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Good Eggs

Good Eggs
Related:  Food Restaurant / App

Agricourt - drome Private camping rentals · Gamping Shop for Local and Organic Groceries - Online! achat local rhone alpes Ornikar - Le permis libre Nutrino: Smart Nutrition | Nutrino La Charrette Bio Bar Power Is A Nightlife App To Help You Be Less Of A Jerk At Bars Once you’ve had a few drinks at a bar it’s easy to let loose and blow off steam. Unfortunately, while you’re having fun, you could end up annoying others around you, namely the staff at the venue you’re at. By acting like a fool, you’re jeopardizing your future visits, since bartenders tend to remember who was a jerk and who was a great customer. A project at our Disrupt Hackathon called “Bar Power” is an app that will remind you to “not be a douchebag.” The really interesting part of the app comes into play when you’ve done something wrong. I chatted with the team who built it, Patricia Ju and Chris Baily, and they discussed their reasons for creating Bar Power, mostly stemming from Baily’s professional experience in the bar scene. Once you’re in the app, you select the bar that you’re at and then start doing the nice things that it tells you to do.

Les légumes à roulettes HealthyOut Is Like A Personal Nutritionist For Healthy Food Deliveries New York-based startup HealthyOut already has a popular iPhone and Android app for quickly finding nearby restaurants and dishes that users can order and have delivered. Today at Disrupt NY 2013, HealthyOut is unveiling a new service, which will provide users with personalized menus of food delivered to help them lose weight or just eat better overall. Launching first in New York City, HealthyOut’s delivery service is designed to provide users with healthy options two times a day, five days a week. Now, there’s no shortage of food delivery services out there. HealthyOut is designed to be “your own personal concierge and nutritionist planning out your meals,” co-founder Wendy Nguyen told me. “Everyone knows go-to meals around a given spot,” Nguyen told me. Users can personalize those deliveries based on dietary preferences or requirements. Customers can cancel or put a meal on hold if they plan to eat out somewhere else or *gasp* cook something themselves. Judge Q&A

Croc éthic HealthyOut
