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Teach English

Teach English
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Interactive Video Learning 15 warmers and fillers for true/false tasks (for children & adults) Reading and listening texts with True/False tasks are one of the easiest ways to get students involved in a reception skills lesson as the students can often try to guess whether the statements in the book are true or false before and then read or listen to the text to check. This both makes it […] Reading and listening texts with True/False tasks are one of the easiest ways to get students involved in a reception skills lesson as the students can often try to guess whether the statements in the book are true or false before and then read or listen to the text to check. This both makes it easier for them to understand the text because they have thought about the same topic for a while and seen some of the vocabulary in the True/False statements, and makes them more interested in hearing the text to check their own ideas. Before getting to the stage of looking at the True/False statements and guessing, however, students will still need some warming up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips List of Interactive Quizzes The quizzes with a magenta marble are also listed within the section or digital handout to which they apply. The twenty-one quizzes with a green marble and designated "Practice" have been adapted from the instructor's manual and other ancillary materials accompanying Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide. The seventeen quizzes with a gold marble were written by the English faculty at an estimable midwestern university and are used here with the permission of that department. The ten quizzes with a red marble were prepared by students in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University. Clicking on the NUMBER immediately before the quiz's name will take you to the section of the Guide pertaining to the grammatical issue(s) addressed in that quiz. Clicking on the Guide's logo at the top of a quiz-page will bring you back to this page.

TikaTok - Classroom Book Publishing Mrs. Baia's Classroom: ESL Games - Sentence and Dialogue Structure : Speaking, Reading and Writing. We are learning the word "want" and revising activities and verbs in my current grade 5 unit "What do you want to do?" Most of the vocabulary is already known but the word want and sentence structure is a little shaky. So I thought a few sentence structure games would be an appropriate part 2 of the unit. Also, I noticed that in the Korean English exams they usually have a question that requires students to order a sentence or dialogue, so this is some good exam prep. These are simple to prepare but a bit of time required. After typing these up I printed and cut the question and answers into individual words and then pinned a question & answer pair together. Here's an example of one of the dialogues: Download here So we played the same style game, giving points to the groups who could do it the fastest, correctly. Lastly, I wrote another jumbled dialogue on the board and got them to write the dialogue in the correct order in their notebooks. Happy Teaching!

Language Learning Experts' Favourite Strategies in 2016 Language experts reveal their top language learning strategies in 2016 I can’t believe there are only a couple of days left of 2016! It’s been an interesting year in many different ways and I’m sure you guys have made a lot of progress in at least one area of your language learning. What’s a better way to celebrate the transition to 2017 than to gather advice from some of the most interesting language learners and bloggers out there. Agnieszka Murdoch, 5-Minute Language “That’s me! Mnemonics is a technique that involves comparing written signs to objects or even scenes. You can use this method to memorise meaning as well as pronunciation. Through using mnemonics, you create logical connections in your brain and the words you learn are less likely to disappear from your memory.” Make a good start in 2017 by downloading your free Learn Languages Like a Pro starter guide. Anthony Metivier, Magnetic Memory Method Angel Prétot, French Lover Agnieszka: Angel definitely has a good point there!

ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL A is for Apple In many parts of the United States apples are a sign of Fall. We go apple picking and drink fresh apple cider. We eat apple pie and apple dumplings. Apples provide a means to combine English language learning with content area instruction. Even your newcomers can participate in the "hands-on" parts of this lesson. Lesson Topic Apple Theme Unit Grade/Proficiency Level Grades 1-3 beginning to intermediate ESL; Grades 3-8 beginning-advanced beginning ESL TESOL Goal and Standard Goal 2, Standard 2 - To use English to achieve academically in all content areas: Students will be able to use English to obtain, process, contruct, and provide subject matter information in spoken and written form. Goal 3, Standard 1 - To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways: Students will use the appropriate language variety, register, and genre according to audience, purpose, and setting. Content Concepts/Skills Materials Vocabulary Instructional Sequence Activities for ESL Students in Grades 3-8

Teaching Grammar through listening (English-as-a-foreign-language version) 1. Introduction In all of my posts on grammar instruction I have made the very important point that for grammar to be fully acquired it must be practised extensively through all four skills. However, this is not what usually happens, grammar practice occurring in most language classrooms predominantly through the written medium. Of the four language skills, the one that is always neglected in grammar instruction is definitely Listening. The parsing phase is the stage in the comprehension of aural input in which the listener recognizes a grammar pattern in a string of words and fits it to the surrounding linguistic context. In this post I intend to show how grammar can be modelled and practised aurally through highly impactful L.A.M. 2.L.A.M. grammar activities 2.1 Sentence puzzles Sentence puzzles like the one in Figure 1 below are a very effective way to teach grammar and syntax through listening. 2.2 Sentence builders 2.3 Sorting tasks 2.4 Listening hunts 2.5 Interlingual comparisons 2.6.

ESL Resources for Teachers: Printable Worksheets, Games, Lesson Plans, and More!
