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5 Great Online Tools for Creating Infographics

5 Great Online Tools for Creating Infographics
Professional infographic designers rely primarily on a core vector graphics software program to create their infographics designs. The main advantage is that all the icons, charts, images, illustrations, and data visualizations are treated as separate objects that can be easily moved, resized, overlapped, and rotated. No matter where you create the individual design elements, the final infographic design is usually put together in a vector graphics program. Creating infographics using online tools has never been easier. These new tools are vector graphics applications that run in your browser as a replacement for using an expensive professional desktop application like Adobe Illustrator to put your infographic design together. In this article, we take a quick look at 5 of the best online tools for creating infographics: Visme, Canva,, Piktochart, and 1) Visme ( Visme allows you to create interactive presentations, infographics and other engaging content. Pros Related:  Ed. Tech. Tools

The cheat sheet to choosing effective education apps Getting students active in the classroom is a tough task for any teacher. But there’s a silver bullet that is, quite literally, silver. It’s the Apple iPad and this expensive, silver, and engaging device is making its way into classrooms around the world. Since there’s such a push to bring apps into the classroom, it’s time to figure out which ones are right for you. So what are some of the best education apps for active learning? This cheat sheet will help – but first let’s run through the questions you see in the visual. Questions To Ask When Testing Apps For The Classroom In an attempt to uncover what works, I combed through a few hundred apps and analyzed them by asking the following questions: How easy is this app to use for less tech-savvy students and teachers? There are, of course, many other questions to consider when trying out an iPad app (or any other smart device app) for classroom usage. So, What’s Next? The cheat sheet to choosing effective education apps You’re in luck!

4 outils gratuits pour améliorer les images de votre marketing de contenu Que pensez-vous de l’attrait visuel de votre marketing de contenu? Est-il médiocre ou exceptionnel ? L’image est un élément incontournable du marketing de contenu car un bon visuel frappe les esprits plus sûrement qu’un long discours. Les gens retiennent 20% de ce qu’ils lisent, 10% de ce qu’ils entendent, mais 80% de ce qu’ils voient. Il est donc important de stimuler visuellement votre auditoire, mais surtout de vous démarquer de la concurrence. Abandonnez les images banales et génériques dans les mois à venir et faites usage de vos propres images personnalisées. Créer des images originales, sans se ruiner, est souvent mission impossible. Comme beaucoup de marketeurs de contenu, il se peut que vous n’ayez pas les compétences professionnelles d’un graphiste ou encore le temps d’apprendre à utiliser Photoshop. Canva simplifie la conception graphique pour tout le monde. Vous pouvez exporter vos créations en JPEG, idéal pour le web ou en PDF prêt pour l’impression ! Et vous ?

The Twitteraholic’s Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter Most educators who learn to use Twitter effectively say they learn more from their personal learning network (PLN) on Twitter than they’ve achieved from any other forms of professional development or personal learning. Unfortunately educators often dismiss Twitter, or fail to see the value of Twitter, when they’re first introduced to Twitter. Our aim of this post is to provide all the information you need to learn how to use Twitter effectively as an educator. We regularly update this post with new information. This post was last updated June, 2014. Click on a link below to go to the section you want to read: About the Twitter-a-holic’s Ultimate Guide The original Twitter-a-holic’s Guide was published in July, 2010 when I’d just returned from attending a large conference overseas and realized that while a conference can make you feel really overwhelmed and alone — especially amongst the 13,000 ed tech professionals participants who attend it each year — I never felt alone. Why? Back to Top 1.

OUTILS WEB GRATUITS Top 10 Free Content Curation Tools For Teachers - eLearning Industry Summary: Finding educational content in the web is no big deal- but managing it, is. Educational content curation is the art – rather than the act – of sorting out the vast amounts of educational content on the web and organizing them around a specific educational topic in a coherent way. General speak all teachers are educational information curators, or should be. Modern web tools help both students and teachers to contribute online discoveries to class conversations. Create the best Course for your School with the Right Vendor Find, choose and compare the top eLearning Content Development Companies for K12! eLearning Tags At eLearning Tags you can share, discover, vote and discuss interesting and remarkable eLearning and Educational Technology content. eLearning Tags offers helpful information on a number of topics concerning distance education including eLearning, Instructional Design, Gamification, Social Learning, MOOCs, mLearning and more.

How to Create an Infographic in an Hour or Less [5 Free PPT Templates] Wouldn't it be great if creating infographics was as simple as writing regular ol' text-based blog posts? Unfortunately, the reality is that making visual content like this usually takes a lot more time, effort, and let's face it -- skill -- than the written word. Usually. But considering the popularity and effectiveness of visual content in marketing today, you can't just afford to throw in the towel. That's why we decided to take all the pain and suffering out of infographic creation. Download our 15 free infographic templates here. Then, all you have to do is provide the content to use inside them. Would you rather watch this tutorial instead of read it? Click here to download your free infographic templates. How to Create Infographics For Free in Under an Hour Step 1: Collect your data/content, and choose your desired template. You can either collect third-party data or use your own original data. Step 2: Customize your infographic. That's it! Share this Image On Your Site

Rubrics for Assessment Teachers who integrate technology into student activities and projects often ask us this question - “How do I grade it?” Fundamentally, assessing multimedia activities and projects is no different than evaluating traditional assignments, such as written essays. The primary distinctions between them are the unique features and divergent possibilities associated with their respective medium. For instance, a blog has a unique set of possibilities (such as hypertext, embedded video, interactive imagery, etc) vastly different than those of a notebook (paper and pen notes and drawings within a contained document). The first thing to realize is that you cannot separate the user from the device. iPads, Chromebooks, and tech tools themselves don’t demonstrate great learning; it’s about what students do with the technology that matters.

Créer des infographies en ligne : outils et bonnes pratiques La visualisation des données offre aux professionnels une manière innovante de communiquer des informations. Éditeurs web et journalistes, services de communication d'entreprise, spécialistes du marketing -et plus généralement les professionnels amenés à faire des présentations publiques- recourent aux infographies pour mettre en valeur l'information, la vulgariser et la contextualiser. Si la création d'infographie est avant tout un métier, elle est aujourd'hui également accessible aux non-initiés. Bonnes pratiques Cerner l'objectif d'une infographie : traduire simplement des données complexes, pour comparer ou mettre en valeur des informations, dégager une tendance/évolution, dresser un bilan, etc. Enfin, penser à s'appuyer sur des outils existants : comme Microsoft Excel, qui permet de générer de manière très soignée une grande variété de diagrammes qui pourront ensuite être intégrés à l'infographie. Les grands types de diagrammes Chronologie Camemberts Graphes à barres comparées Tree maps

Echo360 Events | Conferences, Webinars, User Meetings Supporting STEM with Active Learning Technology: How UT Martin is Successfully Expanding STEM to Students in Rural Areas Instructors and technologists from UT Martin describe how they leverage lecture capture technology to promote active learning in face-to-face, online and hybrid STEM courses. Learn how they creatively use captured content for peer mentoring, distance courses, student review and more. Air Date: September 26, 2013 Craig Ingram, Director, Instructional Technology Center, UT Martin Paula Gale, Professor/Assistant Director, Agriculture, Geosciences, & Natural Resources, UT Martin Bruce Harrison, IT Administrator IV, Senior Systems Administrator, Video Engineer, UT Martin Kate Stumpo, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Physics, UT Martin Peggy Davis, Assistant Professor, Nursing, UT Martin Bob Bradley, Instructor, Computer Science, UT Martin David Ray, Instructor, Mathematics and Statistics Harriette Speigel, Instructional Technologist, UT Martin View Webinar

Scalable Vector Graphics Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Différence entre les images matricielles et vectorielles. Les images vectorielles peuvent être agrandies à l’infini. Le Scalable Vector Graphics (en français « graphique vectoriel adaptable[1] »), ou SVG, est un format de données conçu pour décrire des ensembles de graphiques vectoriels et basé sur XML. Ce format inspiré directement du VML et du PGML est spécifié par le World Wide Web Consortium. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] SVG a été développé à partir de 1999 par un groupe de sociétés au sein du W3C après la mise en concurrence des propositions Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) proposé par Adobe à partir de PostScript et Vector Markup Language (VML) proposé par Microsoft à partir de Rich Text Format (RTF). En septembre 2001, le W3C publie la Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification, W3C Recommendation[3]. Depuis, le travail se continue sur la version 2[5]. SVG : le dessin et les cartes[modifier | modifier le code]

SlidesCarnival, free presentation templates for Google Slides & Powerpoint Comment remplacer votre police de caractères Le contenu prend de plus en plus de place dans votre stratégie web ? Vous venez de gagner BEAUCOUP de points ! Plus vous écrirez, plus vous attirerez de visiteurs sur votre site grâce à votre référencement naturel. Toutefois, attention à ne pas les faire fuir avec des textes illisibles, mal mis en page ou de type Wordart. Découvrez comment remplacer votre police de caractères ! 1 – Oubliez les classiques Plusieurs polices sont utilisées depuis plusieurs années pour ne citer que Arial, Times New Roman ou Verdana. Sur internet, ces polices ont longtemps sévi à cause des contraintes imposées par les navigateurs. ArialGeorgiaArial BlackTimes New RomanVerdanaTrebuchet MSPalatino LinotypeTahomaImpactComic Sans MS (eh oui…)Lucida (utilisée par Facebook)Courier New C’est pour cette raison qu’en 2010, après 50 ans d’utilisation de la célèbre police Futura, IKEA a décidé de revenir aux classiques pour utiliser la… Verdana dans son célèbre catalogue imprimé. 2 - Révisez-les 3 - Puis, changez-les

Free PowerPoint Templates for eLearning Today we are giving away four PowerPoint Templates and a few other goodies for your eLearning. The best part of these eLearning Templates is they are free. These PowerPoint Templates can be used in all your standard eLearning authoring tools (iSpring, Snap, Articulate Presenter, and Adobe Presenter). Here is what you get with today’s Free Templates: A Conversational Scenario Template2 Page Layout Templates16 Cutout People Images and Illustrated Characters4 Stock Images and GraphicsA Storyboard Template (for Instructional Designers) To download these free templates, we invite you to get a Free eLearning Templates account. 1. (Already a member? Download Free PowerPoint Templates View all our PowerPoint Templates. Free Cutout People Images View all our Cutout People Images. Free eLearning Stock Images and Graphics View all our eLearning Stock Images and Graphics. Note: You must sign up as a Free Member to access free templates in the library.
