing words, and a huge sea of words, made of 7000 printed words from the writer’s books, appears as a casual and poetical discourse.

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