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OneNote for Teachers - Interactive Guides

OneNote for Teachers - Interactive Guides
Related:  Windows Tablet und StorytellingProfessional Development

10 Most Engaging Uses of Tech Integration Rethinking Engagement | Theory and Practice “Children are always on task; the important question is, what is the task?” – Peter Johnston For Millennials, the End of the TV Viewing Party by Alex Williams (New York Times, November 7, 2014) With the advent of the smartphone, landlines are starting to become a thing of the past. Creating and Composing in a Digital Writing Workshop by Troy Hicks and Kristin Ziemke (Digital Writing, Digital Teaching, November 5, 2014) This collaborative post was written in response to a piece by highly respected literacy expert Nancy Atwell. Effects of Classroom Practices on Reading Comprehension, Engagement, and Motivations for Adolescents by John T. This research study conducted through the University of Maryland wanted to determine the correlation between classroom supports, student motivation, and informational text comprehension. Dr. The Mindful Educator by Sarah McKibben (ASCD Education Update, November 2014) Connecting the dots… In my humble opinion, this is a wonderful example of engagement.

Videomomente für Windows 8.1: So funktioniert der Video-Editor | Tutorials | Softonic Die neue App Movie-Moments für Windows 8.1 ergänzt die fest installierte Kamera-App um einen simplen Video-Editor. Mit ein paar Fingertipps können Sie Ihre selbstgedrehten Filmchen schneiden und um Musik und Kommentare ergänzen. Beispielvideo Die Kamera-App von Windows 8.1 eignet sich nur für Aufnahmen. Für erweiterte Editierfunktionen setzt Windows 8.1 auf Extra-Apps wie Videomomente. Nach der Aufnahme oder dem Öffnen eines Videos sehen Sie umgehend die Editieransicht. Diese Werkzeuge stehen zur Auswahl: Position auf Zeitleiste auswählenVideo am Anfang oder Ende beschneidenKommentar am aktuellen Zeitpunkt einfügenMusik hinzufügen Video schneiden Ziehen Sie den Anfangs- und Endpunkt an die gewünschte Stelle. Sie können das Video auch teilen und dann in der Mitte Abschnitte entfernen. Anschließend sehen Sie mehrere weiß markierte Teile, die Sie auf die gleiche Art aber getrennt voneinander beschneiden können. Kommentare hinzufügen Anschließend geben Sie den gewünschten Text ein. Fazit

5 Heutagogical Tips to Empower Lifelong Learners Online Posted by Becky Krill in Educator Tips, Online Education Trends on November 19, 2014 Prior to joining the marketing team at SchoolKeep, I worked as an educational program manager for an experiential learning company. As the company grew, I was forced to take on new, intimidating marketing tasks. I realized I had quite a bit to learn. During my transition to marketing, I became a heutagogic learner in just under 3 months, meaning I was markedly more self-determined, motivated and highly autonomous, without ever setting foot in a classroom. In a world where information is instantly available to us, the educator is no longer the sole proprietor of subject matter expertise. Related Post: As Education Grows Beyond the Classroom, How Will the Role of Instructional Designers Evolve This post is for educators and instructional designers who want to learn more about heutagogy and implement strategies that empower lifelong learners online. What is Heutagogy? Tip 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment

A New Era: Teacher As Coach | LeadUpNow Today’s post is by Elisabeth Bostwick, a passionate educator serving students daily in Horseheads, NY. When colleagues have entered my room, at first glance they thought I wasn’t there. I recall the bewildered look of one administrator that I worked for as he scanned the room thinking I had left it unattended. Typically one of the student leaders in my room will notice and point them in my direction. You see, as a coach I’m beside my learners as I question, reflect and provide feedback. Conflicting Titles While I view myself as a learning coach, my current title reads as “teacher.” teacher noun: a person or thing that teaches something; especially : a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects. First Known Use: 14th century Definition of TEACHER for Kids: a person who passes on information or skill I interpret this definition of teacher as someone who can stand, speak, demonstrate, and ta-dah! Shifting Student Leadership Community and Structures Pioneering

What Is Active Learning? Defining "active learning" is a bit problematic. The term means different thing to different people, while for some the very concept is redundant since it is impossible to learn anything passively. Certainly this is true, but it doesn't get us very far toward understanding active learning and how it can be applied in college classrooms. We might think of active learning as an approach to instruction in which students engage the material they study through reading, writing, talking, listening, and reflecting. Active learning stands in contrast to "standard" modes of instruction in which teachers do most of the talking and students are passive. Think of the difference between a jar that's filled and a lamp that's lit. Students and their learning needs are at the center of active learning. Using active learning does not mean abandoning the lecture format, but it does take class time. Basic Elements of Active Learning Talking and Listening Writing Reading Reflecting Keys to Success Be creative!

Web2-Unterricht: Präsentation mit Microsoft Sway erstellen Anfangs Oktober 2014 wurde erstmals über Sway berichtet. Unter anderem konnte man bei folgendes lesen: "Microsoft hat eine Vorschau einer neuen Office-Anwendung namens Sway veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Programm zum Sammeln und Präsentieren von Inhalten." Im Mai 2015 konnte man folgendes zu Sway lesen: "Bisher war Microsofts Software zum Erstellen von interaktiven Präsentationen Sway ausschliesslich als Preview-Version verfügbar, nun haben die Entwickler angekündigt, das Programm Nutzern in Office 365 zur Verfügung zu stellen. Am 5. In diesem Post erkläre ich wie mit Sway eine Präsentation erstellt wird. Sway ist ein Mix einer herkömmlichen Präsentation und einer Webseite welche Multimedia und Text darstellt. Starten mit Sway Melden Sie sich unter an oder laden Sie unter Windows 10 die App Sway auf Ihren Computer und melden Sie sich dort an. Sway App unter Windows 10 Erstes Sway erstellen Klicken Sie auf Neu erstellen. Weitere Info Fazit

Big Picture Education Australia | Big Picture Education Australia Big Picture Education Australia aims to stimulate vital changes in Australian education by generating and sustaining innovative, personalised schools that work in partnership with their greater communities. We design break-through public schools, research and replicate new designs for education, train educators to serve as leaders in their schools and communities, and actively engage the public as participants and decision makers in the education of our young people. Our philosophy is grounded in educating "one student at a time." We promote and create personalised education programs that are unique for each student. We believe that true learning takes place when each student is an active participant in his or her education, when his or her course of study is personalised by teachers, parents and mentors who know him or her well, and when school-based learning is blended with outside experiences that heighten the student's interest.

OneNote für Lehrer: Grundlagen » Microsoft 365 für Lehrer Sketchnotes – das sind kleine Symbole und Zeichnungen, die Deine Inhalte lebendiger und anschaulicher machen. Gerade in der Schule sind Sketchnotes eine tolle Möglichkeit, um Gedanken zu visualisieren und Dein Unterrichtsmaterial kreativ zu gestalten. Und: Du musst kein Künstler sein, um Sketchnotes zu erstellen. Sketchnotes leben von einfachen Linien und Formen. Dieser Artikel ersetzt aber kein Sketchnotes-Tutorial. Jetzt weiterlesen …

WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders by @MrsHollyEnglish This is a re-blog post originally posted by Holly Fairbrother, and published with kind permission. Lesson Study as a research concept is a new idea to me – however, the elements of what comprises it are not. I am an advocate of peer observations and feedback as an invaluable tool in improving teaching and learning. However, in the 12 years I have been teaching, I have found that the majority of teachers do not want to engage in this kind of professional learning. I think there are a number of reasons for this but the main one being trust. I have found, in international schools, where your position is never tenured and you are always a guest in a country meaning your status often feels unstable, there is an underlying feeling of mistrust around observations. I find collaborative planning and peer observation a valuable method of ensuring our instruction is effective, and have worked in schools where the professional learning focus was on just this. The DSC Way. (2010, June 28).

Knietzsches Geschichtenwerkstatt – die App für kreative Kinder Mit der Planet Schule App „Knietzsches Geschichtenwerkstatt“ können Kinder eigene Knietzsche-Geschichten erzählen – frei, kreativ und ohne Vorgaben. Die App fördert spielerisch Kreativität und Selbstvertrauen und unterstützt Kinder beim Erzählen. Die Spiel- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sind groß. Ob alleine geschrieben oder gemeinsam mit Freunden und Klassenkameraden gestaltet: Die Kinder können ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen. Alle Apps gibt es kostenlos in den Stores, alle anderen Programme stehen auf Planet Schule zur Verfügung. „Knietzsche macht Nachrichten“ – Tablet-Unterrichtsangebot Für das App-Angebot „Knietzsche macht Nachrichten“ gibt es nun ein großes Unterrichtsmodul. Neu in Version 1.30 Umfangreiches Update mit neuen Hintergründen und Motiven zum Thema Medien. Knietzsche kann jetzt auch Nachrichten! Mit neuen Figuren, Gegenständen und Hintergründen zum Thema Medien können Kinder nun auch eigene Nachrichtengeschichten erzählen mit Bildern und Schriften. Tutorial

Professional Learning AIS Professional Learning Courses The AIS Professional Learning team supports school communities and school staff in a variety of ways to meet their professional learning needs. In this site you will find detailed information relating to the following areas: AIS Professional Learning Courses – each year over 200 PL courses devised by the team of AIS consultants and school-based convenors are available. For further information about Professional Learning services please contact the Director: Professional Learning - Darryl Buchanan on 02 9299 2845 or For KLA and specific information on other speciality areas please click on the relevant tabs to the left.

CREST - CREativity in Science and Technology Certificates, stickers and medallions are available to reward students. Engage your students with open-ended science investigations and technology projects through the CREST program. 30 August 2013 | Updated 29 May 2014 Overview What is CREST? The CSIRO CREST Awards program: supports the Australian Curriculum is open to all primary and secondary students covers both science and technology areas of the curriculum is non-competitive encourages success and the development of skills and processes allows students to pursue a topic of interest to them is open-ended. CREST students undertake real-life open-ended science and technology investigative projects. CREST enables students to develop an appreciation of science and technology investigations and can inspire students to take up further studies in science and engineering. The projects are offered at different levels and provide challenges for all abilities and at both primary and secondary school. Some benefits of CREST

Hand-Sketching: Things You Didn't Know Your Doodles Could Accomplish Advertisement Is sketching by hand more than a nostalgic activity? How is paper any different from a screen, especially when hardware is becoming more and more sophisticated? Is improving your hand-sketching skills really worthwhile when high-tech software is advancing every day? What difference can a pencil possibly make? Everyone seems to have a strong opinion about hand-sketching these days. Here’s the thing. To understand why hand-sketching makes such a difference for me and many designers I know, I did some research. External Memory: Take A Load Off Your Mind, Literally Cognitive psychologists have been studying the impact of sketching on brain functioning for years, and with good reason: Putting ideas to paper is a powerful way to extend one’s memory. Flexibility: Hand-Sketching Improves Your Ability To Restructure Ideas Consider your initial idea for a project. Interestingly, these results may have less to do with the way we are wired than with the way we have been educated. Oh my.
