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Magic Leap

Related:  AR Réalité Virtuelle

How to use JavaScript with Selenium WebDriver using Java PlayStation VR | Réalité virtuelle Découvrez le nouveau prototype Caractéristiques principales Le nouveau casque PlayStation VR de réalité virtuelle est équipé d'un écran OLED de 5,7 pouces d'une résolution de 1920 x RGB x 1080. Ce nouvel écran étend le champ de vision, permettant d’avoir une image nette même en mouvement. PlayStation VR propose un rendu en 120 fps. TINTAG, The First Rechargeable Item Tracker Ever spent 25 minutes looking for your keys or wallet when you quickly had to leave somewhere? Agonizing isn't it? Ever had your wife and one year old kid in the car getting anxious while waiting for you? I know I've been there. If you've been there as well, you're gonna love Tintag: a rechargeable item-tracking device that helps you find your lost items. Quick jump: Refer a friend | Unique features | How it works? Attach Tintag to anything Forget about having to replace batteries or buy new trackers every time the battery runs out. Each charging with the Home Base companion makes Tintag ready for 4 months of use. One device can be connected to multiple phones One Tintag can be connected to multiple phones. Use Tintag to find your phone The communication between Tintag and your phone goes both ways. What makes Tintag unique? Tintag's basic features Tell your friends about Tintag and enjoy the spoils How does it work? Copy your unique URL link and share it with your friends. How it works?

プログラミングが出来なくても簡単!ARコンテンツの作り方【導入編】 | (Junaio) 2013年10月21日 カテゴリ: AR 九州先端科学技術研究所(通称ISIT)にお勤めしている@Taka_Yoshinagaさんとご縁があって、ARコンテンツの作り方についてあれこれ教えてもらいました。 「え! 何回かにわけて公開しますが今回はタイトル通り、プログラミングの知識がなくてもAR技術を使ったコンテンツが簡単に作れますよという内容です。 しかも使用するツールは全て無料。 さて、さっそく本題に入ります。 ARブラウザのインストール インターネットを見るときはIEやChromeなどのブラウザを通してコンテンツを閲覧します。 ARコンテンツを見る場合にはARブラウザが必要なので、今回はjunaioというARブラウザをインストールします。 よく使われるARコンテンツって専用アプリにコンテンツごと含まれていると思うのですけど、junaioはブラウザ(閲覧ソフトウェア)なのでコンテンツ自体はQRコードを使ってダウンロードします。 この辺は実際使ってみてもらうとわかりますが、いちいちコンテンツごとにアプリをインストールする手間がなくなります。 junaioはブラウザであると同時にARコンテンツのプラットフォームと考えることもできますね。 インストールが完了してjunaioを立ち上げるとチュートリアルが始まるので進めるかスキップしてください。 デフォルトの表示では位置情報を利用したARコンテンツが表示されるはずです。 画面右上に見える「scan」アイコンをタップして下のQRコードをスキャンしてください。 ここでダウンロードされるのは大まかに説明すると次の2つのデータです。 「このマークに反応してコンテンツを表示しますよ」というマーカー情報「コンテンツの形、位置、内容や動き」をまとめたコンテンツデータ ではコンテンツのダウンロードが済んだらjunaioを起動したまま下の画像にカメラを向けてみてください。 どうでしょうか? このようにjunaioというARブラウザで簡単にARコンテンツを利用できます。 次は実際に自分でARコンテンツを作ってみましょう。 ARコンテンツを作る準備をする ARコンテンツを作る前に、junaioへのアカウント登録と、ARコンテンツを作るためのソフトウェアmetaio Creatorをインストールが必要です。 それぞれの登録・インストール方法については下記サイトを参照してください。

If Steve Jobs was such a bad boss, why did so many people work with him? - Quora Samsung GALAXY Note4 DAS tête : 0,366 W/kg et le DAS corps : 0,382 W/kg. La mémoire utilisateur est inférieure à la capacité totale de la mémoire, en raison du stockage du système d'exploitation et des logiciels permettant le fonctionnement du téléphone. La mémoire utilisateur disponible varie selon l’opérateur de téléphonie mobile et peut changer après des mises à jour logicielles. Toutes les spécifications et descriptions fournies par la présente peuvent différer des spécifications et descriptions du produit.

USB Stick Contains Dual-Core Computer, Turns Any Screen Into an Android Station Is that a USB key in your pocket or a dual-core computer? Today, Norwegian company FXI technologies showed off a USB stick-sized portable computer prototype, complete with a dual-core 1.2-GHz Samsung Exynos ARM CPU (same as in the Galaxy S II), 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI-out and a microSD card slot for memory. Codenamed Cotton Candy because its 21 gram weight is the same as a bag of the confection, the tiny PC enables what its inventor calls “Any Screen Computing,” the ability to turn any TV, laptop, phone, tablet, or set-top box into a dumb terminal for its Android operating system. Update: Detailed Hands-On with Cotton Candy Running Android 4.0, Ubuntu The Cotton Candy has a USB 2.0 connector on one end and an HDMI jack on the other. When you plug the Cotton Candy into a Mac or PC, the Windows or OS X operating system recognizes it as a USB drive. HDTVs, monitors, and computers are just the tip of the iceberg for the Cotton Candy. Recommended by Avram Piltch Avram Piltch on

100 Best Augmented Reality Tutorial Videos Try on the Apple Watch Using Augmented Reality [How-To]Try on the Apple Watch Using Augmented Reality [How-To] How to Try on the Apple Watch Using ARWatch [iOS] Full Tutorial: Subscribe to Gadget Hacks: … From: GadgetHacks Views: 843 21 ratings Time: …Corinth Classroom Tutorial: How to work with the Augmented reality modeCorinth Classroom Tutorial: How to work with the Augmented reality mode Welcome back to our Corinth Classroom tutorial series. In previous parts we taught you how to USE 3D MODELS EFFECTIVELY and how to CREATE AMAZING CONTENT WITH THE OFFICE MIX. From: Corinth Classroom Views: 28 0 ratings…Apple Watch: How To Try It On Using Augmented RealityApple Watch: How To Try It On Using Augmented Reality Apple Watch is coming very soon, and here is a very cool way to get a visual of what it will look like on your wrist! What Apple Watch will you be getting?

Mërgim Cahani: “Përderisa dikush vazhdon dhe nuk ndalet, atëherë suksesi është i pashmangshëm.” » Business Magazine Ishte lajmi më i mirë për startup-et shqiptare, ai që u publikua së pari në portalin e mirënjohur të teknologjisë, Techcrunch., startup-i shqiptar i kërkimit online mori një investim 2 milionë dollarë për të zhvilluar më tej produktin e saj. Ishte më shumë se kënaqësi të intervistonim Mërgim Cahanin themeluesin dhe drejtuesin e kompanisë, i cili ndan me ne detaje nga rruga e deritanishme e ‘Gjirafës’. -Mesa njohuri kemi ne ju jeni startupi i parë shqiptar që arrin të marrë këtë vlerë investimi. Sipas hulumtimeve tona dhe shumës së investimit, edhe ne mendojmë se jemi startupi i parë i cili ka marrë një shumë prej 2 milionë $. Më pas vazhdoi me hapat e parë dhe ku mora një risk të madh pasi unë lashë punën time shumë të mirëpritur dhe të mirëpaguar. Unë mendoj se dështimi ndodh vetëm atëherë kur ndërmarrësi jep dorëheqjen. -Duke u kthyer pak mbrapa te gjetja e emrit: Gjirafa. Kemi patur shumë probleme me gjetjen e një emri që t’i përmbushte disa kritere. Po. Ka shumë.
