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Etthalomdagen - Planering och arbetsuppgifter

Etthalomdagen - Planering och arbetsuppgifter
Fredag 12 oktober Vi har en uppföljning från måndagens lektion då vi jobbade med ordkunskap och ser till att alla har fått rätt betydelse på orden. Därefter tittar vi på slutuppgiften till boken: Slutuppgift Ett hål om dagenI LPP:n för läsningen av Ett hål om dagen står att vi i undervisningen ska utveckla din förmåga att läsa och analysera skönlitteratur och att urskilja texters budskap, tema och motiv. Den här sista uppgiften är inriktad mot att träna just det och ge dig en chans att visa hur du tänker om det du läst. Jag vill att du skriver en inlämningsuppgift om ett av de tre ämnena nedan. Dina egna funderingar om det du lästExempel från handlingen i bokenCitat från boken. Instruktioner: Rubriken på din text ska vara samma som ämnetTexten ska vara ca en sida långTexten ska skrivas med typsnittet Times New Roman 12Texten skrivs i skolan på lektionerna och ska vara klar onsdag 25 oktober vilket innebär att du har fem lektioner på dig. Makt - Vem är det som bestämmer över vem? Related:  Holes - Louis Sachar

Holes --Novel Study Guides for the Classroom A complete list of the novels available How to order-- It's Easy! Copyright 2002 Created by Brian Thornton Louis Sachar Answer all questions in sentence form. Part One--You Are Entering Camp Green Lake Chapters One & Two Explain the irony in the name Camp Green Lake.Why will campers sometimes permit themselves to be bitten by a rattlesnake or a scorpion? Write a short biography on the author and examine some of his other novels. Chapters Three & Four Why did Stanley have a box of stationery? Chapters Five & Six Why was Mr. Pretend you are the judge in Stanley's case. Chapter Seven & Eight How do we know that Stanley is not accustomed to hard physical work? The author begins to use a new structure in this chapter. Chapter Nine & Ten Explain why the sign on the rec room said wreck room.Why in X-Ray's opinion was the second hole the hardest to dig? Chapter Eleven & Twelve What did X-Ray ask Stanley to do the next time he found something interesting? Chapter Thirteen & Fourteen Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen

Holes Discussion Questions After reading Holes, use these questions to start a discussion with your students about the book. You can also use any of these questions as a writing prompt. In what ways is the saying "You can't judge a book by its cover" a good one for this story? Some questions are adapted from Scholastic BookFiles: A Reading Guide to Holes.

Resting, Reading and Writing | Focus on Mrs Jones Bläddrade bland gamla foton och hittade ett som direkt förde tanken till ett av mina favoritprojekt! Och så här lagom till sommarledigheten kan det ju fungera som ett lästips också :-). Till sommaren är det ju skojsigt att ligga i en solstol eller i skuggan av ett lummigt träd och läsa … Medan vi skrev Focusböckerna spenderade jag många somrar letandes efter böcker vi kunde använda textutdrag ur. För oss författare var det viktigt att ha med autentiska textutdrag i FoE. Jag ville också dela med mig av roliga upplägg som jag använt i klassrummet. Jag brukade introducera arbetet så här (saxat ur Teacher’s Guide FoE8): Skriv ordet HOLE på tavlan och låt eleverna i små grupper spåna kring följande saker (en fråga i taget): What is it? What emotion would you link to the word? Which animal do you think of when you hear the word? In what way could this word have anything to do with teenagers? Vi grävde ner oss totalt i detaljer, i helheten, i de olika nivåerna och texterna i texten.

Louis Sachar — Holes—The Book Stanley Yelnats was given a choice. The judge said, "You may go to jail, or you may go to Camp Green Lake." Stanley was from a poor family. He had never been to camp before. And so, Stanley Yelnats seems set to serve an easy sentence, which is only fair because he is as innocent as you or me. But Stanley is not going where he thinks he is. The trouble started when Stanley was accused of stealing a pair of shoes donated by basketball great Clyde "Sweetfeet" Livingston to a celebrity auction. At Camp Green Lake, the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. Fate conspires to resolve it all—the family curse, the mystery of the holes, the drought that destroyed Green Lake, and also, the legend of Kissing Kate Barlow, an infamous outlaw of the Wild West. Want to spend some more quaity time at Camp Greenlake? Should you ever find yourself at Camp Green Lake—or somewhere similar—this is the guide for you.

Holes: Plot Overview Stanley Yelnats, a boy who has bad luck due to a curse placed on his great- great-grandfather, is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention camp, for a crime he did not commit. Stanley and the other boys at the camp are forced to dig large holes in the dirt every day. Stanley eventually realizes that they are digging these holes because the Warden is searching for something. As Stanley continues to dig holes and meet the other boys at the camp, the narrator intertwines three separate stories to reveal why Stanley's family has a curse and what the Warden is looking for. When he was a boy, Stanley's great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats, received a pig from Madame Zeroni, a gypsy, in exchange for a promise. One hundred and ten years before Stanley arrives at Camp Green Lake, the town of Green Lake is a beautiful place where peach trees bloom throughout the spring. Stanley and Zero find a suitcase that has the name Stanley Yelnats on it.

Holes: Facts title · Holes author · Louis Sachar type of work · Novel genre · Mystery; folk tale; adventure novel language · English time and place written · 1998, Texas date of first publication · 1998 publisher · Farrar, Straus and Giroux narrator · Omniscient point of view · The omniscient narrator moves constantly through three different time periods. tone · The narrator of Holes seems reliable but often interjects dark humor or irony into the narration. tense · The tense often shifts from the present to flashbacks in Stanley's own life, in the life of Kate Barlow, or to the life of Stanley's great-great-grandfather. setting (time) · Most of the story takes place at the end of the 20th century but there are fashbacks to the late 19th century and to the mid 19th century. setting (place) · Most of the story takes place on Green Lake, in Texas. protagonist · Stanley Yelnats climax · When Stanley steals Mr. falling action · Stanley and Zero's escape from camp radically alters their plans.

Reading Comprehension - Literature - Louis Sachar's Holes Comprehension Companion Home > Reading Comprehension > Louis Sachar 's Holes Comprehension Companion Enjoying literature is one of the joys of reading. The goal of the "Holes Comprehension Companion" is to help teach reading comprehension in an enjoyable context, and to directly teach the skills instead of providing "practice" for a skill a student may not yet have. These exercises also require students to think about what they've read; unfortunately, all a student must do when asked to write a summary of a novel is to ask a search engine and copy. Holes by Louis Sachar is a Newbery-winning novel that has a straightforward plot (with flashbacks), clearly defined characters, and an intertwining of past and present personalities with neo-Shakespearean twists, as many seemingly insignificant details tie together. Holes lends itself to explicitly teaching comprehension skills such as understanding themes, inferences, and character and quote analysis. Here are some comprehension activities related to Holes. Draw it!

Holes Teaching Guide Overview In this Flashlight Readers session, students build key comprehension skills including identifying the sequence of story events and recognizing the cause-and-effect relationships of these events in the development of a narrative. Students gain these skills by participating in interactive games and activities related to the Newbery Medal-winning book Holes by Louis Sachar. Objectives Students will: Match key story symbols and events, and explore how they're repeated through multiple story strandsReconstruct plot by creating a timeline of story eventsInteract with vocabulary and symbols from the bookPlay a reading comprehension adventure game based on plot, characters, and themesCommunicate with the author by participating in a moderated chat or by reading the transcriptView stills from the movie with references to related passages from the bookLearn about the author, his writing process, and how he comes up with story ideas

How to Teach Perseverance Using the Book Holes By learning how to persevere in spite of hardship, your students will thrive inside and outside the classroom. But how do you teach perseverance? Engaging books, like the award-winning novel Holes, by Louis Sachar, are great tools for helping young readers understand the importance of perseverance and determination. Through reading, they may even be inspired to cultivate these qualities in their own lives. Plus, check out these 100 books that build character. In Holes, young Stanley Yelnats has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where he’s forced to spend his days “building character” by digging holes five feet wide and five feet deep. This book will not only provide students the opportunity to learn about perseverance and determination through Stanley’s experience, it will inspire them to reflect on the role perseverance has played in their own lives and how it can impact their future. 1. 2. What motivates Stanley to persevere each day? 3.

Holes Text vs. Film: A Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan Directions Step 1: Before the students begin viewing the movie, explain to them that they will be making a Double Bubble Thinking Map comparing the book to the movie adaptation. They should be looking for differences between the book and the movie as they watch. Encourage students to take notes during the movie screenings. Step 2: Watch the movie as a class over multiple class periods. Step 3: After finishing the final segment of the movie, hand out copies of the Double Bubble Thinking Map. Step 4: Have students work individually to complete the Thinking Maps. Step 5: Come together as a class to discuss everyone's Double Bubble Thinking Maps and fill in the class Double Bubble you prepared ahead of time. Lesson Extensions When the class discussion about the Double Bubble Thinking Map is over, make a finished copy with the events on different shapes, colors, or appropriate items from the book (shovels, hats, snakes, etc.) cut from the Ellison machine.

For ESL English Language Learners "Stanley Yelnats and his family have never had anything but bad luck, so it's not really a surprise to him when he is falsely accused and convicted of theft. Given the choice of jail or Camp Green Lake, Stanley chooses Green Lake because he's never been to camp before. Unfortunately, Camp Green Lake doesn't have a lake and it isn't really a camp. So begins Holes, a terrific, action filled story, full of great characters with strong voices, exciting, funny scenes and enough twists and turns to keep you reading non-stop to the end of the book.
