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Students - Guide to Technical Development - Google Careers. This guide provides tips and resources to help you develop your technical skills (academically and non-academically) through self-paced, hands-on learning. This guide is intended for Computer Science students seeking an internship or university grad role at Google. What this guide is for You can use this guide to determine which courses to take, but be sure stay on track with your courses required for your major to graduate.

We encourage you to learn more outside of this guide. The more you know, the better! Note: Following the recommendations in the guide does not guarantee a job at Google. How to use this guide The guide lists topics and resources in a rough progression, from possible places to begin if you have little or no technical skills, to resources for those with increasing skills, to ways to gain exposure in the Computer Sciences field. Recommendations and Resources. Management-Issues | News, advice, opinion & resources about the changing world of work. — Elegant Organization. Holacracy | Social Technology for Purposeful Organization. 6 Of The Best Pieces of Advice From Successful Writers. I’ve been reading some advice from successful writers lately and exploring what their routines are like to see what I can learn about Here are six of the most common pieces of advice I came across that have helped me a lot improving my writing here at Buffer. It also features actionable tips for you on how to implement them in your own writing. 1. The best ways to get over the “blank page hurdle” I write because it comes out — and then to get paid for it afterwards? I told somebody, at some time, that writing is like going to bed with a beautiful woman and afterwards she gets up, goes to her purse and gives me a handful of money. I’ll take it. — Charles Bukowski Unlike Charles Bukowski, writing well doesn’t come so easily for a lot of us (including me).

The pure effort of writing is hard enough, but coupled with the pain of putting your work out into the world and letting others judge it, this can be enough to stop you from getting started at all. (Great infographic from Copyblogger) 2. 3. Ideas para ser más productivos en la gestión del email. El correo electrónico sigue siendo una de las principales vías de comunicación que utilizan los usuarios; de hecho, para muchos profesionales es una de sus herramientas clave dentro de su jornada laboral. Si bien es cierto que el email es una herramienta fundamental, también es una de las más odiadas por los usuarios y puede llegar a provocar cierta ansiedad cuando no somos capaces de llegar a vaciar nuestra bandeja de entrada (inbox zero). Teóricamente, el email es un medio de comunicación asíncrona; es decir, el destinatario de un mensaje no tiene por qué contestar de manera instantánea.

Sin embargo, la dinámica del día a día nos ha llevado a una serie de malas prácticas que han convertido el email, casi, en un chat y esperamos respuestas instantáneas y sin demasiada demora. ¿Y existe otra manera de gestionar el email? No seas un esclavo del email Para empezar, creo que lo primer que tenemos que dejarnos claro es que tenemos que dejar de ser esclavos del correo electrónico.