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Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature

Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature
Related:  Restoring Deserts

Inspire Institut, réconcilier développement économique et biosphère. | Réconcilier développement économique et biosphère Using Agroforestry to Restore Brazil's Paraíba Valley to Glory “I want 40,000 hectares of forest to be restored in Paraíba Valley,” said Patrick Assumpção, a farmer, tree grower and agroforester from Brazil. He is doing his part, working with the local community to plant native trees on degraded land in order to grow high-quality food and build a strong rural economy. “I want to spread what we’re doing here, introduce new plants and fruits to farmers and consumers. If I can eat well, I’d like others to as well.” The Nova Coruputuba farm in São Paulo State, Brazil, seen in a drone aerial image. (Photo: Asteroide) Patrick is at the helm of Fazenda Nova Coruputuba, a farm of about 200 hectares in Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo. But few signs of the farm’s golden age remain today. Cicero da Silva Prado, Patrick’s great grandfather, founded the farm, in 1911. Patrick visits empty buildings in the town, where more than 5,000 people once lived. But even with all that economic prosperity, no one invested in improving the soil. Patrick has always planted trees.

Einführung in PD² - "Psychodynamisches Prozessdesign" - Psychodynamisches Prozessdesign Einführung in ,,Psychodynamisches Prozessdesign"Version 2.0, © Guido Stepken, Juli 2006,,Menschenführung" ist keine Glückssache, sondern hat mit einemtiefen Verständnis der typisch menschlich / psychologischenEigenschaften zu tun, die fast allen bekannt sind, nur - leiderfunktionieren die Dynamiken in Gruppen nach völlig anderen Prinzipien,nämlich nach ,,psychodynamischen Prinzipien", z.B. dem ,,PrinzipAgonalität" (,,agone" = griech. ,,Wettstreit",,,Rivalität"), welches aus dem Futterneid archaisch bei uns noch inden Genen steckt.Beherrscht eine Führungskraft dieses Prozessdesign, so herrschtFrieden im Team, tut sie es jedoch nicht, so kann die Stimmung im Teamumkippen, oft artet es in Mobbing aus.Die ,,Beherrschung" und Steuerung dieser psychodynamischen Prozesseist also Grundvoraussetzung für eine gesunde Unternehmenskultur, einemUnternehmen, welches sich wie ein Organismus in seiner Komplexität andie Komplexität der immer schwieriger werdenden wirtschaftlichenVerhältnisse anpasst.

Le biomimétisme ou l'art de l’innovation durable Cette approche a été définie en 1997 par la biologiste américaine Janine M. Benyus dans son ouvrage Biomimicry, sous-titré Innovation Inspired by Nature. Ce livre pionnier, rapidement popularisé aux Etats-Unis, n’a été traduit en France qu’en 2011, sous le titre Biomimétisme, quand la nature inspire des innovations durables. Avant cela, la théorie a fait quelques émules en Europe, au point de donner à naissance en 2006 à Biomimicry Europa. Les conditions du vivant Gauthier Chapelle est l’un des principaux fondateurs de Biomimicry Europa. Pour anticiper cette élimination, les tenants du biomimétisme ne se réfèrent qu’à un seul expert : la nature elle-même, la seule entité terrestre capable de maîtriser sa propre durabilité. Comment se définit le biomimétisme ? En s’inscrivant ainsi dans la durée, le biomimétisme repose sur nouvelle estimation de la valeur nature, ou plus précisément il renoue avec une estimation préindustrielle de la nature. Une vision préindustrielle ?

Futuro da humanidade depende das árvores, a “verdadeira fábrica do solo” | Entrevista Há mais de 40 anos, Jean-Philippe Beau-Douëzy, ecologista e engenheiro consultor na área do ambiente, iniciou-se naquela que viria a ser a sua luta pela conservação da natureza. Hoje, quer continuar a plantar árvores nativas porque diz serem o futuro da humanidade. Há 11 anos que trabalha na Fundação Yves Rocher, em França, onde é administrador do programa Plant for the Planet que consiste na plantação de 100 milhões de árvores em vários continentes com o objectivo de combater a erosão do solo, a perda de biodiversidade e recursos hídricos e para ajudar a agricultura local. Jean-Philippe Beau-Douëzy, que esteve recentemente no Porto, já percorreu vários pontos do planeta. Que questões se discutiam em 1978 e que ligação têm hoje com as preocupações sobre a sustentabilidade e a eficiência das cidades? Interessante que a conversa é a mesma. Como se aplica a todo o planeta uma política capaz de gerir e conservar o ambiente? A questão não é política, a questão são as pessoas.

Real World System Dynamics 10 Amazing Scientific Advances That Came From Copying Nature It’s not difficult to deduce that airplanes are based on birds — some of the better pilots in the animal kingdom. After 3.8 billion years and a lot of trial and error, animals have become astoundingly good at a variety of tasks (humans still take the cake in the “watching stuff and getting fat category”). As a result, the field of Biomimicry has ballooned in recent years as scientists and companies are discovering new and interesting ways to steal Nature’s intellectual property. Bullet-Proof Skin Image Source Probably since elementary school you’ve heard stories of the magical properties of spider silk. Chimps, the Oldest Pharmacists Image Source Chimpanzees have evolved to seek out therapeutic cures found naturally in their environment. Unfortunately, this only works for chimpanzees, as something delicious to a house cat (like its own vomit) might be toxic (or just disgusting and pointless) for humans to consume. Termites are Amazing Architects Image Source Solar Cells Based on Leaves

How to make a mini forest with Miyawaki method Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, that helps build dense, native forests. The approach is supposed to ensure that plant growth is 10 times faster and the resulting plantation is 30 times denser than usual. It involves planting dozens of native species in the same area, and becomes maintenance-free after the first three years. This article shares the basic steps to create such forests in small urban spaces, as small as 30 square feet. This guide is an abridged version of the DIY guide shared by Afforest, a service provider for creating natural, wild, maintenance-free, native forests. For a more detailed guide, you can check their detailed handbook. Step 1: Determine the soil texture and quantify biomass Soil texture helps determine water holding capacity, water infiltration, root perforation capacity, nutrient retention and erodibility. What to add to the soil Perforator materials help to improve perforation and allow roots to grow quickly.

From Hooverville to Hiroshima
