Languages of the world Mappa dialetti italiani 21 Digital Tools to Build Vocabulary l Dr. Kimberly's Literacy Blog If you follow this blog, you know that I believe effective vocabulary instruction is just about the most important instructional activity for teachers to get right. For lots of reasons. Vocabulary influences fluency, comprehension, and student achievement. In addition, a broad vocabulary is important for effective speaking, listening, reading and writing. I write frequently about the importance of effective vocabulary instruction and my recent infographic – the 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Vocabulary Instruction – has proved very popular having been Pinned over 31,000 times. In today’s 21st century classrooms, digital tools must coexist alongside more traditional tools. Digital tools have advantages. The following digital tools show promise to support word learning, review, and playing with language. 21 Digital Tools to Build Vocabulary Reference Tools 1. Lingro is a cool tool for both the “wow” factor and for its usefulness. 2. Looking for a visual thesaurus? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Software Translates Your Voice into Another Language Researchers at Microsoft have made software that can learn the sound of your voice, and then use it to speak a language that you don’t. The system could be used to make language tutoring software more personal, or to make tools for travelers. In a demonstration at Microsoft’s Redmond, Washington, campus on Tuesday, Microsoft research scientist Frank Soong showed how his software could read out text in Spanish using the voice of his boss, Rick Rashid, who leads Microsoft’s research efforts. Hear Rick Rashid’s voice in his native language and then translated into several other languages: English: Spanish: Italian: Mandarin: In English, a synthetic version of Mundie’s voice welcomed the audience to an open day held by Microsoft Research, concluding, “With the help of this system, now I can speak Mandarin.” The new technique could also be used to help students learn a language, said Soong.
Future - The secret “anti-languages” you’re not supposed to know Could you erectify a luxurimole flackoblots? Have you hidden your chocolate cake from Penelope? Or maybe you’re just going to vada the bona omi? If you understand any of these sentences, you speak an English “anti-language”. Since at least Tudor times, secret argots have been used in the underworld of prisoners, escaped slaves and criminal gangs as a way of confusing and befuddling the authorities. Thieves’ Cant, Polari, and Gobbledygook (yes, it’s a real form of slang) are just a few of the examples from the past – but anti-languages are mercurial beasts that are forever evolving into new and more vibrant forms. A modern anti-language could very well be spoken on the street outside your house. One of the first detailed records of an anti-language comes from a 16th Century magistrate called Thomas Harman. Byng we to Rome vyle to nyp a bounge, so shall we have lower for the bowsing ken – Thieves’ Cant As Green points out, many slang words concern our basest preoccupations.
8 Ancient Writing Systems That Haven't Been Deciphered Yet The Indus Valley civilization was one of the most advanced in the world for more than 500 years, with more than a thousand settlements sprawling across 250,000 square miles of what is now Pakistan and northwest India from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. It had several large, well-planned cities like Mohenjo-daro, common iconography—and a script no one has been able to understand. Over at Nature, Andrew Robinson looks at the reasons why the Indus Valley script has been so difficult to crack, and details some recent attempts to decipher it. Since we don't know anything about the underlying language and there's no multilingual Rosetta stone, scholars have analyzed its structure for clues and compared it to other scripts. Most Indologists think it's "logo-syllabic" script like Sumerian cuneiform or Mayan glyphs. One team has created the first publicly available, electronic corpus of Indus texts. The Indus Valley script is far from the only one to remain mysterious. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Global Language Network Ukindia Learn Sanskrit Lesson 1 Paperhelp to help you write papers Lesson 2 ..Home....Asian Books..Sanskrit lessons ( external)..Tamil.Gujarati. Punjabi. Hindi.Urdu.SanskritArabic.Greek.English. If you have enjoyed doing these lessons and would like to help develop the web site further you might consider a small donation of £3 or $5 . Sanskrit is one of the world's most ancient languages and is derived from the same proto mother language as Latin and Greek so many of the words are common. Many ancient Indian texts on Science and Mathematics were written in Sanskrit. To revise the Sanskrit/Hindi script click here. These are a few words in Sanskrit , we will in future often omit the half accent mark in the first word name and the full (two dots) one in the second word balAE . and here are some phrases using these words. The above phrases read : Bal patthti . Here is the script .Make sure you know it by heart . Please read the very helpful comments by Paul Newman below I think consistency is of the greatest importance.
A Map of Lexical Distances Between Europe's Languages A Finn and a Spaniard walk into a bar. How do they strike up a conversation? It would be exceptional for either to speak each other's language. No, that Finn and that Spaniard will talk to each other and order drinks in English, the true second language of the continent. Europe's defining trait is its diversity. Or would they? Finnish people probably won't make a lot out of Spanish, and if you're from Spain, Finnish might as well be Chinese. But the Estonian will have a slightly harder time of it than the Frenchman, and this map shows why. This linguistic map paints an alternative map of Europe, displaying the language families that populate the continent, and the lexical distance between the languages. The map shows the language families that cover the continent: large, familiar ones like Germanic, Italic-Romance and Slavic; smaller ones like Celtic, Baltic and Uralic; outliers like Semitic and Turkic; and isolates – orphan languages, without a family: Albanian and Greek.
allinguasciolta / terminidesueti parola o espressione significato in italiano standard forma/occasione in cui viene usato raccolto nella zona di eta' del parlante tante cose augurio generico per piu' ricorrenze insieme o per niente di speciale ? tutta la toscana anziani ma anche qualche giovane l'é compagno uguale a prima, all'altro e.g. un'imbeccata una dotta (o chiusa)/(dim) dottarella un ritaglio di tempo e.g." non ho molto tempo ma poggio alla croce (greve i.c.) 80/90 una dottarella la trovo" lemme lemme vs ratto ratto piano piano vs velocemente firenze in uso andare/finire/mandare alle ballodole v.+ alla malora peretola e fi ? Viene preferito ai più volgari 'buorotto' e 'finocchiaccio' allorchè vi è l'intento di stemperare il concetto di omosessualità negli epiteti rivolti ad alte personalità del cinema, del teatro, della politica, del clero; quindi, sotto questo aspetto, assume valore eufemistico.
The Language Realm - Your Free Resource for language and Translation Services Anki - friendly, intelligent flashcards How Long to Learn That Language? Here’s a Map for That For English-speakers, Romanian is easier to learn than German. And you’ll be speaking Russian sooner than Hungarian. How is that? Because the Foreign Service Institute says so. Located in Arlington, Virginia, the FSI is the U.S. government’s main provider of foreign affairs training, including language courses. As the chief learning organisation for the State Department, the FSI is where diplomats go to study the languages they will need on foreign postings. This map shows how the FSI judges the difficulty of European languages. You won’t find any courses in Basque (the area straddling the Franco-Spanish border), Breton (in the ‘nose’ of France), Welsh (in, ehm, Wales) or Scots or Irish Gaelic in Arlington. English, by the way, is a ‘Category 0’ language (pink on the map), meaning that Americans are expected to be proficient in it. These languages include both Germanic ones (Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) and Romance ones (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian). and:
How I Became a Xenolinguist Wikiuniversity offers a wry definition of Xenolinguistics: “the scientific study of languages of non-human intelligences. Publications in this field tend to be speculative as few people have made the claim to have understood an alien language, at least not reliably.” The grand convergence of psychedelics and technology came in the summer of 1998. I was a grad student at RPI in communication and rhetoric, fully indoctrinated in (mostly French) critical theory, semiotics, new media theory, and the history of communication technology. My task was to clarify my topic—the idea of a visual language—for a Ph.D. proposal. The fictional world had established itself well enough that I could enter it, look around, and ask questions of the characters. Glide presented itself in the story-world as an alien language. When summer of 1998 was over, I did not have a visual language topic framed in terms of a semiotic or new media theory. Lily Pads Glide Maze Lily Glyph Blue Lily LiveGlide interface