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Flexbox Cheatsheet Cheatsheet

Flexbox Cheatsheet Cheatsheet
While I am no stranger to the magic of Flexbox, I find that I am not using it very often just yet. As a result I end up pausing and referring back to this post at CSS-Tricks whenever an opportunity to utilize its powers presents itself. I set out to create a quick visual to summarize Flexbox when I run into these moments of pause in the future. I like to think of it as a little diagram (flow chart? decision tree-ish thing?) that is a cheatsheet...based on cheatsheets. Anyway, I thought I would share it just in case others may find such a resource beneficial as well. If you would prefer to have this guy as a PDF you can grab that here. Related:  FLEXBOX

Flexbox — Fast Track to Layout Nirvana? Introduction HTML and CSS is a great content delivery mechanism in many ways — it is easy to learn, flexible and powerful. One thing however that it has never excelled at is complex layouts. To combat this, CSS3 includes a number of modules that exist to made different layout tasks much easier. Flexbox, as it’s commonly called, is designed to allow us to easily manipulate the layout of a series of child elements in ways that were previously difficult. Sounds rather useful, no? This article uses the latest Flexbox syntax, currently supported in Opera Mobile 12.1+, Opera 12.5+, Firefox 18+ (partial) and Chrome. A simple flex example To get the flex party started, let’s consider a simple example to show how easy Flexbox layout is. Note: to see my finished example, look at my Flexible fat footer page (Figure 1) — you’ll see that I’ve made a funky little design with a column of content and a footer at the bottom, which stays put via some position: fixed magic. Getting started with Flexbox

Build Awesome Websites | 5 Ways to think about CSS Flexbox Rather than hash out all the flexbox properties and values, I thought I'd share a few ways to think about flexbox, and how it differs from other layout conventions like floats. Here are five, higher-level thoughts which have helped wrap my head around flexbox. (Note: I'll refer to flex containers as parents, and flex items as children.) 1. The parent is the commander of positioning the children This is a shift in thought process. 2. By default, justify-* properties distribute children along the horizontal axis, and align-* properties distribute children on the vertical axis. However, you can switch things up with the flex-direction property. For example, you can flip the axes by using flex-direction: column. So whenever you are using justify-* properties or align-* properties, make sure you know which flex-direction is being used. 3. Any flex item can be a parent of other flex items. 4. They can stand in line wherever they want and defy the HTML source order. 5.

CSS3 Flexbox Layout module Vous connaissez certainement le modèle de boîte classique en CSS et ses dispositions de type “block” ou “inline”, sachez que Flexbox CSS3 a été conçu pour étendre ce périmètre en introduisant un nouveau modèle de boîte distinct, que l’on appellera “le Modèle de boîte flexible”. En février 2016 est sorti mon livre entièrement dédié à Flexbox. Il se nomme "CSS3 Flexbox : plongez dans les CSS modernes" et je vous recommande bien évidemment sa lecture afin de comprendre tous les rouages de ce positionnement révolutionnaire, et d'en maîtriser tous les aspects. Au sein de ce schéma, on ne raisonne plus en “block” ou “inline”, ni même en float ou autres types de boîtes “classiques” CSS, mais en “Modèle de boîte flexible”, dont les quatre possibilités principales sont : Note : ce tutoriel a été initialement rédigé en octobre 2010. Il a subi une refonte intégrale en décembre 2014 pour se mettre à jour. En action ! Démonstration display: flex Compatibilité Tableau des compatibilités Standardisation

Using Flexbox: Mixing Old and New for the Best Browser Support By Chris Coyier On Flexbox is pretty awesome and is certainly part of the future of layout. The syntax has changed quite a bit over the past few years, hence the "Old" and "New" syntax. #The HTML A semantically meaningless wrapper goes around the three main areas and will set the flexbox context. <div class="page-wrap"><section class="main-content" role="main"> Main content: first in source order </section><nav class="main-nav" role="navigation"> Links </nav><aside class="main-sidebar" role="complementary"> Sidebar </aside></div> The end result looking like this: #Flexbox Context We need to make the container for our columns a flexbox display context. Right away we need to weave the old, new, and tweener syntaxes together. #Controlling Column Widths Our goal here is a 20% / 60% / 20% grid. Step 1 is to set our main content to the 60%. Again we need to weave together old, new, and tweener syntaxes. #Column Re-Ordering #Browser Support If you do all this weaving, you can get: #Demo On CodePen:

Making and Breaking the Web With CSS Gradients What is CSS prefixing and why do I care? Straight from the source: “Browser vendors sometimes add prefixes to experimental or nonstandard CSS properties, so developers can experiment but changes in browser behavior don’t break the code during the standards process. Developers should wait to include the unprefixed property until browser behavior is standardized.” As a Web developer, users of your web sites will be affected if you use prefixed CSS properties which later have their prefixes removed—especially if syntax has changed between prefixed and unprefixed variants. There are steps you can take in stewardship of an unbroken Web. What are CSS gradients? CSS gradients are a type of CSS <image> function (expressed as a property value) that enable developers to style the background of block-level elements to have variations in color instead of just a solid color. Removing (and then not removing) prefixed gradients from Firefox Sin and syntax OK, so like, what should I do? Modernizing your CSS

Une grille responsive avec CSS3 Flexbox et LESS (ou Sass) Ce tutoriel a pour but de présenter dans les détails une technique de conception de grille de mise en forme responsive à l’aide du positionnement CSS3 Flexbox Layout, actuellement parfaitement adapté à ce genre de fonctions en attendant une meilleure implémentation de Grid Layout. En février 2016 est sorti mon livre entièrement dédié à Flexbox. Il se nomme "CSS3 Flexbox : plongez dans les CSS modernes" et je vous recommande bien évidemment sa lecture afin de comprendre tous les rouages de ce positionnement révolutionnaire, et d'en maîtriser tous les aspects. Le concept de grille produite permettra de gérer les espaces inter-colonnes (gouttières), les décalages (“offsets”), les différentes tailles d’écran et d’être automatisable. Voir le résultat final en ligne Le fondement : Flexbox Layout Notre grille sera construite grâce au module Flexbox, aujourd’hui compatible sur une bonne majorité des navigateurs (95% en France selon les stats Caniuse en fin 2014). Les bases de la grille

sans titre Flexbox transitions You can animate the change almost any property of flexbox, bar a few, and have them transition. Since animating layout properties has never been a big priority of mine, most of these animations feel to be a little redundant. The one thing I would love to animate is inserts and removes. To make inserts and removes less jarring you need to make use of transitionStart/transitionEnd or animationStart/animationEnd javascript events to be able make the action smoother. Flexbox feature support While organisations are still catching up with this decade’s internet browsers and operating systems, support for flex box is fairly shaky. Even with more modern browsers - some mobile devices such as Windows Phone and Android 4.x are still going to require some old syntax, and while helpful tools like grunt-autoprefixer will feel like magic, my personal experience with them has shown them not to be so perfect.

Le petit flexbox illustré chez Vincent Valentin. Nantes, le 7 septembre 2015. Flexbox est un nouveau module d’affichage CSS qui apporte quelques possibilités graphiques jusqu’alors impossibles et qui permet aussi de grandement simplifier les constructions habituelles. Son principal frein reste le support limité à IE 10+ (pas de souci pour la majorité des autres navigateurs), mais au regard des nouveautés offertes, il est d’ores et déjà intéressant d’en comprendre le fonctionnement et de résoudre certaines problématiques grâce à celui-ci. Déclencher un affichage flexbox passe par la propriété display. Flexbox diffère un peu des types d’affichages habituels car le changement va ici non seulement impacter l’élément sélectionné, mais également ses enfants directs. Ainsi on parlera de flex-container et de flex-items ; et il sera possible de passer des propriétés spécifiques à ces deux composants. La courbe d’apprentissage du module peut paraître abrupte au premier abord. Quoi qu’il en soit, au lieu de devoir écrire : La direction Par exemple :

Framework CSS - Developpeur / integrateur web & referenceur Ils parlent de framework CSS : Liste de framework CSS : speckyboy (Liste de framework css)fuelYourCoding (Liste de framework css)noupe (Liste de framework css)skytechgeek (Liste de framework css) bootstrap twitter (sur eewee) Le Framework CSS « bootstrap twitter » propose : ÉlégantIntuitifPuissantLe développement web plus rapide & plus facile. Construit chez Twitter par @mdo & @fat, Le bootstrap utilise LESS CSS, est compilé via Node (+ en video), et managé sur GitHub. Il est basé sur une grille de 12 colonnes, des dizaines de composants, plugins JavaScript, typographies, gestion de formulaire, et même un Customizer sur le Web pour faire votre propre Bootstrap. Exemples : Structures, Construit avec le bootstrap,,,,, Réseaux sociaux : blog, twitter Autres infos : Documentation, GitHub Télécharger : framework CSS bootstrap twitter foundation zurb (sur eewee) Télécharger : framework CSS foundation zurb

Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS All of the code samples on this site show how to solve a particular design problem with Flexbox. They show just the code that's needed to make the demos work in a spec-compliant browser. Some browsers do not fully comply with the latest version of the spec, so sadly, a few workarounds were necessary. Workarounds for non-compliant browsers are not shown in the code samples, but if you're curious about those implementation details, you can check out the source files. The vendor prefixing and translating of current flex properties to their legacy equivalents is all handled by autoprefixer. The class naming convention used in the code samples and source files is taken from SUIT CSS, which is based on BEM methodologies. If you find a mistake or would like to suggest an additional example, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on Github.

Elephants, The Three Code Ilities, & Two Months With CSS Modules “Move fast and break things” is what they said. Over at Lystable we are definitely moving fast. In only two months we have gone from having nothing but a feature list and early designs to having two beautiful, component-sharing, fully functional apps built and shipping to companies such as Google, Twitter & Apple. The Three Ilities While moving fast feels great (and is, of course, great) it can very easily (and more often than not) come back to haunt you if you do not approach it correctly. The problem, of course, are the “Three Code Ilities” - maintability, scalability and stability. When moving fast these can become seriously comprompised as we tend to cut corners, make hacks and even have to make sacrifices to code quality in some areas. This is not because we are bad developers but because we are humans with a job to do, deadlines to hit and dependants we want to satisfy. The Elephant CSS was an Elephant and I’m glad we’ve addressed it. At first CSS is lovely. However... Enter CSS Modules

KNACSS, a simple and lightweight CSS framework
