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Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom

Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom
Kristin: I can say that the things I've been doing the last two years have really made a difference, because my kids have scored the highest in the State on the standardized tests. So what we're doing here is working, and it's helping them be successful. Julie: We define Blended Learning as the combination of digital content and activity with face-to-face content and activity. Kristin: What I have online could be completely different than what the biology teacher has online, or what the physical education teacher has online. Mickey: Okay, go ahead get the laptops. There are three activities. Okay, slide to the apps, and open up Educreations, because we're going to fill in this chart, because this is going to get us practicing base pairing between DNA and RNA and reading our photon chart. Student: C. Mickey: C. Shelton: I've like probably learned more today just by doing this than I have the whole week that we've been doing this. Luis: The podcast like helps so much. Class: Yay! Related:  aggiornamento

Four Essential Principles of Blended Learning As schools become more savvy about blended-learning tactics– the practice of mixing online and in-person instruction — guidelines and best practices are emerging from lessons learned. Here are four crucial factors to keep in mind as schools plunge in. The single biggest piece of advice offered by most blended learning pioneers is to have a cohesive vision for how the technology will enhance specific learning goals, how it will ease the burden on teachers, and how it can make both teachers and students more creative learners. A big part of creating that vision is having strong leadership at all levels. A district superintendent who sees the value in a model will help remove old policies that inhibit the work. A strong leader will remove barriers, support professional development for teachers, celebrate successes and help move past challenges. Equally important is to have that same kind of visionary leadership from principals and teachers willing to lead by example in the classroom.

Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Getting Everybody On Board Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. So you're a parent, a student, or an administrator, and you just found out that a teacher in your school has flipped their class. What impact does that have on you? Parents Your child's experience in a flipped classroom is probably different than your educational experience has been. Flipping will increase student-teacher interaction. One of the beauties of the flipped classroom is that it gives the teacher more individual time with each student. Flipping will bring added value to homework. How many times have your children come home with homework they were unable to understand? Your child will be able to pause and rewind the teacher. All kids learn at different speeds, and frankly, teachers talk too fast. Students Your teacher has flipped your class. Don't just watch the video. You will get more attention from your teacher. Administrators

Technology in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful? Kids gravitate towards technology—if your child heads straight for the video games or Facebook after school, you know what we’re talking about. With a world of information at their fingertips nowadays, it seems like kids should be finding it easier than ever to succeed in school. However, as more classrooms invest in the latest technology, test scores remain the same, bringing its effectiveness into question. Technology and Teaching “Incorporating technology into the classroom requires a double innovation,” says Shelley Pasnik, director of the Center for Education and Technology, Educators who receive new technology must first learn how to use the equipment and then decide whether or not it supports the class objectives and curriculum. For example, an instructor may restructure a lecture into a group activity, having students conduct online research to boost their understanding. Technology also makes it easier to spend more overall time on learning. Maximizing Your Child’s Tech Time

15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion Facilitating discussions between students is one of those things that is infinitely easier when you’re teaching in a physical classroom rather than online. When the students are all in one room, discussions happen more naturally. Facilitating the same type of productive, useful discussion when teaching online is more of a challenge. The handy infographic below from Mia MacMeekin takes a look at some tips and best practices for facilitating discussions when you’re teaching online. If you teach online and have any favorite tips and tricks, leave us a message in the comments! 15 Tips For Facilitating Online Discussion 10 Prompts to Stimulate Conversation Can you clarify?

An Introduction to Technology Integration Sal Khan: People have been integrating technology in the classroom forever. What I think is really exciting about what we're seeing now is that technology is being used to fundamentally transform what the classroom is. Fundamentally transform what you can do with a classroom. Adam Bellow: I think to define technology integration, it's really using whatever resources you have to the best of your abilities. Technology, it's a tool. Divya (student): This is a list of different applications that you can use to like make music or do art. Divya: My eyes were drooping. Mary Beth Hertz: Students today are creating using digital tools. Mary Beth: Kids can create podcasts, movies, songs to express their ideas, express their thoughts. but also to express their learning. Adam: When you create, you take ownership of your learning. Mary Beth: And sometimes they learn things we didn't expect them to learn. Mary Beth: This internet thing that has become a big part of our lives.

How to Grow a Classroom Culture That Supports Blended Learning The excerpt below is from the book “Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom,” by Esther Wojcicki, Lance Izumi and Alicia Chang. This excerpt is from the chapter entitled “Trick in the Blended Classroom,” written by Wojcicki. It all started in 1987, when I got a grant from the State of California. The students were absolutely thrilled to help me (can you imagine being asked to help a teacher?!) I was soon sold on the idea of collaboration, respect, and trust in the classroom. Computers, tablets, and other electronic devices alone are not going to change the classroom. To help everyone remember what it takes to set up a culture that works, I have come up with an acronym, TRICK. T = trust R = respect I = independence C = collaboration K = kindness Trust The first thing to establish in the classroom is a culture of trust. Since the teacher is the one in control, it is he or she who must take the initiative. The students also put out a newspaper or magazine.

Two Incredibly Useful Videos on Flipped Learning September 6, 2014 Flipped learning is a learning trend that is gaining in momentum within the education community. Whether this is a new trend or not does not matter here what matters is the fact that web technologies and digital media is increasing the potential of flipped learning beyond measures. Flipped classroom or flipped learning is a methodology, an approach to learning in which technology is employed to reverse the traditional role of classroom time. If in the past, classroom time is spent at lecturing to students , now in a flipped model, this time is utilized to encourage individualized learning and provide one-on-one help to students.There are actually several pluses for using a flipped approach in your teaching: 1- The Flipped Classroom Model 2- Flipped Learning

The Use and Abuse of Technology in the Classroom This article was also posted on the kinderchat blog. More and more primary teachers now have access to technology in their classroom. Whether it is an iPad or an iPod touch, a desktop or a laptop, a growing number of teachers are either being given access to this technology by their school boards or bringing their own devices to class to help students to learn. Because of the multitude of choices and opportunities that technology enables, this is a positive development. I have been concerned, though, by some of the ways that I see technology being used. Technology should not just allow us to do things in a more engaging way; it should allow us to do new things that we thought were not possible. Having access to books does not mean that the students in my classroom will learn to read. In the same way, having technology in my classroom does not mean that my students will discover how to use it as a learning tool. Technology Abuses Technology Uses Technology should be for connecting.

A five stage model for using the VLE VLEs have a huge range of functionality, a lot of criticism often laid against the VLE is that some users are not aware of those functions. There is often too much information about the VLE for new users who may not understand many of the concepts or have the skills to fully utilise the functionality of the VLE. Stage One Upload to the VLE the course resources, handouts, assignments, scheme of work and links. Now this is something that is often laid against VLEs as why they don’t work as they are merely used as respositories of materials. However practitioners who are unfamiliar with the VLE often need a starting point. Stage Two Add more content try and put up new content at least weekly. So then you’ll get asked what content should you put up. Stage Three Add interactivity to the course through the use of quizzes and feedback. Stage Four Add engagement by learners through the use of discussion forums. Stage Five Embedding.

Perspectives on Thinking, Learning, and Cognitive Styles I migliori siti italiani che parlano d'innovazione didattica Penso sia finalmente giunto il momento di mettere insieme in una lista, che spero mi aiuterete ad ampliare ed a tenere aggiornata con le vostre preziose segnalazioni, i migliori siti italiani che parlano d’innovazione didattica, di scuola 2.0, di rivoluzione digitale all’interno delle classi. L’articolo su quelli internazionali ha avuto un discreto successo, ma è ora di cominciare a guardare dentro i nostri confini, perché ci sono risorse meravigliose che aspettano solamente di essere scoperte e condivise. Nell’elenco troverete anche siti che non parlano esclusivamente di scuola, ma anche d’innovazione tout court, perché personalmente ritengo che aprirsi all’esterno, e non essere troppo autoreferenziali, sia un’ottimo modo per andare avanti nel nostro percorso professionale. Rinnovo il mio consiglio: salvate questi siti tra i preferiti o, meglio, sul vostro RSS reader, in modo da consultarli più o meno regolarmente, perché riescono a pubblicare anche diversi articoli al giorno.

Info I highlighted from diigo:
P. K. Yonge decided it would make sense to start by systematically targeting one entire grade level, rather than a smattering of teachers and students across the many different grades. They chose the ninth grade as a place to start because it is the start of high school, and they could roll up or down into the other grade levels from there.

Teachers need to know that by adding digital content, it doesn’t mean throwing out all the direct instruction in the classroom. Keep what is working well in a face-to-face mode, and add what could be more effective in a digital format. by dkherning Jan 13

Good article on combining blended learning. by dkherning Jan 13
