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An animated chart of 42 North American butterflies

An animated chart of 42 North American butterflies
Related:  Insects and ArachnidsInfographies animées

Why Does This Bizarre Arachnid Look Like It Has A Dog's Head? A bizarre arachnid that has a dog-like head has been snapped in a series of photographs that shows just how wild and wonderful our natural world is. Shared on Twitter by science writer Ferris Jabr, the images were taken by scientist and photographer Andreas Kay (you can check out his Flickr page with other wonderful creatures here). The animal is an arachnid, not a spider, called the bunny harvestman, and scientifically named Metagryne bicolumnata. The images were snapped in Ecuador in July 2017. The creature is tiny, with its body barely the size of a human thumbnail, but it’s immediately noticeable for its odd head that looks weirdly like a dog or a bunny rabbit (or if you're nerds like us, a certain black dog from Harry Potter) and complete with ears, eyes, and a nose. And in a video post about the creature on the website Rumble, Kay revealed some more details about the creature. While you might think this is a spider, such a moniker is incorrect according to Kay.

Les infographies animées ou comment donner vie à son contenu Les infographies animées ont le vent en poupe. Qu’elles soient présentées sous forme de GIF ou de vidéo, elles font désormais partie des contenus les plus partagés sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans cet article, nous verrons les raisons pour lesquelles elles sont si séduisantes, en nous appuyant sur de superbes exemples desquels s’inspirer. Que sont les infographies animées ? Une infographie animée est un moyen de présenter visuellement de l’information, à l’aide d’images, d’illustrations, de tableaux, de graphiques, de textes, et d’éléments que l’on anime, afin de leur donner du mouvement.Ces cinq dernières années, les infographies sont devenues l’outil de choix pour présenter des informations complexes de manière tangible. Toute la magie des infographies réside dans le fait qu’elles sont facilement partagées. Dynamisez vos infographies — Lorsque les infographies ont commencé à attirer sérieusement l’attention en ligne, elles n’étaient, en fin de compte, que des illustrations statiques.

The Insect Apocalypse Is Here Near the center of the old city, a paper sign, not much larger than a business card, identifies the stolid headquarters of the society whose research caused so much commotion. When it was founded, in 1905, the society operated out of another building, one that was destroyed when Britain bombed the city during World War II. (By the time the bombs fell, members had moved their precious records and collections of insects, some of which dated back to the 1860s, to an underground bunker.) Nowadays, the society uses more than 6,000 square feet of an old three-story school as storage space. On the shelves that do hold books, I counted 31 clearly well-loved volumes in the series “Beetles of Middle Europe.” A 395-page book that cataloged specimens of spider wasps — where they were collected; where they were stored — of the western Palearctic said “1948-2008” on the cover. There was a reason for the wariness. Amateurs have long provided much of the patchy knowledge we have about nature.

Infographies : 4 astuces pour ajouter de l'animation Pour communiquer, pour informer ou juste pour profiter de leur viralité, vous avez déjà très certainement inclus des infographies sur vos sites web ou dans vos publications. Vous savez qu’elles constituent un moyen visuel très efficace de partager des chiffres. Malgré tout, ces infographies ont encore un défaut : elles sont un peu statiques. C’est à présent là-dessus que vous allez travailler. Pourquoi ajouter de l’animation aux infographies Vous avez déjà consacré beaucoup de temps à réaliser, ou à faire réaliser vos infographies. Ce ne serait pas encore suffisant, vous n’avez pas gagné le droit de vous reposer ? Or, pour le moment, les infographies animées sont encore assez limitées pour attirer immédiatement le regard. Mais il y a plus encore, rappelez-vous nos articles sur les vidéos : spontanément, l’œil humain est plus attiré par ce qui bouge. En plus, elle sera plus facile à comprendre. Comment intégrer de l’animation à une infographie 1. Source : Cheetah : Nature’s Speed Machine 2.

Bees Can Do Complex Additions And Subtractions Honeybees are amazing! Their ability to pollinate plants is exclusively responsible for one-third of all the crops we consume daily. Not only that but they have a complex language, they can communicate to the other bees via dance, and they can explain to each other how far and where flowers are. On top of all this, they make delicious honey. It seems like there’s nothing they can’t do. And now, scientists have found that they can even do basic arithmetic. Australian and French researchers have demonstrated that bees can add and subtract. “Our findings suggest that advanced numerical cognition may be found much more widely in nature among non-human animals than previously suspected,” senior author Professor Adrian Dyer, from RMIT University in Melbourne, said in a statement. “You need to be able to hold the rules around adding and subtracting in your long-term memory, while mentally manipulating a set of given numbers in your short-term memory.

Infographie animée. Et si la Terre était une navette spatiale ? Courrier International et des tiers selectionnés, notamment des partenaires publicitaires, utilisent des cookies ou des technologies similaires. Les cookies nous permettent d’accéder à, d’analyser et de stocker des informations telles que les caractéristiques de votre terminal ainsi que certaines données personnelles (par exemple : adresses IP, données de navigation, d’utilisation ou de géolocalisation, identifiants uniques). Ces données sont traitées aux fins suivantes : analyse et amélioration de l’expérience utilisateur et/ou de notre offre de contenus, produits et services, mesure et analyse d’audience, interaction avec les réseaux sociaux, affichage de publicités et contenus personnalisés, mesure de performance et d’attractivité des publicités et du contenu. Pour plus d’information, consulter notre politique relative aux cookies.

A Comprehensive Guide to Yellow Stripey Things Having a backyard means getting out to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air with family and friends. Barbequing, lounging by the pool, planting flowers in the garden, etc.. However what usually comes with beautiful nature and fresh air, is the variety of insects and more particularly, BEES! The spring, summer and early autumn is a busy time for this wide variety of yellow stripey things. Bumblebee, Dirt Dauber, Cicada Killer, Yellow Jacket, etc … Cicada Killer? There’s some pretty hilarious commentary here that has us cracking up! 1. “Acts like it’s hot shit, but can’t actually hurt you – Has no concept of what glass is – Lives in your fence – Flys aggressively to try to scare you away” (9) These guys are primary pollinators and frequent visitors to suburban flowerbeds! 2. “Is the bee that needs help the most – Excellent pollinator – Very friendly – Can only sting once” (9) These little guys are not usually a threat – they’re just looking for nectar to make honey. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

Infographie animée. Neuf mois pour devenir un être humain Courrier International et des tiers selectionnés, notamment des partenaires publicitaires, utilisent des cookies ou des technologies similaires. Les cookies nous permettent d’accéder à, d’analyser et de stocker des informations telles que les caractéristiques de votre terminal ainsi que certaines données personnelles (par exemple : adresses IP, données de navigation, d’utilisation ou de géolocalisation, identifiants uniques). Ces données sont traitées aux fins suivantes : analyse et amélioration de l’expérience utilisateur et/ou de notre offre de contenus, produits et services, mesure et analyse d’audience, interaction avec les réseaux sociaux, affichage de publicités et contenus personnalisés, mesure de performance et d’attractivité des publicités et du contenu.

Ants Bring Flower Petals To Cover Dead Bumblebee In What Looks Like 'Funeral' I don’t often align myself with products but this is one that I just had to share! Some of you may already know years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I can still recall what it felt like to have my life change overnight… I went from an Executive Director of a non-profit organization, running marathons, rock climbing, hiking canyons and kayaking to being completely bedridden and staring at a wall for 15 hours a day. Of course, I went to see many doctors but unfortunately I didn’t find the help I needed. I’d pretty much turned-over every rock trying to find relief for my pain, sleep issues and myriad of other symptoms… Fast-forward 18 years. I was determined to climb one of the true wonders of the natural world, Machu Picchu, the mystical home of the Incas in Peru. It was there, after a grueling day when my feet, knees, legs, and lower back hurt so bad, that I thought I would have to abandon hopes of our next climb which was Rainbow Mountain! What the heck, I thought.

Visualizing the Biggest Threats to Earth’s Biodiversity Biodiversity benefits humanity in many ways. It helps make the global economy more resilient, it functions as an integral part of our culture and identity, and research has shown it’s even linked to our physical health. However, despite its importance, Earth’s biodiversity has decreased significantly over the last few decades. Today’s graphic uses data from WWF’s Living Planet Report 2020 to illustrate the biggest threats to Earth’s biodiversity, and the impact each threat has had globally. Measuring the Loss of Biodiversity Before looking at biodiversity’s biggest threats, first thing’s first—how exactly has biodiversity changed over the years? WWF uses the Living Planet Index (LPI) to measure biodiversity worldwide. Here’s a look at each region’s average decline between 1970 and 2016: Latin America & Caribbean has seen the biggest drop in biodiversity at 94%. Despite varying rates of loss between regions, it’s clear that overall, biodiversity is on the decline. Thank you! Oops.

Tiny Bugs Are Having Sex on Your Face Right Now Denver, ColoradoFor bugs, there will likely never be any such thing as a housing shortage. Many set up shop in the strangest places—including us. The horse bot fly, for instance, is a dangerous pest whose larvae infest the stomach of a horse. The creatures attach to the stomach lining with hooked mouthparts until they eventually pass through the horse's digestive tract. “It’s a really serious vet problem,” causing painful problems including loosened teeth, colic, and ulcers, says society president Susan Weller, also an entomologist at the University of Minnesota. Alcon Blue Butterflies The caterpillars of these beautiful butterflies are the cuckoos of the insect world, sneaking into another species’ nest and freeloading on unsuspecting strangers. Several caterpillars in the Lycaenidae family invade nests and pretend to be ant larvae. Hyperparasites Then “there are bugs that live inside bugs that live inside bugs,” says Judie Bronstein, an ecologist at the University of Arizona. Alkali Flies

Floating Fire Ant Colonies Have Their Own Way Of Escaping The Floods In Houston A strange side effect of the floods occurring in Houston due to Harvey is the resulting animal behavior. There have been alligators lurking in backyards, snakes swimming in the streets and, now, floating rafts of fire ants are popping up in Texas. Check it out: Error loading player: No playable sources found This is actually common behavior during flooding. "Floating fire ant colonies can look like ribbons, streamers, mats, rafts, or an actual 'ball' of ants floating on the water," explained Paul R Nester, a specialist with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, talking to Houstonia Magazine. That's not to say it's not freaking some people out. The whole raft-building process is very speedy and takes roughly 100 seconds from start to finish. The structure is held together by the worker ants, who cling on to each other with their tarsi (insect hands if you will), while the queens stay safe in the raft's center. If you spot one of these colonies, you might want to stay clear.
