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Scientific Proof That We Can Heal Ourselves

Scientific Proof That We Can Heal Ourselves
Related:  Frequency, Light, Energy & Sound

Ancient Secrets: the Truth About Energy Healing | Love or Above Energy is all around us – right? Actually, we ARE energy, and when we need to heal our physical bodies, we do so by applying the right energy healing techniques to raise our vibration to correspond with the energy of well-being. Okay, admittedly that’s a bit “out there” given the teachings of modern medicine that focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms without addressing the true cause of the ailments… the cause being an overabundance of low-vibrating energy in the individual’s energy field or imbalances in that field. Energy is Medicine Energy healing has been used by ancient healers since the dawn of man. Modern science is finally catching up, thanks to quantum theory, and recognizing that energy is medicine. High-vibrating positive energy promotes healing; low-vibrating negative energy hinders healing. Virtually every ancient society across the globe has used or continues to use energy healing. We are now experiencing a resurgence of spiritual or energy healing.

Everything You Are, Have Been and Will Ever Be Is About Frequency NOVEMBER 24, 2014 by JOSH RICHARDSON Everything You Are, Have Been And Ever Will Be Is About Frequency, And Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna Your entire existence...all matter, all life, all experiences--everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency. Absolutely everything is frequency. You cannot have an experience on this planet without attracting it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a specific frequency. DNA possesses two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self symmetry. Life itself as we know it is inextricably interwoven with geometric forms, from the angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of the amino acids, to the helical spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical, tetrahedral, and star (double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversification of tissues for different physiological functions. Professor H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Symptoms, Dis-eases, Conditions and Issues, Etc. | DISCOVER LIFE'S PRECIOUS GEMS! The words Dis-ease / Dis-eases are spelled with a hyphen for a reason. The hyphenated word “dis-ease” represents a separation of “dis” and “ease” referring to the body being “not at ease” or “apart from ease.” Today, many medical practitioners are thinking past their “medical school” training and are now open and receptive to the long held metaphysical belief that there is a strong connection between our emotions and our physical health. Many spiritual folks, shamans and natural health practitioners believe that dis-eases come from something being off balance in our system and / or a blockage around or within our chakras. When the thought patterns of our brain are out of harmony, it can cause an abnormality of the energy flow within our bodies. Crystals and gemstones can relieve and help numerous symptoms and dis-eases. In many cases, more than one crystal is listed for a particular issue. ABANDONMENT: dioptase, sunstone ABDOMEN: fire opal, smokey quartz, variscite ACTION: carnelian

How To Rid The World Of Negative Energy With Orgonite Updated November 18, 2014 by in5d Alternative News * Click HERE to visit our Official Facebook page and be sure to "Like" us!!! (opens in a new window) * Also visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! by Jamie Crume guest writer for Negative energy can be balanced by learning how it interacts with metals and other polarized ions. First things first, what is Orgone? Orgone is also known as prana, ki, chi, mana, or universal energy. The late Dolores Cannon said this about Orgone: “One of the greatest lessons we can learn here on earth, is the manipulation of energy”, and “Wilhelm Reich described Orgone as being universally present”. Orgone energy is (life force) originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich . Orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe. Reich's theories were based on how constrictions in the body were the underlining cause of many diseases including cancer. Orgonite jewelry:

Earthing can reduce inflammation (NaturalNews) Earthing, the process of obtaining a sense of connectedness with the earth by honing in on the body's naturally occurring electrical frequencies and those of the earth, is an ideal way to optimize overall physical and mental health. Pioneers in the concept maintain that the earth's electrons help neutralize free radicals, and by using the body as a conduit, it's possible for such beneficial energy to be directly transferred to an individual.(1,2) For those who are unable to engage in such activities, grounding technologies like earthing sheets, sandals and car seat covers serve to accomplish the same or similar goals. How earthing helps health Studies have shown that becoming grounded in this manner boosts energy, enhances the immune system, promotes faster healing and reduces stress. Dr. Earthing is effective for those looking for ways to reduce inflammation Earthing is also a great way to reconnect with ourselves. Sources: (1)

Watch How Doctors Heal A Tumor With Meditation Gregg Braden explains how the energy field of human emotions can manifest “miracles”, whether it is healing or creating peace, when you apply conscious positive focus on what you want. As an example he talks about a woman who had a 3″ diameter bladder cancer who, by western medical standards, had been diagnosed as inoperable. She went, as a last resort, to a medicine-less hospital in Beijing, where they began simply by addressing the life-affirming ways that she could change how she was living her life, they taught her life-affirming ways to breathe and life-affirming ways to nourish her body, gentle movements to stimulate the energy centers in her body. She then underwent a procedure to remove it. Using a split-screen ultrasound monitor, the first showing a freeze-frame of her tumor, and the second showing real-time activity, three practitioners used energy work to facilitate the healing, which showed the tumor disappear within three minutes. Source

Alex Grey on The Healing Power of Sacred Art (Video) Galactic Connection UFO | Ascension | Conspiracy | Spirituality Alex Grey on The Healing Power of Sacred Art (Video) Fri, December 19, 2014 Published on Dec 18, 2014 Is it possible that art has the power to heal? "According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code." Share this: Related A Guide to The Fundamentals of Sacred GeometryMon, May 27, 2013In "2013" Divine Balance - The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and MasculineFri, December 12, 2014In "2014" Art as a Therapy for your Mind and SoulSun, July 6, 2014In "2014" : 2014, Education and News, Entertainment, Environment Physical and Etheric, Healing, Health and Well-Being : alex grey, healing arts, sacred art RSS feed for this post (comments) Calotropis Theme designed by itx

Benefits of Earthing (Grounding): Does Earthing Work? Flickr Commons: Image provided by The JH Photography Earthing, also known as grounding, may be a new concept to many of us, but ancient civilizations were well aware of the benefits of earthing, which was why they built pyramids and important temples on ley lines. Ley lines are channels of energy that act like highways to transport energy throughout the Earth. They work similar to meridians or energy pathways. The environment of Earth is not only made of soil, water, minerals and rocks. It also contains many complex energy systems, including but not limited to ley lines and energy vortexes. Nowadays, modern scientists do have the technology to measure ley lines and other energy systems of mother Earth to a certain point. If you have a hard time believing that energy vortexes (portals) and ley lines exist, watch the two short videos below and they may change your mind. Hidden Magnetic Portals Exist Near Earth – NASA Space Science Astrophysics Ancient Knowledge – Ley Line Energy Sources:

Mysterious Tibetan Singing Bowls 19th January 2015 By Radim Cechvala Guest Writer for Wake Up World Unknown by origin with vague traces in the past, the true history of Tibetan Singing Bowls is yet to be discovered. Most resources state a mysterious past and only few mention the possibility of being discovered and brought to light by Shakyamuni Buddha and consequently brought to Tibet by Padmasambhava, a powerful Buddhist priest who defeated Bon religion in Tibet. A beautiful history unfolds and I recommend looking deeper into both Buddhism and Bon, and their consequent merging in Tibet; but the reason for this short explanation is that Bon adopted the use of Singing Bowls for their practices because of their innate power. What Power? Tibetan Singing Bowls are usually created from alloy of seven or more metals which were available in the metal rich region of Tibet (it is hard to carve a flute with no forests around). There are few types of Singing Bowls and different materials used to make them. With just one strike?
