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The Language Archive

Weft QDA - a free, open-source tool for qualitative data analysis Weft QDA is (or was) an easy-to-use, free and open-source tool for the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, fieldnotes and other documents. An excerpt from my MSc dissertation explains the thinking behind the software in more detail. The software isn’t being maintained or updated, but the most recent version is available for interest. Import plain-text documents from text files or PDF Character-level coding using categories organised in a tree structure Retrieval of coded text and ‘coding-on’ Simple coding statistics Fast free-text search Combine coding and searches using boolean queries AND, OR, AND NOT ‘Code Review’ to evaluate coding patterns across multiple documents Export to HTML and CSV formats Using Weft QDA The currrent version is 1.0.1, which was released in April 2006. it is not for major projects like a PhD thesis. For Windows Weft QDA 1.0.1 was developed for Windows XP, but may work on newer versions. Weft QDA download [2.66MB - version 1.0.1 - 26/04/2006]

Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts Indexed in ISI - WoS (Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier), and ProQuest It is a pleasure to announce that the Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts was recently (July 2016) accepted for inclusion in a new index of the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection: the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal has also been accepted for indexing by Elsevier's Scopus, and for full-text archive on ProQuest (International Index to Music Periodicals)! The CITAR Journal is now part of a small amount of 18 national journals indexed in WoS (all the databases) and the only one of those, so far, in subject of Arts, Science & Technology. About Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (CITARJ) CITARJ is a peer-reviewed publication that results from a commitment of the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to promote knowledge, research and artworks in the field of the Arts. Each issue of CITARJ includes: Editor's notes;Four or more articles;One or more reviews.

Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software Definition[edit] CAQDAS is used in psychology, marketing research, ethnography, and other social sciences. The CAQDAS Networking project[1] lists the following tools. A CAQDAS program should have: Content searching toolsCoding toolsLinking toolsMapping or networking toolsQuery toolsWriting and annotation tools Free / open source software for CAQDAS[edit] Proprietary software for CAQDAS[edit] ATLAS.ti (Windows; Mac OS and iPad announced)f4analyse (Windows, Mac OS and Linux)HyperRESEARCH (Windows, Mac OS)MAXQDA (Windows; Mac OS)NVivo (Windows; Mac OS announced for 2014)QDA Miner (Windows)Qiqqa (Windows, Android)XSight (Windows)Coding Analysis Toolkit (CAT)Saturate Web-Based CAQDAS software[edit] Pros and cons[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ "CAQDAS". External links[edit]

Open Access Music Journals | U-M Library Act: Zeitschrift für Musik & Performancepublisher: Universität Bayreuthlanguage: German and Englishstart year: 2010frequency: annualpeer-reviewed?: yesabout: "provides a platform for essays, reviews and columns at the intersections of the musicology, theater studies, dance studies and media studies disciplines." Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Educationpublisher: MayDay Grouplanguage: Englishstart year: 2002frequency: semiannual/triannualpeer-reviewed? Anuario Musicalpublisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificaslanguage: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalanstart year: 2001frequency: annualpeer-reviewed? Approaches: Music Therapy & Special Music Educationpublisher: Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teacherslanguage: Greek and Englishstart year: 2009frequency: semiannualpeer-reviewed? British Postgraduate Musicologypublisher: British Postgraduate Musicologylanguage: Englishstart year: 1997frequency: annualpeer-reviewed? G.E.M.S.

[Coding Analysis Toolkit] Home Page List of Open-Access Music Journals | Notes on a Page Freely accessible scholarship (and occasionally journalism) on music. Please contact me if you have any suggestions or corrections, or to let me know if the links are not working. Note that all journals are in English unless otherwise noted in square brackets [ ]. If a journal is multiple languages, English is always listed last. Contemporary Music (4 titles) Ex tempore (articles from back issues only) International Journal of Contemporary Composition Journal of Experimental Music Studies Search: Journal for New Music and Culture Ethnomusicology, Local, and Popular Musics (16 titles) American Music Review American Rhythm Music Magazine Canadian Folk Music Bulletin/ Bulletin de musique folklorique [French, English] Canadian Journal for Traditional Music Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Music Dance Culture Ethnomusicology Online Ethnomusicology Review (prev. Ethnomusicology Translations IASPM@Journal Inbhear: Journal of Irish Music and Dance Journal of the Vernacular Music Center Samples [German] JazzUSA

REVISTA PIXEL-BIT.NÚMERO 15. JUNIO 2000 Francisco Rodríguez Mondejar Universidad de Murcia Este artículo es un resumen de algunos de los principales aspectos desarrollados e investigados en la tesis doctoral dedicada al estudio de las actitudes del profesorado hacia la informática en los centros de Primaria con Proyecto Atenea de la Región de Murcia. This paper is an abstract of the main aspects developed and researched in the doctoral thesis about the teachers’ attitudes towards the computer science in Primary schools working with Proyecto Atenea in Murcia. Descriptores: Informática, Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Actitudes hacia los Medios, Educación, Recursos y Medios, Ordenadores. 1. El caso de la introducción de la informática en los centros no es una excepción, como tampoco lo es la necesidad de conocer las demandas de los profesores y las direcciones de actuación más adecuadas, así como comprender qué creencias y actitudes poseen frente a este fenómeno innovador. 2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. Figura 3. Tabla 1. 4.

Find - Directory of Open Access Repositories Search or Browse for Repositories <intR>²Dok "Ergani - Historical Archive of Aegean" Repository 4TU.Centre for Research Data AAB College repository Aaltodoc Publication Archive ABACUS. Aberdeen University Research Archive (AURA) Abertay Research Collections CADAIR (Aberystwyth University Repository) ABU Zaria Research Publications Academic Digital Library (Akademickiej Bibliotece Cyfrowej) (ABC - KRAKÓW) Academic Research Repository at the Burgas Free University (Научен портал на Бургаския свободен университет) ARRChNU (Academic Research Repository at the ChNU) Academic Research Repository at the Institute of Developing Economies (ARRIDE) Academica-e ARCA - IGC (Access to Research and Communications Annals) ARAN (Access to Research at National University of Ireland, Galway) ARRT (Access to Research Resources for Teachers) ACEReSearch Acervo Digital da Unesp

A Contratiempo | Sonidos y sentidos: Entrevista con Steven Feld Sonidos y sentidos: Entrevista con Steven FeldRita de Cácia Oenning da Silva 1Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina Aunque para cualquier etnomusicólogo Steven Feld no requiere presentación, la presente entrevista titulada Sonidos y Sentidos, que apareció recientemente en la Revista de antropología de la Universidad de Sao Paulo 2, abre con una introducción de su realizadora, Rita de Cácia, en la que da buena cuenta de lo interesante y valioso del entrevistado y de la entrevista misma. Enfatiza también Feld en la importancia de publicar en formatos alternativos al texto: Cds, Dvds, para ver y escuchar, y se esfuerza por argumentar la importancia de realizar antropología no solo del sonido sino a través del sonido, pero a la vez reconoce las dificultades del aval académico con que aún cuentan estos formatos y medios de divulgación del conocimiento. De paso, por si fuera poco, nos ilustra sobre su vida, su postura ante la investigación, y su proyecto editorial de libros, discos y videos.

SONIC IDEAS Bienvenidos Ideas Sónicas / Sonic Ideas es uno de los frutos del CMMAS y al mismo tiempo es el primero de una serie de proyectos orientados a la investigación y difusión de todos los aspectos relacionados con la música, las artes sonoras y la tecnología. Esta publicación está dirigida a un amplio grupo de lectores, incluyendo investigadores, artistas, músicos, compositores, intérpretes y musicólogos. El objetivo principal de esta revista semestral, es estimular, generar y difundir información sobre las actividades y los desarrollos en el área, promoviendo la interacción entre compositores, intérpretes, investigadores y escuchas anglo e hispanoparlantes. Abierta a todos los puntos de vista estéticos dentro y fuera del ámbito académico, esta publicación pretende difundir nuevas y desafiantes perspectivas para aproximarse a la tecnología, explorar la influencia de ésta en la música y en las artes sonoras y promover la investigación seria y el debate sobre estos temas. Welcome

Deep Web Search Engines | Deep Web Search - A How-To Site Where to start a deep web search is easy. You hit and when you brick wall it, you go to which is the academic database of Google. After you brick wall there, your true deep web search begins. You need to know something about your topic in order to choose the next tool. To all the 35F and 35G’s out there at Fort Huachuca and elsewhere, you will find some useful links here to hone in on your AO. If you find a bad link, Comment the link below. Last updated July 12, 2016 – updated reverse image lookup. Multi Search engines – (broken as of Sept 2016, hopefully not dead) This is my favorite search engine. Surfwax – They have a 2011 interface for rss and a 2009 interface I think is better. – You can filter the search by domain extension, or by topic which is quite neat. Cluster Analysis Engine TouchGraph – A brilliant clustering tool that shows you relationships in your search results using a damn spiffy visualization. General Videos
