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Do not get cheap with your SEO. This SEO Life. Weekly SEO Tip: What Not to do in Guest Blogging. Google’s mission is clear: Provide web searchers with the highest quality content possible. Achieving that goal continues to prove more difficult as marketers and SEOs try to game the system. In July 2013, Google quietly amended its Webmaster Tools link schemes document to outline new requirements for inbound link building. This revision took aim at two common practices being abused by web professionals: dishonest guest blogs and link building through press releases. In this week’s SEO Tip, we’ll focus on guest blogging dos and don’ts, and update you on the latest advice from Google’s Matt Cutts.

Within the July 2013 update, Google made it clear that guest blogs without any sort of quality standard would raise a red flag. In a recent Webmaster Help video, Cutts approached the topic once again, saying, “You can see the skepticism toward guest blogs growing each time we are asked to talk about this topic.” That’s not to say all guest blogs are bad. Google Reader - Rohan Ayyar's Blog. SEO Audit Checklist. The following is a high level checklist of issues that should be explored on a site. We will be drilling deeper into each part of this checklist in the weeks to come, providing examples and tips and suggestions for speeding up how these things are checked upon, and expanding upon the checklist itself as we go along.

We will also be shuffling around these issues to prioritize them, and indicate which things should be checked first, and so on. We will also try to include sources and documents about these different issues as well. If you have any suggestions, questions, or advice to add, please either let me know directly @chriscountey, or use the comments. Site Architecture Canonical URLs (Best Page Addresses) Robots.txt File - Correctly formatted - Includes all it should (including cart pages, email referral pages, login pages) - Includes link to XML sitemap or XML Sitemap Index Meta robots noindex/nofollow Category/Site Structure (URLS and Information Architecture) Choosing File Names JavaScript.

Google Disavow Links Tool - A Step by Step Guide from ionSearch. After months of speculation, Google’s ‘Distinguished Engineer’ Matt Cutts took the opportunity of his PubCon keynote talk in Las Vegas, Nevada yesterday to announce the release of Google’s latest weapon in their webspam arsenal, the Disavow Links tool. Something so hotly anticipated in the SEO community couldn’t possibly come without words of caution and Cutts warned SEOs and webmasters to proceed carefully and think before they start their experimentation with the tool, which he warns could do more harm than good in incautious hands. So what does it mean to disavow a link and why has the launch of this tool been followed and anticipated by so many?

The tool’s goal is to assist those who believe (or have been informed by Google themselves) that links of a poor quality, pointing to their domain, are having a negative effect on the site’s ability to rank and perform in the Google SERPs. Dis·a·vow tr.v. dis·a·vowed, dis·a·vow·ing, dis·a·vows Using the Disavow Links Tool In Conclusion. 41 Sites Which Openly Allow Guest Blogging. EmailEmail Guest blogging has gained in importance since Google increased the value of original content over time. Duplicate content went down in value, article directories went down, backlinks for the sake of backlinks went down. Useful, original content went up, and with it, the value of a guest blog post. It’s a win-win-win situation: The blog owner wins because it helps bring in fresh new content. The blogger wins because it’s a quality backlink as well as exposure to a new audience.

Write for the blog’s audience. That’s pretty much it. Here are 41 great blogs on a number of topics that invite accept guest posts. About the list: Each of the items in the list includes the name of the blog and a link to the page detailing guest post submission guidelines. I also include Google’s PageRank and the Alexa rating for the comparative power of the blog. Blogger Forums Business Copyblogger PR 6; Alexa 2,972 This powerful media company started as humble blog. Blogs about Blogging Technology Google+ 36380709461494167_ym14cFRa.jpg (PNG Image, 819×2680 pixels) An International SEO division is Born. An International SEO Division is Born We’re Bringing an International Search Flavor to Philly! The catalyst for launching International SEO is twofold.

First, we recently turned an existing client away for an international opportunity (we don’t believe in offering services where we don’t have DEEP expertise) because we didn’t have the right person. In the same way that SEER didn’t launch PPC or Analytics until we had the right PEOPLE, we waited, and waited, and waited. Last last summer while I was in Pamplona for Running of the Bulls I stopped in Madrid and met someone whom I had been following on twitter for a while, and thought wow, this person has a passion for SEO, and seems to just be an amazing person. I saw her willingness to help people in the community, her ability to stay focused an on point, and her delivering results and thought, wow, this person BLEEDS what SEER is all about.

So there you have it, Aleyda, get on a plane, we’ll see you on Monday at the searchchurch!! It’s all Bullshit, Bullshit everywhere. I’m starting to think all of those “SEO is bullshit” articles may actually have a point. Take a look at some of the headlines I saw being spewed across my twitter stream today by several well-known SEOs. Here they are, paraphrased based on the articles they linked to: SEO & Paid Search should be separate – by the CEO of a company who only does paid search Top 10 WordPress themes that I could find affiliate links for – by an affiliate marketer Mobile & Desktop websites should be different experiences – by the CEO of a company specializing in creating separate mobile websites.

Top 10 SEO agencies according to company who charges SEO agencies to be in their listings You can’t measure the ROI of social media – by company who can’t show positive ROI Every company needs to buy facebook ads – by president of company that does facebook advertising Sensing a pattern here? Ever wonder why SEO has such a bad reputation? Don’t believe me? We became unable to separate the marketing from the marketer. Keith Jason Bates on Listorious. Business 1.0 / OOPS… I tried to hire a 17 year old. I keep my eye on people who I would love to work with, so much so that I set up a column in my hootsuite, just to track their tweets.

I’m attracted to hustle, I can’t help it. So it was no surprise that one day I realized that I was constantly seeing someone posting great stuff about SEO, getting RT’s from some people I seriously respect in the industry, weeks and months go by and I continue to see great stuff from this person. So I added him to my hootsuite column to make sure I kept a closer eye on his work. I didn’t just want to keep an eye on his work, but I found myself learning from him. This was the second person in the industry whom I met that I was impressed with, whom I later found out was not even 18. After seeing enough posts, I was interested in dropping Jon a line - see what he was up to. Got a response back, he mentioned that he might be in Philly anyway since he was applying to a local college here. Yeah my jaw hit the ground. Then the smile on my face got HUGE. Top 500 Power*Trust Links. Top 500 Power*Trust Links.

What is LRT Power™ and LRT Trust™? What is LRT Power? Link Power and Link Trust to spot High Quality Backlinks The LRT Power metric evaluates the strength of a website based on the number of links and helps you quickly determine the strongest page, domain, or top domain. This is very comparable to what Google PageRank was until 2013. You see LRT Power for Root Domain, Sub Domain (Host) or Page level.

What is LRT Trust? Link Power and Link Trust to spot High Quality Backlinks The LRT Trust metric helps you evaluate the quality of a link by calculating the inheritance of trust from trusted sites. You see LRT Trust for Root Domain, Sub Domain (Host) or Page level. What about Google PageRank? Link Power and Link Trust to spot High Quality Backlinks Google Toolbar Pagerank is officially dead, as confirmed by Google. It was confirmed on Twitter and many SEO blogs reported about the removal of Google Pagerank from the toolbar around the world.

Are you one of them? What is LRT Power*Trust™? Examples: How to Grow a Targeted Twitter Following. If you’re like me, you might be a little wary of automated solutions that allow you to grow your Twitter list exponentially, but also have the potential of getting your account shut down. So instead, I thought I would share with you my simple strategy for slowly and steadily growing your Twitter followers. This isn’t about getting a huge number of just any Twitter followers, but a smaller concentration of Twitter followers that will be interested in your content. Tweet Links with Author’s Twitter Handle If you read and tweet blog posts a lot, chances are you are using the Tweet button on the post or an app like Buffer to schedule your tweets. But one thing you might be missing out on with either approach is adding the blog post author’s Twitter handle to your tweet.

The people who might notice your tweets, however, are the authors of those posts. There, you will find a link to their Twitter profile. Does this work all of the time? Follow People Who Tweet Your Posts Include Hashtags. Link Juice Explained. Link juice is the currency of Google. In other words, it's the secret sauce that allows you to beat your competitors for rankings in Google. Sure, there are some other factors that Google uses to calculate rankings (see Search Engine Optimization), but link juice is by far the most important aspect of dominating Google and in order to understand Google, you have to understand link juice. Google looks at how sites link to each other to figure out which ones are the best. To show this in a way that's understandable, let's show a few examples.

Google is going to take a look at links to determine which of these two sites is likely the best. Site A now looks better to Google and will outrank Site B. Now they both look the same to Google, who will now have to look at another ranking factor to determine which one is the best. Let's add two new sites into the mix to further illustrate different scenarios that can happen: Tienda Online Rentable “575″ height=”168″ /> zp8497586rq. The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing. Starting a business is exhilarating. Unfortunately, the “build it and they will come” theory doesn’t hold much weight and those overnight success stories you hear about are often the result of behind the scenes years of hard work. Simply put, startup marketing is a unique challenge often times because of the limited resources, whether it’s time, money or talent.

You have to be sure every effort, no matter how small, is well-planned and flawlessly executed. And to make it even more difficult, the traditional marketing strategies don’t always work. Startup marketing is a whole different science. So, starting from the beginning, here’s the complete Startup Marketing Manual. Foundation Before you start laying bricks, you need a solid foundation. 1. It’s easy for startup founders to believe the whole world will love their products. If you try to market your startup to everyone, you waste both time and money. How do you choose a market?

Market Size – Are you targeting a regional demographic? 2. 26 Tips for Using Pinterest for Business. Are you wondering how your business could use Pinterest? To say there’s been a lot of buzz about Pinterest in recent months would be putting it mildly! Pinterest’s ease of use for visually bookmarking, organizing and sharing things you love has made it a hit among individuals and businesses alike. What follows are 26 tips, an A-Z guide for creating a business presence on Pinterest. #1: Add a Pinterest “Follow” and/or “Pin It” Button One important way to let your clients and prospects know about your presence on Pinterest is to add a Pinterest button.

Pinterest has several choices available on their goodies page. Follow buttons are a great way to let users know you’re on Pinterest. . #2: Brands and Pinterest While Pinterest hasn’t yet created a distinction between a personal profile and brand page (like Facebook), early adopting brands are making good use of their Pinterest presences and the pins and boards they’re sharing. #3: Crowdsource Sharing the West Elm love on Pinterest. #5: Etiquette.

Google Ads and the War on Free Clicks. Advancing from SEO to CRO: Using AB Testing to Maximize Conversions. This entry is a guest post by Nick Eubanks, the VP of Digital Strategy at W.L. Snook and Associates, Inc. You can follow him on Twitter: @nick_eubanks. SEO moves fast. I realize this contradicts the fact that SEO is a marathon and not a sprint, however I’m not talking about the process or the results, but the industry… In a recent post by Matt Beswick he compares SEO to “trying to build a house in a fault zone,” and specifically that “by the time you have laid down the foundation, the gound underneath may have shifted.” I know often times SEO’s focus on the on-page factors before jumping into link building, but there is usually a lot of money conversion left on the table.

Even when you have maxed out your on-page optimization efforts, there is always room to improve the experience and the focus of your content to drive more conversions. Optimizing For Conversion I have always been a firm believer that the job of the SEO is to acquire targeted traffic to the right pages via search engines. Predatory Thinking and Robots – Brighton SEO September 2012. Friday 14th September kicked off another great BrightonSEO event which was just as full of antics and inspiring presentations as last April’s. Remote control cars, scooters and shooting NERF nail guns at cut outs of Justin Bieber! A big shout out to Kelvin, the sponsors, the speakers, attendees and everyone else involved in the event! Here is my recap of the best from the Brighton Dome.

Dave Trott @davetrott – Predatory Thinking In hindsight Dave kicked off with my personal favourite presentation of the day. . £18.3 Billion was spent last year in the UK on ads, with 89% not remembered, 4% remembered positively and 7% negatively. He breaks advertising down into 3 simple steps; impact, communication and persuasion and stresses the importance of impact. He gives a few examples of upstream thinking. Dave has his own book out entitled “Creative Mischief”, so check it out! Antony Mayfield of @brilliantnoise – Do You Speak Brand? Stephanie Troeth @sniffles – Speaking your User’s Language.

WordPress Google SEO Tips 2012. WordPress Google SEO Tips 2012 Branding Social Media: One of the big changes to hit 2012 will be the focus on branding. Make sure your business stands out from the crowd and has its own identity. At the very least, this relates to weeding out the duplicate content on your site, but more so it means working on your content to fit within your brand. The more unique you sound, the better this will be towards your own identity and hence you will stand out from your competitors. Google give stronger authority to brands, especially with their site links update, so be sure to work on this as well in 2012. Regular posting schedules: The more content you publish, the better chance Google will pick up on it and it also enables more crawling of your site.

Unique Content: Nothing new here, right? Add multimedia to your blogs: Now more than ever does Google want to see video and high quality images added to your content releases. Update Poor Content: Specifically, check for duplicate content. The Professional Guide to Link Building. Google's EMD Update: the numbers - HP Group Blog. The Hidden Cost Of Cheap SEO & Social Media Labor. Online Ads Hit New Record: $2.83 Billion a Month. Quality Link Building starts with questions. Google Now Shows You Your Most Recent Links. The 6 Month Link Building Plan for an Established Website. The Guide to Developing a Content Strategy for "Boring" Industries. A List of Link Building Lists. Identifying and Fixing Your Worst Landing Pages.

4 Ways to Stop Your Landing Pages from Being a Giant Fail. On Page Factors Correlation Data.