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NASA Posts a Huge Library of Space Sounds, And You're Free To Use Them

NASA Posts a Huge Library of Space Sounds, And You're Free To Use Them
Space is the place. Again. And SoundCloud is now a place you can find sounds from the US government space agency, NASA. Many of these sounds were available before; I’ve actually used a number of them in my own music. Another thing: you’re free to use all of these sounds as you wish, because NASA’s own audio isn’t copyrighted. Let the space remixing begin. European Space Agency, your move. Update: ESA has started posting downloadable sounds on SoundCloud! Have you made music with space sounds? More Sounds Want more? It’s slower to browse, but there’s an even bigger library on NASA Audio Collection They’re all marked public domain (which is almost certainly the correct license for the above, not Non-Commercial Creative Commons). It gets weird. NASA also has a small page of sounds that seems to be the basis of the above, but the collection is bigger. The University of Iowa has a selection of space sounds:Space Audio Comments 1. 2. Related:  Art & TechnologyPlanet Earth & Beyond

Visualizing Our Tech Worship With Giant Webs of Circuitry Technological mandala 20 - Resonator, 2014. Leonardo Ulian <div class="slide" data-slide-id="1579293" ><img title="" alt="" width="650px" src=" data-image-width="1200" data-image-height="900" /><p class="caption">Technological mandala 20 - Resonator, 2014.<span class="credit"><img class="photo" width="650px" src=" Leonardo Ulian </span></p><div class="desc"><div class="slide-counter"></div><div>Technological mandala 20 - Resonator, 2014. For Italian artist Leonardo Ulian, this is our universe. WorldWide Telescope - Microsoft Research Q. What is WorldWide Telescope? A. The WorldWide Telescope is a rich visualization environment that functions as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground- and space-based telescopes to enable seamless, guided explorations of the universe. WorldWide Telescope, created with Microsoft’s high-performance Visual Experience Engine, enables seamless panning and zooming across the night sky blending terabytes of images, data and stories from multiple sources over the Internet into a media-rich, immersive experience. Top Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. What are the system requirements for running WorldWide Telescope? Refer to the system requirements section on the WWT Download page. Is WorldWide Telescope available in other languages? A. What is the Microsoft Visual Experience Engine? A. Who are some of your partners with WorldWide Telescope? A. What will WorldWide Telescope cost? A. When did Microsoft first starting looking at the sky? A. A.

The 23 Best Independent Movies of 2014 2014 has undoubtedly been an incredible year for cinema. From satirical comedies to engrossing thrillers to thematically heart-wrenching tales, independent films flourished this year and have portrayed some of the best performances and most original storylines we have seen in years. Whether you’re looking for a laugh, a scare, or an intellectually stimulating experience, it is bound to be found in one of the 23 indie films listed below. 23. With her recent endeavors in sci-fi films, from Her to Lucy, Scarlett Johansson has proven herself to be a highly resilient and successful actress in the genre. In the film, Johansson embodies an alien predator who has taken the form of a human, using her sexually alluring nature to seduce men. Johansson’s character does this repeatedly, though the reasons for it are never made entirely clear. It is not a film with a linear plot or any key developmental points, but rather a film to be experienced and interpreted with a sense of mystery and dread.

Dances With Google Glass | Carla Escoda In June 2013, Google launched a competition on Twitter soliciting bids from people interested in beta-testing its latest foray into wearable high tech. Since 'beta-tester' conjures up visions of bearded geeks in hoodies glued to their Retina displays, some marketing genius at Google coined the term 'Google Glass Explorers' and put a snapshot of a dusky model with pouty lips, a tousled mane, and a sleek band of titanium on her forehead, on the home page of Glass. (Photo: Reuters) The world was invited to pitch its ideas to Google, appended to the hashtag #IfIHadGlass. The winners would have to pony up $1,500 for the privilege of membership in a highly exclusive club of early adopters, but were expected to drive everyone else mad with envy. A year later, several thousand Google Glass Explorers find themselves roaming the earth, muttering "OK, Glass" and tapping their temples vigorously. Does it matter whether the masses think Glass looks dorky?

Space Engine - Home page « Taxi Téhéran », un chef-d’œuvre contre l’oppression Jafar Panahi, toujours dans le viseur des autorités iraniennes, continue pourtant, armé de son seul courage, de raconter la réalité de son pays. Son nouveau film : « Taxi Téhéran » (Ours d’or du dernier festival de Berlin), ce mercredi en salles, est une merveille où l’intensité du regard critique n’a d’égal que l’humour ravageur et l’intelligence de la mise en scène. Depuis 2010 et son incarcération suite aux manifestations qui ont suivi la réélection de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Jafar Panahi est condamné à ne plus réaliser de films, à ne plus accorder d’entretiens à la presse étrangère et à ne plus quitter son pays. Sous peine de vingt ans d’emprisonnement pour chaque délit. Soutenu par la communauté internationale du cinéma et bénéficiant de ce fait d’une relative médiatisation, le metteur en scène, avec les moyens du bord, n’a pas renoncé à exercer son métier et tourne clandestinement des films qui renseignent sur son sort et, surtout, sur celui de la société iranienne. Tourner dans la rue

E-Traces: Ballet Slippers That Make Drawings From The Dancer’s Movements If you’re like me, then you may have been accused of dispensing some questionable moves in the vicinity of the dance floor. I’ve always maintained that my critics simply couldn’t grasp the subtlety of my particular style of physical expression, and now I just may have a means of illustrating my point with an ingenious piece of wearable electronics by designer Lesia Trubat González called E-Traces. The concept of Electronic Traces is based on capturing dance movements and transforming them into visual sensations through the use of new technologies. To do this we focused on the ballet shoes themselves, which through the contact with the ground, and thanks to Lilypad Arduino technology, record the pressure and movement of the dancer’s feet and send a signal to an electronic device. A special application will then allow us to show this data graphically and even customize it to suit each user, through the different functions of this app. [via Prosthetic Knowledge]

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