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Slavoj Zizek: Philosophy - Key Ideas

Slavoj Zizek: Philosophy - Key Ideas
• Key Ideas • Books: A Summary He was born the only child of middle-class bureaucrats (who hoped he would become an economist) on 21 March 1949 in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia and, at that time, part of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was, then, under the rule of Marshal Tito (1892-1980), one of the more 'liberal' communist countries in the Eastern Bloc, although, as Zizek points out, the freedoms the regime granted its subjects were rather ambivalent, inducing in the population a form of pernicious self-regulation. One aspect of state control that did have a positive effect on Zizek, however, was the law which required film companies to submit to local university archives a copy of every film they wished to distribute. Zizek was, therefore, able to watch every American and European release and establish a firm grasp of the traditions of Hollywood which have served him so well since. . At all stages in Zizek's life, then, we can detect the insistence of a theme. Slavoj Zizek's Bibliography Related:  Coté Anarchie

Franco Berardi Bifo - Slump Franco Berardi Bifo Stanno suonando le trombe del giudizio? L’orizzonte economico che si presenta nel primo scorcio dell’anno 2016 suscita vivo sgomento negli osservatori. Mario Draghi ripete l’esorcismo estremo: «Whatever it takes». Ma il pericolo attuale non è più quello di un collasso finanziario come nel 2008. Il pericolo è quello di una crisi di sovrapproduzione globale, e di una stagnazione di lungo periodo. Il 10 gennaio il «New York Times» ha pubblicato un articolo di Clifford Kraus dedicato agli effetti che il calo della domanda cinese produce sull’economia globale: «Per anni la Cina s’è ingozzata di ogni tipo di metalli e di energia perché la sua economia si espandeva rapidamente; le grandi aziende hanno ampliato aggressivamente le loro operazioni di estrazione e produzione, scommettendo sulla prospettiva che l’appetito cinese sarebbe continuato per sempre. Scrive ancora Kraus: «I bassi tassi di interesse hanno alimentato il boom produttivo. Perché la domanda crolla?

How to Improve Your Memory: Tips and Exercises to Boost Brainpower Harnessing the power of your brain They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways. The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. Improving memory tip 1: Don't skimp on exercise or sleep Just as an athlete relies on sleep and a nutrition-packed diet to perform his or her best, your ability to remember increases when you nurture your brain with a good diet and other healthy habits. When you exercise the body, you exercise the brain Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Improve your memory by sleeping on it Laughter is good for your brain

Slavoj Zizek In the good old Soviet times, the Serbsky Institute in Moscow was the psychiatric flagship for punitive political control; its psychiatrists developed painful drug methods to make detainees talk and extract testimony for use in national security investigations. Underpinning the ability of psychiatrists to incarcerate people was an invented political mental disorder known as vyalotekushchayaâ ("sluggish schizophrenia"). Psychiatrists described the disease as a person appearing quite normal most of the time but who would break out with a severe case of "inflexibility of convictions," or "nervous exhaustion brought on by his or her search for justice," or "a tendency to litigation" or "reformist delusions." The treatment involved intravenous injections of psychotropic drugs that were so painfully administered patients became unconscious. Later, Gibson offered a more substantial apology, announcing through a spokesman that he would undergo rehabilitation for alcohol abuse.

Cynicism as a Form of Ideology The most elementary definition of ideology is probably the well-known phrase from Marx's Capital: "Sie wissen das nicht, aber sie tun es" ("they do not know it, but they are doing it"). The very concept of ideology implies a kind of basic, constitutive naïveté: the misrecognition of its own presuppositions, of its own effective conditions, a distance, a divergence between so-called social reality and our distorted representation, our false consciousness of it. That is why such a 'naive consciousness' can be submitted to a critical-ideological procedure. We find, then, the paradox of a being which can reproduce itself only in so far as it is misrecognized and overlooked: the moment we see it 'as it really is', this being dissolves itself into nothingness or, more precisely, it changes into another kind of reality. But all this is already well known: it is the classic concept of ideology as 'false consciousness', misrecognition of the social reality which is part of this reality itself.

Radio Alice compie 40 anni - Il ricordo di Bifo L'inno americano storpiato dalla chitarra elettrica di Jimi Hendrix. È stato questo il vagito di Radio Alice, nata 40 anni fa in una mansarda al civico 41 di via del Pratello, Bologna, dall'idea di un gruppo di amici e studenti soprattutto del Dams. Figlia legittima della voglia di sperimentazione, creatività, provocazione e libertà che si respirava in quegli anni sotto i portici, nelle università, e non solo. IL POETA E L'INGEGNERE. Ma soprattutto un'esperienza che rappresentava «la prima convergenza tra lavoro tecnico e lavoro creativo», racconta a Franco Bifo Berardi, uno dei fondatori. «L'alleanza», continua sorridendo, «tra il poeta e l'ingegnere». Franco 'Bifo' Berardi. DOMANDA.

Cool invoice design video | free graphic examples download | Easy Business Software In the sea of confusion regarding types of invoices, billing techniques and payment terms most often generated automatically by an accounting system, most company owners don’t give a second thought as to the actual graphic design of their invoices . Is it an issue worth fussing about? Invoices are an undeniable part of any company not only because it is a formal request for payment but also as a valuable marketing tool . Yes you heard me, marketing ! In most companies and businesses, the person that you’ve completed work for is usually not directly tied to the accounting department. Your invoice should be clear and proper, so that you can get paid by your clients efficiently. I will also walk you through designing an invoice from scratch using Microsoft Paint software for a simple and practical cool invoice design. So here are some general guidelines about invoice design, best practices and examples that will help you make sure your invoices are up to spec. P.S. This one is important.

Slavoj Zizek: Capitalism with Asian values - Talk to Al Jazeera From the Middle East to the streets of London and cities across the US there is a discontent with the status quo. Whether it is with the iron grip of entrenched governments or the widening economic divide between the rich and those struggling to get by. But where are those so hungry for change heading? How profound is their long-term vision to transform society? Slovenian-born philosopher Slavoj Zizek, whose critical examination of both capitalism and socialism has made him an internationally recognised intellectual, speaks to Al Jazeera's Tom Ackerman about the momentous changes taking place in the global financial and political system. In his distinct and colourful manner, he analyses the Arab Spring, the eurozone crisis, the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and the rise of China. Slavoj Zizek's latest book is Living in the End Times (Verso).

Quarant'anni dopo, perché vi interessa ancora Radio Alice? di Valerio Minnella Pochi giorni fa è venuto ad intervistarmi un giornalista-scrittore, Luca Rota, che sta lavorando ad un piccolo nuovo libro su Radio Alice, che sarà presto nelle librerie. Luca, fra l’altro, mi ha domandato «Cosa resta oggi di Radio Alice, dopo quasi 40 anni? In tema di retaggio mediatico ma, ancor più, tematico, filosofico, “spirituale”…» Lì per lì gli ho risposto «Questa domanda dovrei sottoporla io a te, non viceversa. In questi giorni con Nino, uno dei compagni di un tempo, abbiamo cominciato la ristrutturazione del sito, che mettemmo in piedi alla fine degli anni ’90 e che dal 2002 era lì abbandonato; Quando sono andato ad integrare la pagina che raccoglie tutti i libri che parlano di Alice, fra quelli specifici sulla Radio, che ne parlano a fondo, e quelli che la citano solo, ne ho contati più di venti e so che qualcuno ancora manca. Allora la domanda di Luca mi è tornata in testa. Sono quarant’anni che è nata Radio Alice. Vm d Febbraio 1976.

Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender - Vern L. Bullough Notes Toward A New Political Taxonomy | Politics It has become clear to me over the years that one of the causes of persistent confusion in our political arguments is the interchangeable use of taxonomic terms that, while they may have a natural affinity, are not actually synonyms. Three terms that tend to get used interchangeably are: Left Liberal Progressive Their counterparts on the other side of the political spectrum are treated similarly: Right Conservative Reactionary The shades of difference among the meanings of the words within the triads, however, are not minor. I propose, therefore, to accentuate the differences between the words commonly lumped together, to clear up all ambiguities by assigning technical meanings to commonly-used terms, and thereby define a three-dimensional space within which political writers and thinkers could more clearly be pegged. Herewith my new definitions: 1. The core of the difference between a liberal and a conservative outlook relates to one’s basic assumptions about human capacities. 2. 3.

C'è una via d'uscita dalla guerra civile globale? (parte I) Nelle ultime settimane ha provocato una sospensione delle libertà civili in Francia senza alcuna opposizione, ha favorito l'affermazione del Front National, oltre all'inasprimento della xenofobia in tutto l'occidente. Le politiche austeritarie imposte in Europa dalla finanza globale e dallo stato tedesco hanno preparato il terreno per l’affermazione della destra che è un elemento essenziale della precipitazione in corso. Le origini della guerra si trovano nei duecento anni di impoverimento coloniale e di umiliazione della grande maggioranza della popolazione mondiale, e negli ultimi trent’anni di fanatica competizione neoliberista e particolarmente nella privatizzazione di ogni cosa, compresa la guerra. Il passato presenta il conto. Il pacifismo diviene irrilevante poiché le cause della guerra sembrano essere irreversibili. In questo modo le armi disponibili aumentano non soltanto negli arsenali delle potenze nazionali, ma anche nelle cucine e nelle sale da letto della famiglie normali.

Dewey's Aesthetics First published Fri Sep 29, 2006; substantive revision Mon Mar 4, 2013 John Dewey is well known for his work in logic, scientific inquiry, and philosophy of education. His fame is based largely on his membership in the school of American Pragmatists of which Charles Sanders Peirce and William James were the leading early figures. He has also had a great deal of influence in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. First, although Dewey seems to write in an almost folksy style, his philosophical prose is often difficult and dense. However, in the 1950s there was an analytic revolution in English-speaking aesthetics. 1. The relative lack of interest in Dewey changed for several reasons in the late 1970s. Dewey's renewed influence was due in part to increased interest in various continental aestheticians. An interesting aspect of Dewey's writing, and perhaps another reason for the lack of on-going positive reception, was his lack of strong interest in the history of aesthetics. Albert C. 2.

92% Of Americans Are Socialists They Just Don't Know It Wealth inequality is as extreme today as it was during the Great Depression years. In real terms, the wealthy hold the majority of this nation’s wealth and income. The problem in this country is mass disillusionment. In a recent study by Duke and Harvard University they found many Americans believe that the top 20% of our nation’s wealthiest own 60% of the wealth. When the respondents were asked to pick an unlabeled pie chart “How much should the top 20% own?” Here is the actual study. Americans Prefer Sweden For the first task, we created three unlabeled pie charts of wealth distributions, one of which depicted a perfectly equal distribution of wealth. 92% of the respondents believe in the socialistic economic wealth distribution of Sweden. This current Republican Great Recession has started to open the eyes of many Americans. The people are getting restless, the jobs are scarce and the jobs that are available pay lower wages than before due to a higher supply of labor in the market.
