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Grid by Example

Grid by Example
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CSS selectors CSS selectors define the elements to which a set of CSS rules apply. Simple selectors Type selector Selects all elements that match the given node name. Class selector Selects all elements that have the given class attribute. ID selector Selects an element based on the value of its id attribute. Universal selector Selects all elements. Attribute selector Selects elements based on the value of the given attribute. Combinators Adjacent sibling combinator The + combinator selects adjacent siblings. General sibling combinator The ~ combinator selects siblings. Child combinator The > combinator selects nodes that are direct children of the first element. Descendant combinator The (space) combinator selects nodes that are descendants of the first element. Column combinator The || combinator selects nodes which belong to a column. Pseudo-classes Pseudo-classes allow the selection of elements based on state information that is not contained in the document tree. Pseudo-elements Specifications See also

Ivan Drinchev's Blog - CSS with only class names I wanted to make a note to myself and a reference for any co-working front-end colleagues about the good old problem of structuring your stylesheets. These days we anyway got rid of id selectors and attribute selectors, so the only common selector that left is the tag selector. First let me make some exceptions. If you use a front-end framework similar to React, Vue.js, etc. please use CSS Modules or whatever is the recommended way for styling with that framework.Although these days is controversial, I still use a css reset and on the contrary to the article, there should be mostly tag names selectors there.Styling markup which is not generated by you ( e.g. markdown parsed content or any plugin that adds HTML to your page ) should be an exception and should have a wrapper element around it .markdown h1, .markdown h2 { }. Now back to the point. What is "CSS with only class names" anyway? Structuring your CSS is a question as old as the job title "Front-end developer". Yep, this means that :

Learn CSS Grid | Jen Simmons People are starting to ask: where can I learn about CSS Grid? There are a lot of fantastic resources out there. When it comes to the technical how-to, most of what’s out there was written by Rachel Andrew. If you don’t know her work, take some time to get to know her and follow her. So here are the links to resources I recommend. There will be much more coming from Rachel, Jing and me this year. I am starting to see a bunch of simple introductions, link-baity false-narratives, and weirdly-wrong ideas to creep into the conversation about CSS Grid. If you see any new resources that are good, do let me know! Flexbox Froggy - Un jeu pour apprendre les flexbox CSS Niveau 1 de 24 ▾ Réinitialiser Bienvenue à Flexbox Froggy, un jeu où vous aidez Froggy la grenouille et ses amis en écrivant du code CSS! Guidez cette grenouille au nénuphar à la droite de l'étang en utilisant la propriété justify-content, qui aligne les éléments horizontalement et accepte les valeurs suivantes : flex-start : Les éléments s'alignent au côté gauche du conteneur.flex-end : Les éléments s'alignent au côté droit du : Les éléments s'alignent au centre du : Les éléments s'affichent avec un espace égal entre : Les éléments s'affichent avec un espacement égal à l'entour d'eux. Par exemple, justify-content: flex-end; bougera la grenouille vers la droite. #pond { display: flex; Flexbox Froggy est créé parCodepip • GitHub • Twitter • Paramètres Langue Difficulté Mode Daltonien

11 Shocking Designs Straight Out of the ‘90s | Webdesigner Depot The Internet has certainly been through a lot over the past 20+ years. We’ve watched web design change from the most basic of HTML markups to complex JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 coding. But remembering the past can be fun and that’s why, this Thursday, we’re throwing you back to the 90’s for a look at some of the worst (or best, depending on how you see it) website designs of the decade. Where to start with this site? 2. That nifty spotlight effect on the right-hand side of the page was a big deal back in the day, so we have to give this site props for that. 3. Forbes’ website from 1996 still conveys the sense of business-oriented professionalism the brand is known for today, just with a little less attention to fonts and more attention to print media, which was still hugely popular then. Who needs Google when you can, uh, find it? A sister site to IFINDIT, go to this page if you definitely want to have a seizure. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Another classic. By Kayla Matthews

CSS Grid Layout - a Collection by Stacy on CodePen Not so Spooky Pumpkin Facts Not so Spooky Pumpkin Facts Stacy Pro 1,677 Views 4 Comments CSS Grid Layout - responsive gallery demo Responsive CSS grid layout without needing media queries, setting minmax and auto rows. CSS Grid Layout - responsive gallery demo 7,975 Views 0 Comments CSS Grid Layout - Blog Post Template Using CSS Grid Layout, with a flexbox fallback, in a practical sample template. CSS Grid Layout - Blog Post Template 8,199 Views 0 Comments CSS Grid Layout - grid auto flow Responsive grid layout without needing media queries, setting minmax and auto rows. CSS Grid Layout - grid auto flow 8,588 Views 0 Comments CSS Grid Layout - Bring sample print inspiration to web Work in progress. CSS Grid Layout - Bring sample print inspiration to web 5,225 Views 1 Comments CSS Grid Layout - Grid Template Area Using named grid-template-areas. CSS Grid Layout - Grid Template Area

Beginner Concepts: How CSS Selectors Work Share this: helps you manage your projects. Are you new to CSS? This article is for you! Perhaps the biggest key to understanding CSS is understanding selectors. Selectors are what allows you to target specific HTML elements and apply style to them. In the examples below, the CSS would be in a file called something like style.css that is referenced from an HTML document called something like index.html. Here's what that HTML file would be like: <! And the CSS file would contain just the selector blocks like you'll see below. #ID selector #happy-cake { } <! #Leveling Up ID selectors are the most powerful type of selector in terms of CSS specificity. #Class Selector .module { } <! #Leveling Up Class selectors are your friend. #Tag Selector h2 { } <! #Leveling Up Tag selectors are at their most useful when changing properties that are unique to that HTML element. Don't rely on them too much though. #Attribute Selector [data-modal="open"] { } <! #Leveling Up #Positional Selectors :nth-child(2) { }

Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow with CSS3 Image 01re·lax·a·tion Image 02qui·e·tude Image 03bal·ance Image 04e·qua·nim·i·ty Image 05com·po·sure Image 06se·ren·i·ty « Previous Demo: Rocking Letters with CSS3 & jQuery Photography by Mark Sebastian CC BY-SA 2.0 Back to the Codrops Article Using Feature Queries in CSS – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog There’s a tool in CSS that you might not have heard of yet. It’s powerful. It’s been there for a while. And it’ll likely become one of your favorite new things about CSS. Behold, the @supports rule. Also known as Feature Queries. With @supports, you can write a small test in your CSS to see whether or not a particular “feature” (CSS property or value) is supported, and apply a block of code (or not) based on the answer. (display: grid) { } If the browser understands display: grid, then all of the styling inside the brackets will be applied. Now, there seems to be a bit of confusion about what Feature Queries are for. That said, I’ve found @supports to be incredibly helpful. For years, developers have used Modernizr to do what Feature Queries do — but Modernizr requires JavaScript. You might notice the syntax of a Feature Query is a lot like a Media Query. Now most of the time, you do not need such a test in your CSS. You do not need a Feature Query for this. Well, that’s not acceptable.

Practical CSS Grid: Adding Grid to an Existing Design · An A List Apart Article Understanding and using Grid is easier than you might expect. The day Grid support shipped in Firefox 52, I decided on the spur of the moment to convert the basic layout of my personal site to use Grid. And it was a fairly simple process—five minutes to write the grid styles, then 15-20 spent troubleshooting. Article Continues Below Grid allows us to literally define column and row grid lines, then attach elements to those lines in any order we choose. It’s been decades since CSS first emerged, but it’s never contained a system anything like this. The way things used to be#section1 Before we get to the Grid, allow me to take just a moment to explain the markup structure of meyerweb’s main pages, and the positioning-and-margins approach I’ve been using for, um, about 12 years now. <body><div id="sitemast">…</div><div id="search">…</div><div id="main">…</div><div id="extra">…</div><div id="navigate">…</div><div id="footer">…</div></body> Constructing the grid#section2 Ouch. Letdowns#section7
