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Italian I Tutorial: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar • Learn Italian Online • Free Italian Lessons If you're interested in buying books to supplement your Italian studies, I've recommended some books from Amazon. Also check out the Foreign Service Institute Italian FAST Course that I am converting to HTML. If you'd like to download the mp3s, use the DownThemAll add-on for Firefox to download all the mp3s at once instead of right-clicking on each link. Thanks to Corrado for the recordings! 1. NEW! Notice that Italian has informal and formal ways of saying things. Also, the words pazzo and zitto refer to men. 2. Italian is a very phonetic language, so pronunciation should be easy. In spelling, the letter e is used to represent both [e] and [ɛ]; while the letter o is used to represent both [o] and [ɔ]. Italian consonant + vowel combinations The consonant h is always silent. Stress falls on the second-to-last syllable in Italian. 3. 4. All nouns in Italian have a gender (masculine or feminine) and the articles must agree with the gender. 5. 6. 7. Flashcards also include subject pronouns.

Parliamo italiano! - Noi parliamo italiano Grammatica italiana, regole, grammatica on line gratis Let's Learn Italian :: Impariamo l'italiano • View topic - L10: Reflexive pronouns REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Pronomi riflessivi) me miyou tihim/her sius ciyou vithem si Use of reflexive pronouns with verbs These pronouns are used with reflexive verbs, of which there are many more in Italian than there are in English. Examples: Mi lavo I wash myselfLui si è divertito alla festa He enjoyed himself at the partyMamma si è divertita alla festa Mum enjoyed herself at the partyLuca e Marco si vestono ora Luca and Marco dress themselves now As you can see, when using the passato prossimo of a reflexive verb, you must use the auxiliary verb essere (this is explained more in the Verbs section). However, there are some verbs that are reflexive in Italian but are either transitive or intransitive in English, such as sentirsi (to feel), svegliarsi (to wake up, awake), alzarsi (to rise, get up, stand up). Mi sento molto stanco I feel very tiredVi alzate alle sette ogni mattina You get up at seven o’clock every morningCi siamo svegliati alle sette We woke up at seven o’clock

Learn Italian with free online lessons Prononciation de l’italien Apprendre à bien prononcer l'italien c'est un peu comme apprendre à chanter. Une prononciation correcte est souvent essentielle pour pouvoir se faire bien comprendre. L'italien est une langue phonétique, c'est-à-dire où toutes les lettres d'un mot sont prononcées. Cette constatation faite, pour un français la prononciation de l'italien présente quant même quelques difficultés. Avant de vous suggérer des sites qui vont vous aider à comprendre et à améliorer votre prononciation, voici quelques notions de base à retenir : L'accent tonique Un français aura la tendance, en parlant en italien, à accentuer toujours la dernière syllabe, ce qui peut avoir un certain charme, mais qui n'est pas du tout correct. L'accent tonique mal placé peu des fois modifier la signification d'un mot comme dans le cas de il papa (le pape) et papà (papa). La prononciation du "R" : les italiens roulent les "R" L'absence de nasales Les lettres "M" et "N" en italien ne sont pas prononcées avec un son nasal. Le son "GL"

Aiuto per Compiti Fare i compiti ti annoia e vorresti uno aiuto per fare i compiti di italiano online? Devi studiare grammatica italiana e fare gli esercizi di grammatica ma fai sempre molti errori? Qui puoi fare gli esercizi e i compiti in modo facile e veloce, e divertendoti potrai imparare molto più rapidamente. Fare i compiti e gli esercizi è ora molto più veloce e divertente, e imparare la grammatica italiana e l'italiano non è mai stato così facile. Ma ricordati: i compiti si fanno con la testa, poi si verificano su Internet! E' una vera e propria lezione di grammatica on-line: impari molto più rapidamente perché hai subito la correzione del tuo esercizio di grammatica e le risposte ai tuoi dubbi. Nota sugli accenti: se la tua tastiera non ha le lettere accentate, o se hai dei dubbi, usa semplicemente l'apice: perche', cioe', cosi', e'. E' uno strumento automatico, potrebbero esserci errori.

Video: My Language Learning Method I was kind of reluctant to do this (for reasons explained below), but since people have been asking about it I’ve finally decided to go ahead and try to explain my language learning method. It seemed like a good idea to do this with a video, so here it is: My Language Learning Method, Part 1: Part 2: And here’s a written (and probably more coherent!) I. *I don’t think there is any one “best” method to learn a language. *I have experimented with all kinds of methods and techniques in my years of learning languages, so the method I describe here is something I’ve only refined and begun to use recently. II. *I’m just using German as a hypothetical example (I’m not necessarily planning on learning it!) *Stage 0: Background Knowledge: First, I would do my homework to get an overview of what I can expect in learning this language. *Stage 1: Pronunciation: Next, I would start listening to a lot of things in German to get my ear used to the sound of the language. III.

Italian Language Blog: Language and Culture of the Italian-Speaking World Here in we have two lovely in our : , commonly called because it houses the council offices, and . Most of the time it’s difficult to appreciate the beauty of these piazze due to their unfortunate, and somewhat controversial use as car parks. Every and the ugly cars are evicted to make room for the local market, which is more attractive but still makes it difficult to enjoy these beautiful spaces without ‘clutter’. Yesterday, however, was perhaps the first time that I’d appreciated the use of Piazza del Comune as a car park. was an Italian car manufacturer, created jointly by , and in 1955. The first car to be produced by the new company was the , whose name was a tribute to , founder of the Bianchi company in 1885. With its premium design and trendy equipment features, the Bianchina was basically an upmarket minicar, and more sophisticated than its better known counterpart, the Fiat 500. Yes, for once Piazza della Repubblica actually looked beautiful with cars parked in it.

En Italiano | Así el italiano es más fácil Italian Flashcards Learn Italian with music: "Gli uomini non cambiano" by Mia Martini | Easy Learn Italian Easy Learn Italian Friday, October 11, 2013 Learn Italian with music: "Gli uomini non cambiano" by Mia Martini "Gli uomini non cambiano" by Mia Martini Song+ltalian lyrics + English translation 1) Listen to "Gli uomini non cambiano" without lyrics 2) Listen to the song reading lyrics 3) Compare Italian lyrics with English translation 4) Share this page 1) Ascolta "Gli uomini non cambiano" senza leggere il testo 2) Ascolta la canzone leggendo il testo 3) Confronta il testo in italiano con la traduzione in inglese 4) Condividi questa pagina Email ThisBlogThis! Labels: gli uomini non cambiano, italian song, learn italian, Mia Martini Newer PostOlder PostHome Social Profiles Powered by Blogger. Italian exercises and quizzes Learn Italian with music Learn Italian resources Follow us on facebook Google+ Followers Copyright © 2014 Easy Learn Italian | Powered by Blogger Design by NewWpThemes | Blogger Theme by Lasantha - Premium Blogger Themes | Virtual Private Server

Errori grammaticali comuni: dieci figuracce da evitare per salvare la grammatica italiana | LINKUAGGIO? Quali sono gli errori grammaticali più comuni? Non abbiamo la possibilità di effettuare sondaggi su ampia scala, né sono stati effettuati studi recenti sui dubbi linguistici più diffusi; ciò non vuol dire, però, che una qualche ipotesi non possa essere azzardata e che non possiamo darvi delle dritte per evitare di sbagliare. Ma veniamo al dunque: quali sono gli errori più diffusi e com'è possibile evitarli? 1. Accento e apostrofo non sono la stessa cosa Il consiglio: leggi il nostro approfondimento sulla differenza tra accento e apostrofo. 2. Sempre a proposito di accenti, ricordate che tutte le parole che terminano con -ché o -tré vogliono l'accento acuto e non quello grave (quello di "cioè", per esempio); ci sono anche altri casi, come il passato remoto di alcuni verbi ("poté", "batté" etc...), ma la regola generale è questa; tutto il resto degli accenti - su tutte le altre vocali finali, quindi - è sempre grave ("però", "giù", "lì", "vedrà"). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Le ridondanze vanno evitate.
