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40 Movies about photography every photographer should watch

40 Movies about photography every photographer should watch
Film making and photography go hand-in-hand. In film making, the art of cinematography is lost with photography. The skill to present moving images in such postcard-like material is in itself a direct descendant of the art of still-photography. If a photographer truly wants to improve his or her craft, they need to study how filmmakers and cinematographers captures moving images on the screen. Just as important is for still photographers to watch films that depict he art of photography through Hollywood’s eye and also visit the stories of celebrated photographers through documentaries. Here are 40 notable movies about photography every photographer should watch… in no particular order. 40 Movies About Photography – 1. A dark thriller featuring an inspired Robin Williams playing a Walmart one-hour photo clerk who ended up stalking a family whose pictures he regularly takes and develops. 2. An independent art house film that is brooding, melancholy and beautifully shot. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Related:  Check This!Fototechnika

The Photography Show and Magnum Photos Present "30 under 30" Magnum Photos and The Photography Show are inviting IdeasTap members to enter an exciting competition to identify 30 of the best emerging documentary photographers aged 18-30 internationally. This competition will recognise and provide exposure for new photographic talent. The competition prizes will have an emphasis on career development, networking with industry contacts and maximizing on opportunities. Competition winners will participate in an exclusive 30 under 30 portfolio review event at The Photography Show, where they will receive critiques from top industry professionals from the editorial, publishing, museum, advertising, and gallery sectors. The 30 winning photographers’ work will be included in an exhibition featured at The Photography Show, alongside an official award ceremony hosted by Magnum Photos. In addition, the 30 winning photographers will automatically be nominated for three People’s Choice Awards, voted for on social media. Terms and conditions Photo: Javad Parsa

Quantuum R + Dual power 600Ws – Veľa muziky za málo penazí? | em Ak ste šťastným majiteľom malých bleskov, určite ste rozmýšľali nad kúpou záblesku, alebo časom určite budete. Predstavte si že foťíte vonku na slnku a nedokážete prebiť slnko so systémovým beskom lebo je slabý, začnete preto sledovať internet, hľadať nejaký záblesk, ktorý dokáže prebiť slnko . Zistíte že ich cena sa pohybuje od 1000 eur. Špecifikácia: Pilotná žiarovka: 150W / E27 Bajonet: BOWENS Výkon: 600Ws celú špecifikáciu nájdete tu ! Vyhotovenie: Záblesk Záblesk u má mohutné kovové telo, ktoré ukončí plastový prechod, kde nájdeme ovládacie prepínače, ktoré nám umožnia zapnúť fotobunku, signalizáciu nabitia a nastaviť modelovacie svetlo do 3 polôh. Na spodnej časti nájdeme konektor na pripojenie batérie. Battery pack Battery pack dostanete v taštičke, ktorá sa dá zavesiť na rameno alebo na stojan. Vrchný panel je veľmi jednoduchý : prepínač na zapnutie/vypnutie/nabíjanie z auta, jeden konektor na blesk, pod ním konektor na auto-nabíjačku a konektor na nabíjanie zo siete. Záver:

Bint photoBooks on INTernet August 2013 1. Abelardo Morell 2. Alexander Gardner 3. Alexander Rodchenko 4. 6 ideas from creative thinkers to shake up your work routine Every seven years, designer Stefan Sagmeister (TED Talk: The power of time off) closes his New York design studio for a year-long sabbatical. During each sabbatical, he pursues “little experiments, things that are always difficult to accomplish during the regular working year.” The effect on Sagmeister’s studio has been profound. “Basically everything we’ve done in the seven years following the first sabbatical came out of the thinking of that one single year,” he says. Don’t think you can take a year-long sabbatical? Keep to a schedule. Willa Cather wrote for three hours a day. Go for a walk. Artist and author Maira Kalman (TED Talk: The illustrated woman) regularly takes breaks from the studio to go walking. Seek inspiration. Creative minds need to refuel to stay sharp. Stop while you’re ahead. Novelist Henry Miller wrote until noon, then spent the afternoon recuperating and rejuvenating. Take a mini-sabbatical. Don’t think you can take time off?

Buy Yongnuo YN-622C Wireless E-TTL Flash Trigger Transmitter + Receiver Set for Canon EOS DSLR - Black Photography Books and Museum Catalogues at ARTBOOK | D.A.P. New Photography Titles Shipping This Week Gregory Crewdson: Cathedral of the Pines Clth, 15.5 x 12 in. / 76 pgs / 31 color. | 3/22/2016 | In stockISBN 9781597113502 | $80.00 There Was Always a Place to Crash Hbk, 11.25 x 10.25 in. / 72 pgs / 79 bw. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9780989381116 | $29.95 Xavier Miserachs: Barcelona Hbk, 7.5 x 11.5 in. / 144 pgs / 84 color. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9788416282333 | $39.95 Edmund Clark and Crofton Black: Negative Publicity Spiralbound, 8.5 x 11.5 in. / 288 pgs / 35 color. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9781597113519 | $75.00 Kazuma Obara: Silent Histories Clth, 7 x 10 in. / 162 pgs / 217 color. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9788416282302 | $65.00 Jo Ractliffe: The Borderlands Hbk, 9 x 12 in. / 189 pgs / 93 color. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9788416282067 | $65.00 Janire Nájera: Moving Forward, Looking Back Hbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 89 color. | 2/23/2016 | In stockISBN 9788416282197 | $30.00 Carlos Rivera Segovia & Pablo Ortíz Monasterio: 2 Tiempos

Full Moon Silhouettes – | visual effects > photography > videography Full Moon Silhouettes is something that I’ve been wanting to capture for a over a year now. The video is a real time capture of the moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in the capital city of Wellington, New Zealand. On the evening of the 28th January 2013, after a lot of planning and many failed attempts, I finally managed to pull it off. There were numerous factors I had to consider and get right to capture the footage. The weather, moon phases and finding a suitable location where I could actually get the moon rising directly over the lookout. Finally it all came together – I found the perfect location, and the weather in Wellington was amazing! Technically, getting the shot was quite difficult. This image was taken almost a month after I originally shot Full Moon Silhouettes. Music – I’ve also had a lot of comment on the music I’ve used. So is it real? So how is the moon so big and people so small? Hang on a minute…the moon is upside down and rising in the wrong direction?

31 Photographs That Will Show You The Future of Photography How does a photographer get ahead in a world of images? More specifically, how do young photographers “make it” amid all the chaos? One way is through Foam, an important center of photography in Amsterdam that has been giving out annual awards for young talent over the past seven years. This year, from a pool of 1,473 candidates across 71 countries, 21 artists have been selected. For the winners, it’s an invaluable opportunity for professional growth. Foam’s goal is not only to make these promising artists known to the world but also to reflect on how photography in general is changing. Some examples? Behold, 31 photographs that will show you the future of photography. Otto Kaan This post originally appeared on The Huffington Post Italy and was translated into English.

Testování rádiového odpalovače Yongnuo YN-622C s podporou TTL a HSS | Fototipy Před několika dny jsem dostal na od přátel k narozeninám dálkový odpalovač pro externí blesky. Už delší dobu jsem toužil po takovém odpalovači, který bude podporovat jak režim TTL, tak i vysokorychlostní synchronizaci, neboli HSS (tedy focení s časem kratším než 1/250s). To se pomocí interního blesku v mém Canonu 60D bohužel nedalo. Jenže asi nejlevnější takový odpalovač, který lze sehnat u nás je Pixel King s cenou aktuálně začínající na 2249Kč. Rádiový odpalovač s děsným názvem Yongnuo YN-622C ovšem vypadá jako taková kopie Pixel Kingu (dost možná jde o stejné zařízení, jen v jiném obalu). Zatím jsem s nim nafotil jednu sérii portrétů, celkem přes 370 fotek a zatím to vypadá, že funguje velmi dobře. Odpalovač Yongnuo byl zakoupen na za cenu 86,1$, tedy v přepočtu něco přes 1700Kč. Líbil se článek?

Expositions photo : les meilleures adresses de Paris Qu'il semble loin le temps où Paris se targuait d'être la plaque tournante du monde de l'art. Dépassée par New York, Londres ou Berlin, la Ville Lumière rame désormais cahin-caha pour rester à la pointe de l'art contemporain, paraît-il, tant la concurrence est rude côté peinture, sculpture, vidéo, street art... Exception faite de la photo. La capitale française, qui a vu naître le huitième art au XIXe siècle, demeure à bien des égards le centre névralgique de la création photographique : les musées déroulent les tapis rouges pour les maîtres de l'argentique, les galeries s'arrachent les talents émergents, le public se précipite aux portes des expos et Paris Photo, salon incontournable du mois de novembre, connaît un succès international grandissant. C'est d'ailleurs souvent ici que finissent par échouer les photographes contemporains des quatre coins du monde, en mal de reconnaissance.

Mastering the Art of Black and White Photography In the early days of photography, photographers had no choice but to shoot in black and white, as it was the only available medium. Then, in 1936, the invention of kodachrome gave colour photography to the world. But black and white photography didn't die off, instead it flourished. Modern black and white photography at it's best is art, and many photographers regard it as the purest form of photography. So why does black and white photography command such acclaim? Another reason is that color photography, much of it mediocre, is so abundant that black and white makes a refreshing change. From an artistic viewpoint; color depicts reality. 1. The key to successful black and white photography is learning to see the world in monochrome. The successful black and photographer recognizes this, and searches out subject matter that looks better in black and white. As you're evaluating your subject, try and imagine how it will look in black and white. 2. 3. We're used to seeing in colour. 4. 5.

Photo Contest, Photography Contests & Competitions 2014
