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Six degrees of separation

Six degrees of separation
Six degrees of separation. Early conceptions[edit] Shrinking world[edit] Theories on optimal design of cities, city traffic flows, neighborhoods and demographics were in vogue after World War I. As a result of this hypothesis, Karinthy's characters believed that any two individuals could be connected through at most five acquaintances. A fascinating game grew out of this discussion. This idea both directly and indirectly influenced a great deal of early thought on social networks. Small world[edit] Michael Gurevich conducted seminal work in his empirical study of the structure of social networks in his 1961 Massachusetts Institute of Technology PhD dissertation under Ithiel de Sola Pool.[4] Mathematician Manfred Kochen, an Austrian who had been involved in urban design, extrapolated these empirical results in a mathematical manuscript, Contacts and Influences,[5] concluding that in a U.S. Continued research: Small World Project[edit] Research[edit] Computer networks[edit] Find Satoshi[edit] Related:  `test 1022Relatively

Networking In 2009 many people found out just how harsh our economy can be when millions lost their job and had to try to pay their rent/mortgage and bills through unemployment benefits. People try to get employment assistance but some find out that they ridiculously make too much on their unemployment to be eligible for government help. It is a whirl-wind effect and we are all caught up in the slow recovery of the greatest recession since the great depression seventy years ago. Working online has become the best option for many people who are having a hard time finding an outside job. A large percentage of people have found their talent in writing, if there is no talent they have the ability to at least write an article and make it sound convincing and this is how many people earn their income online. E-books are more popular than they have ever been since most people have a multimedia plug and play device such as an Ipod that they can download e-books to or even to look up online articles.

W. Bradford Paley: Map of science image in the journal Nature Update: This has now been published in many more places: the original Nature article, Discover Magazine, SEED, Geo, the Eastern European Edition and India, Brazil, etc., and more books and papers. Since the image has proven to be popular (we still get print & publication requests, four lears later!), I decided to rework the existing image layers, modifying only the graphical representation—no structure—to see whether I could improve the information layering and remedy some of the faults I outline at the bottom of this page. I was surprised at how much clearer it could be made. Fewer distracting lines: nodes are now a single visual element rather than an outline and a central dot. What follows is the original posting. The journal Nature chose an image that spatially lays out different areas of science in a plane. Research and node layout by Kevin Boyack and Dick Klavans; data from Thompson ISI; graphics & typography by W. Pictorial/communicative inspirations: Current Strengths:

Platonischer Körper Die Platonischen Körper sind konvex. In jeder Ecke des Körpers treffen jeweils gleich viele gleich lange Kanten zusammen, an jeder Kante treffen sich zwei kongruente Flächen, und jede Fläche hat gleich viele Ecken. Es ist also nicht möglich, irgendwelche zwei Ecken, Kanten und Flächen aufgrund von Beziehungen zu anderen Punkten des Polyeders voneinander zu unterscheiden. Verzichtet man auf die Ununterscheidbarkeit der Flächen und Kanten, spricht man von archimedischen Körpern. Alternative Definitionen[Bearbeiten] Man betrachte die Symmetrieabbildungen, welche einen Polyeder mittels Drehungen, Spiegelungen und Translationen auf sich selbst abbilden. Grundlegende Eigenschaften[Bearbeiten] Platonische Körper haben folgende Eigenschaften:[3] Typen[Bearbeiten] Anzahl[Bearbeiten] Für jede Polyederecke ist die Summe der Innenwinkel aller angrenzenden Flächen kleiner als 360°. Damit ist bewiesen, dass es nicht mehr als fünf Platonische Körper geben kann. Dualität[Bearbeiten] Symmetrie[Bearbeiten] und .

SiaStream – Du stockage décentralisé et pas cher pour votre Plex, Kodi…etc Vous connaissez la blockchain Sia qui permet de faire du stockage de fichiers à petit prix ou d’être rémunéré pour stocker les fichiers des autres. Évidemment, tout est décentralisé et Sia commence à se garnir d’un joli écosystème d’outils. L’un de ces outils c’est SiaStream qui se comporte un peu comme un serveur NAS dans lequel vous allez pouvoir stocker l’ensemble de vos fichiers multimédias, sans subir de censure ni de problèmes de stockage, car ces fichiers seront distribués au travers du réseau Sia. Ensuite pour accéder à votre bibliothèque, il vous suffira de monter le dossier SiaStream à l’aide de FUSE, directement depuis votre Plex, Kodi ou tout autre logiciel media center. Évidemment, cela à un coût, car vous devrez rémunérer avec des SiaCoin les pairs qui stockent des bouts de vos fichiers de manière redondante à travers le globe, mais on reste sur un tarif hyper compétitif face à des géants traditionnels du stockage comme Amazon S3 ou Google Cloud.

Forty Portraits in Forty Years Text by SUSAN MINOT Nicholas Nixon was visiting his wife’s family when, “on a whim,” he said, he asked her and her three sisters if he could take their picture. It was summer 1975, and a black-and-white photograph of four young women — elbows casually attenuated, in summer shirts and pants, standing pale and luminous against a velvety background of trees and lawn — was the result. Who are these sisters? Whenever a woman is photographed, the issue of her vanity is inevitably raised, but Nixon has finessed this with his choice of natural light, casual manner and unfussy preparation. Throughout this series, we watch these women age, undergoing life’s most humbling experience. It is the endurance of sisterhood in particular. The deepening of the sisters’ relationships extends to the one with Nixon. As we come to the last pictures, we feel the final inevitability that, as Nixon says, “Everyone won’t be here forever.”

Networking and Job Search Resources Juno (Mythologie) Bronzestatuette der Juno Juno (lateinisch: Iuno) war eine altitalische, insbesondere römische Göttin. Sie galt als Göttin der Geburt, der Ehe und Fürsorge. IVNO REGINA („Königin Juno“) auf einem Denar der ersten Hälfte des 3.Jahrhunderts Der Monatsname Juni leitet sich von Juno her. Manchmal wird auch die Tradition des Valentinstages auf einen ihrer Gedenktage zurückgeführt, bei dem ihr am 14. Iuno (pl. Als Attribut hat Juno oft den Pfau, vor allem in barocken Darstellungen, für Liebe und Schönheit. Werner Eisenhut: Iuno. „Goethes Juno“ - Dokumentation von Jutta Assel und Georg JägerJuno in der Warburg Institute Iconographic Database (ca. 400 Abbildungen) Hochspringen ↑ Nancy Thomson de Grummond: Etruscan Myth, Sacred History and Legend.

Stroud council working towards a 'carbon neutral district' by 2030 - Gloucestershire Live Stroud District Council is working out how it will help the whole district become carbon neutral by 2030. In order to protect future generations against climate change, the council's Environment Committee is being asked to approve a framework of measures to help the district achieve this goal. Today (Thursday, June 6) the committee will be asked to vote on setting up a cross-party group of councillors and council staff to co-ordinate a long list of actions aimed at achieving the status. Those actions include retrofitting homes with greener energy options, more work on low carbon heating and working with the transport authority to offer more low carbon transport options. They will also look at new renewable energy developments, implementing investment and including provision in new developments for cycle paths, working with partners to achieve effective community engagement, and recruiting a new post to achieve these actions. The full report is available here.

A few things you shouldn't say to a childless woman Not all women can have babies or want to have babies. Photo: Kylie Pickett There are two words for the woman who reached over the table, grabbed my hand and in a consolatory tone announced, ''It's a tragedy you never got around to having children. Those words are ''shut'' and ''up'' (the printable response) or, more charitably, ''think'' and ''first''. The would-be Buddhist in me told me these were her issues. But I still wanted to thump her. Advertisement Most of the childless women I know do find peace with their circumstances, even if it takes some time. I believe children are a gift and not a given in life, and those who receive should be grateful. A guised compliment does not a sympathetic or empathetic person make. A friend of mine who is a well-known celebrity understands this. I was with a girlfriend who had recently been told to give up on IVF and witnessed her pain when the ''you don't know love until you have a child'' remark was dropped at a party.

The Virtual Handshake: Sell, Raise Capital, Invest, Recruit with Web 2.0 Assembling a WordPress Website My mother and I met Daniella Norwood, the owner of ella j designs, and her husband Brian Bigda at a Lean Startup Machine weekend at which I was a judge. She did a great job redesigning my mother’s site,, so I hired her to do a redesign of and I’d love your feedback on the site. I definitely recommend hiring Danni for your WordPress needs. Enter Danni: David’s RFP included: upgrading and to the latest version of WordPress,modernising the design of both sites,making both sites mobile and social-media friendly,changing the commenting system from DISQUS to Livefyre (ff Venture Capital portfolio company),migrating from AWeber to MailChimp, andfixing some existing errors. Here are what the sites used to look like. A New Website Design While I am “a creative type”, I am not a graphics designer. New Website Functionality The Final Product, Two Redesigned Websites ella j designs

Voynich-Manuskript Textprobe aus dem Voynich-Manuskript Illustrationsbeispiel Aufgeschlagenes Manuskript (Nachbildung) mit ausgeklappter Seite Nach Ansicht zweier amerikanischer Botaniker, Arthur O. Dies könnte darauf hindeuten, dass das Voynich-Manuskript in Mittelamerika gezeichnet und in einer mittelamerikanischen Sprache geschrieben wurde. Geschichte des Manuskripts[Bearbeiten] Da der Inhalt bisher nicht entschlüsselt werden konnte, stützt die Datierung des Manuskripts sich lediglich auf die Illustrationen. Erst 2009 wurden an Instituten in Chicago und Arizona kleinste Proben von vier verschiedenen Seiten untersucht. Bildausschnitt von Seite 86v, der eine Burg mit Schwalbenschwanzzinnen zeigt. Der nächste bekannte Besitzer war nach dem Begleitbrief Georg Baresch, ein wenig bekannter Alchemist, der zu Beginn des 17. Was in den über 200 Jahren zwischen 1666 und 1870 mit dem Manuskript geschah, ist bislang unbekannt. Es ist umstritten, auf welche Weise das Manuskript in Voynichs Besitz überging.
