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News and Events Year by Year: 1900-2013

News and Events Year by Year: 1900-2013
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Basics of Legal Research - Cornell Law A basic understanding of the United States legal system is essential to knowing what to look for and where to find it. The legal system is actually three parallel systems -- federal law, state law, and administrative law -- operating under the authority of the US and state Constitutions. The primary law of each system flows from three primary sources: Statutes (Constitution and laws enacted by the legislature) Cases (judicial opinions issued by courts) Adjudications (administrative agency materials) In order to research effectively, you must determine if the issue involves federal or state law and what type of primary law applies. To determine what law applies, you can turn to . Many researchers recommend beginning with secondary sources because these helpful materials are a rich source of citationsto the primary law. Back to Top . . . on this issue: the legislature, the courts or the executive branch. Here are four ways to come up with search terms: Ask the person who gave you the assignment.

Teaching with Historic Places--a Program of the National Park Service Featured this month: Civics in America Happy 2016! At the start of this election year, Teaching with Historic Places is highlighting its lessons about Civics in America. These lessons teach government topics and the histories of American citizens taking individual or collective action: from serving in elected office to engaging in philanthropic efforts; from volunteering in a citizens' militia to fighting for basic rights. Many of the featured lessons also feature service learning activities to engage students in their communities and government. NEW! (Photo depicts students at the historic New Kent School in 1970, after integration) Lessons featuring Civil Rights & Racial Healing In the wake of violence and racist terrorism, students need ways to explore and talk about the roots of both injustice and heroic struggle against it. Preserve America Find TwHP lessons featuring historic sites in Preserve America Communities.

Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day Use these forms to obtain rise, set, and transit times for the Sun and Moon; civil twilight beginning and end times; and, lunar phase information. First, specify the date and location in one of the two forms below. Then, click the "Get data" button at the end of the form. Use Form A for cities or towns in the U.S. or its territories. Use Form B for all other locations. Both forms are immediately below. Be sure to read the Notes section located after the two forms, especially if you wish to use these data for legal purposes. Form A - U.S. Form B - Locations Worldwide Notes Legal Use of the Calculated Data Please see Astronomical Data Used for Litigation if you are interested in using the data produced by this service for legal purposes. Definitions For more information on the terms used, see the Astronomical Almanac On-line Glossary, Rise, Set, and Twilight Definitions or Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated in the Astronomical Information Center. Time Formats Time Zones

Ressources pour la thèse et au-delà | Méthodologie, outils et astuces du (jeune) chercheur Wisconsin - Electronic Resources Bankruptcy / Debtor-Creditor Proceedings Coverage to present Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. BillFinder Coverage Current calendar year to present (updated daily) Index of state bills for the current calendar year. Includes bill tracking history and some full text bills. Bills and Resolutions , US (ProQuest Congressional) Coverage 1789 to 2013 A full text collection of all versions of all US Bills (public and private) and Resolutions since 1789. Bills, Resolutions (Thomas) Coverage 1989 to present (updated daily) Full-text of U.S. Canada Legal Research Guide Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation: U.S. Coverage 1774 to 1875 Historical U.S. Chile Legal Research Guide Citation Guide: Interpreting, Managing & Creating Bluebook Legal Cites Coverage to present Guide contains tips on using the Bluebook for legal citation. Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Code of Federal Regulations (FDsys) Code of Federal Regulations (Hein Online) Congressional Bills (FDsys)

A Learning Center for Young Astronomers The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Alan Smale (Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/GSFC. StarChild Authors: The StarChild Team StarChild Graphics & Music: Acknowledgments StarChild Project Leader: Dr. Laura A.

Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-friendly Resources - 1) “la vérité sur l’histoire à l’école” ou les mensonges du Figaro Rédacteurs : Laurence De Cock, Eric Fournier, Guillaume Mazeau 1979 : depuis quelques années, une réforme des programmes d’histoire peine à s’instituer. A l’école primaire, les activités d’éveil ont remplacé les cours disciplinaires et, dans le collège unique à peine naissant, le ministre René Haby tente de faire admettre un enseignement de sciences sociales qui mêle histoire, géographie et économie. L’association des professeurs d’histoire-géographie s’alarme dès 1976 de cette dissolution disciplinaire. C’est le rôle d’une association corporatiste d’exercer une vigilance sur les changements d’une discipline. En octobre de la même année, Alain Decaux, féru d’histoire, fait une conférence à Vichy. Il suffit parfois d’un mélange de narcissisme, de machisme et d’un bon réseau relationnel pour faire éclater une véritable controverse. Le cadre des lamentations est désormais posé. Le Figaro magazine publie donc un dossier au titre tonitruant : « Qui veut casser l’histoire de France ?

Zimmerman's Research Guide - American Law Reports (ALR) American Law Reports (ALR) is a multi-series publication comprised of articles that focus on unsettled areas of the law (often a split between federal circuits or state courts). Each article discusses the issue in detail and provides extensive footnotes to leading judicial opinions. If you find an ALR citation on the issue you are researching, all you have to do is update the key cases -- by running them through Shepard's on Lexis or KeyCite on Westlaw -- and your case law research is pretty much done. You can search for ALR articles on Westlaw (ALR). Lexis also has all the ALR articles (2NDARY;LEDALR) except for the ALR 1st series. The print ALR volumes can be found in larger law libraries. Some ALR articles, called "e-annotations," are available only online. For a more complete discussion of the ALR series, see Fundamentals of Legal Research (West). If you have a subscription, you can get all of these sets online through LLMC Digital.

Professional Development The course, based on promising results produced by the professional development model delivered in the Verizon Innovate Learning Schools, includes five modules developed around ISTE standards. Course modules are designed to help teachers, administrators and tech coaches implement effective mobile learning initiatives in their schools and classrooms. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from Johns Hopkins University will be offered to teachers completing the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy courses. Mobile Learning (Mobile Devices, Apps,Tablets) I have an iPad – Now What? Touch tablets—iPad and Android—are the consumer electronic with the fastest adoption rate ever. Partner: ISTE Mobile Devices in the Science ClassroomPresenter: Ben and Jared Science and technology form a natural bond that allows for the creation of a better learning environment for students and teachers. Parent Engagement and Mobile LearningPresenter: Monica Burton iPad for BeginnersPresenter: Chris O'Neal Pedagogical Practices

Quote Investigator | Dedicated to tracing quotations Un pas de plus dans l’eugénisme : à propos du DPN dans le projet de loi de bioéthique Le diagnostic prénatal (DPN) tend à détecter in utero les affections dont pourrait souffrir l’embryon. Il se distingue du diagnostic pré implantatoire (DPI) qui recherche les affections dont pourrait être atteint l’embryon in vitro. Ces deux pratiques contenaient dès l’origine un germe d’eugénisme qui n’a pas manqué de se développer et à l’encontre duquel le projet de loi relatif à la bioéthique n’ose pas aller. En effet, pourquoi rechercher les maladies affectant un enfant non encore né ? Pour le soigner ? - Rééquilibrer l’information délivrée aux femmes sur la trisomie 21 ; - Desserrer la contrainte du dépistage généralisé ; - Organiser un débat national sur la question de l’eugénisme ; Cet appel est plus nécessaire que jamais lorsque l’on prend la mesure de la réforme engagée. Actuellement, l’article L. 2131-1 du Code de la santé publique dans sa rédaction dispose que « Art. La nouvelle rédaction de ce texte appellerait de nombreuses observations critiques. Like this: J'aime chargement…

Law Student Guide to Free Legal Research
