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AlgPedia. BeeWare - The IDEs of Python. Screencasts de Programacion | con Carlos Ble. Episode archive. Facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in enterprise software development. Fresh links for developers.

Study. In the late 90's I realized the best way for me to learn something was to research how it works, write a tutorial for myself that covers the main concepts, and then post it online for me to reference when needed. This portion of the site is an archive of that content. Popular Information Security Not all SYN packets are created equal A look at how SYN packets created via raw sockets differ from those created with a call to the connect() syscall, and how this effects portscanning. A Firewall Primer A short firewall primer aimed at explaining the differences between different types of firewall technologies.

An nmap Primer A quick guide to some essential functionality within nmap. Development Networking Subnetting An alternative approach to subnetting.. ICMP Basics Most of what most need to know about ICMP.. Unix/Linux A Varnish Primer Has nothing to do with painting. The find Command A summary of some of the most useful options for find, including how to use it with xargs. Hexedit Miscellaneous URLs vs. jQuery Coding Standards and Best Practices. Resources. E-books | Resources. Vim is sexy. Emacs is sexy. Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools - Secrets. Fig | Fast, isolated development environments using Docker. Fast, isolated development environments using Docker. Define your app's environment with Docker so it can be reproduced anywhere: FROM orchardup/python:2.7 ADD .

/code WORKDIR /code RUN pip install -r requirements.txt Define the services that make up your app so they can be run together in an isolated environment: web: build: . command: python links: - db ports: - "8000:8000"db: image: orchardup/postgresql (No more installing Postgres on your laptop!) Then type fig up, and Fig will start and run your entire app: There are commands to: start, stop and rebuild servicesview the status of running servicestail running services' log outputrun a one-off command on a service Fig is a project from Orchard, a Docker hosting service. Let's get a basic Python web app running on Fig. First, install Docker and Fig. You'll want to make a directory for the project: $ mkdir figtest $ cd figtest We define our Python dependencies in a file called requirements.txt: This defines two services:

Single page apps in depth (new free book) Y si nada fuera real? Competitive Programming.