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Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible!

Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible!
There’s something strange happening around the globe… but it’s awesome! Lifestyles and needs are changing, and consequently, our houses are shrinking. The tiny house movement has blown up in the past few years, shifting the traditional North American housing models towards a more practical, finance-friendly blueprint. The movement is garnering attention from people fed up with the current consumerist/utility-based lifestyle which has placed millions of people in debt. Now, the idea of living your dream is no longer a cliché. The typical American home is around 2600 square feet, while the typical small or tiny house is around 100-400 square feet. “A tiny house is any house in which all the space is being used well,” he says. This means that if two people lived in a 300 square foot pad and could call it a tiny house, then 8 people living in a 2000 square foot house could boast the same title. One of the great features of a tiny house is that you can basically create what you want. Related:  Small housing

A Beautiful House Made from Trash & Recycled Materials Driftwood railings line the rickety bridge leading to the cattle-bone numbers next to the front door of this unique recycled home – featuring far more than the sum of its scraps and parts, a beauty that emerges from the textured materials of which it was made (by hand). It starts with stacked corks and bottles, old newspapers, scrap wood and recycled metal … and culminates in layered color-sample ceiling tiles and shards of mirrored glass arranged piece by piece to assemble an amazing interior wall mosaic. Old t-shirts form the floors in one room while an antique wood-burning stove adorns the next and glass wine bottles allow light and distorted views from one space to another. Less an interior design or decorating project and more a work of collaborative art, it is clear that each contributor to the construction process added their own custom (and often unplanned) elements.

96 Sq. Foot Finnish Micro-Cabin Built Small To Forego Permits © Robin Falck The image of a secluded cabin in the woods recalls the simple, idealistic idyll of Henry David Thoreau's Walden, free of the impositions of society. This beautiful micro-cabin, built beside a lake in Finland, was constructed to go under the radar of Finnish building regulations, which require one to get a permit for anything that is larger than 96 to 128 square feet, depending on the district. Anticipating a one-year stint in the military, owner Robin Falck decided to design a cabin that wouldn't require getting tangled in bureaucratic red tape. On Tiny House Listings, he talks about his cabin, which he has dubbed "Nido" (or "bird's nest" in Italian): A couple years back in 2009 I got this idea of an cabin/small house that would be small enough to be built without the need of a permit. Winter of 2009/2010 I spent designing and planning the house. © Robin Falck

Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs Of Food on Just 1/10th Acre Ever thought of growing your own food but didn’t think it was possible? It’s more that possible! It might even be the way of the future. If the Dervaes family can do it while living in Los Angeles, I think you can to. The Dervaes family live on 1/10th of an acre 15 minutes from downtown L.A.. In itself that’s not strange. In a year they produce around 4,300 pounds of veggies, 900 chicken , 1000 duck eggs, 25 lbs honey, and pounds of seasonal fruit. What the family doesn’t eat they sell from their porch, making around $20,000 a year. I tried to figure out how big 1/10th (0.1) of an acre is in perspective to other things . Here’s the video… Enjoy!

Recycled Glass House: 6 Million Bottles of Beer in the Walls You would have to multiple the “ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall” from the old tune by six hundred thousand to make this whole glass home. It took one artistic builder nearly two decades to complete this eclectic project, constructing it piece by piece – as much a never-ending work of sculpture or do-it-yourself scrap-pile as a house. Some of the wall work is structural but much is decorative . It is not just the bottles: hub caps, old bicycles and other metal, plastic and glass odds and ends have likewise become entangled in this weaved web of recycled wonders. Of course, while he did most of the building on his own, it ‘takes a village’ to raise something on the scale of this amazing recycled home.

20+ Tiny Homes That Make The Most Of A Little Space | Bored Panda Small and efficient homes, whether in the city, out in the country or even on the road, are becoming more and more popular. Interior design innovations are helping more and more people realize that, sometimes, less can be more! As more people move into cities (and tiny apartments), efficient interior design has been driven by necessity, but many have been applying these clever and inspiring innovations to create comfortable and tiny homes elsewhere as well. In some cases, like with the story of Jenna and Guillaume, these tiny houses can even be pulled across the country on wheels! Show 14 more Add Image Drag Image Select File Rules: 1) no ugly watermarks 2) no borders 3) no low quality images Ooops!

Обезкосмяване с билки – тотално премахване на всяко косъмче Обезкосмяване с билки – тотално премахване на всяко косъмче 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes Трайно обезкосмяване с билки Вече може да постигнете трайно обезкосмяване с билки и без да посещаване скъпи салони за красота. С малко средства в домашна обстановка може да се отървете от неприятните косъмчета, които толкова много ви дразнят и отнемат доста от времето ви за разкрасителни ежедневни процедури. Трайно обезкосмяване с билки Научете лесната рецепта, която ви ще преобрази и ще ви накара да се чувствате невероятно всеки един нов ден. Гладка кожа – траен ефект Гладки на допир крака се постигат с билкови вани. Билките ще извършат чудеса с тялото ви. Оставете да ври за 10-тина минутки и свалете от огъня. Билкари в страната смятат, че най-голям ефект от тази лечебна процедура се постига с постоянство. Няма да израстват нови и нови, а вие ще спрете да се тормозите от болезнените епилации почти ежедневно.

small house MoreEven more from Google Sign in Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. Web Images Videos Shopping Books More Maps News Flights Apps Search tools Any time All results 7 Prefab Eco-Houses You Can Order Today Ever since the early days of the 20th century, when Americans started buying kit bungalows and farmhouses from the Sears Roebuck catalog, the lure of instant housing has been huge. But in recent decades, “prefab” got a bad name, associated with shoddy construction, cookie-cutter design, and cheap, synthetic, environmentally questionable materials. Now it’s time to forget all that and say hello to the rapidly growing world of prefab and modular green homes, one where you can pick a LEED platinum or zero-energy house off a website and have it installed on your lot of choice in a matter of months. RELATED: 3 Tiny Houses That Let You Live Green—and off the Grid One reason: Offsite construction has considerable advantages in reduced waste, build speed, and quality control. Here are seven prebuilt über-green modular houses that let you live light on the land without sacrificing classy design, a healthy indoor environment, or all the bells and whistles of a high-end home. (Photo: Blu Homes) 1.

За да берете аспержи, засадете ги сега | Хоби земеделие В България е съществувала добра традиция за отглеждането на аспержи до първата половина на ХХ век, за което все още свидетелстват подивелите растения по поречието на Марица. Сега това производство се възражда, благодарение на международния интерес към растението. Аспержата се отглежда главно чрез разсад. Семената се засяват към края на април на открити лехи редово по на 25-30 см ред от ред. Почвата трябва да е предварително подготвена Най-добри резултати се получават при засаждане на едногодишен разсад. Подготовката на почвата, където ще се отглеждат аспержите се състои в дълбока есенна оран, с което се заравя и оборски тор. Растенията се покриват с 5 см почва. Брането започва едва на четвъртата година През първата година почвата се окопава неколкократно, като растенията последователно се загърлят, докато браздите се запълнят и повърхността се изравни. Евентуално появилите се "свещи" се отстраняват. Белите аспержи никога не "виждат" слънчевите лъчи.

This 31 Year Old Was Sick Of Expensive Rent And High Costs. This is what he did! Most grown children have heard this question from their parents at some point in their lives: “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?” It’s a question that pushes us to think for ourselves. That question doesn’t inspire me, but this man in California does. Alek Lisefski is a web designer who decided to take everything we know about building a house and flip it on its head. Instead of going in debt for hundreds of thousands of dollars, he built his own home for the low, low price of $30,000. It’s only 8x20ft, but that’s what makes it awesome. Alek wanted to change his focus in life, so he built this small house. He, his girlfriend Anjali and their dog Anya moved into the tiny house that he built. The home was built on top of a trailer while he was still in Iowa. Upon completion, he towed the house all the way to California, where the small family now resides. Instead of focusing on paying off debt, they can instead spend their money on leisure and travel. Credits:

But I need to take some time first. To get lost in order to be found.

How can I find solace but in the comfort of my Father's hand by johnnywaykurat Jul 18
