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13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough

13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough
We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. About the Author Carol Morgan has a Ph.D. in communication and is a professor at Wright State University. Credits: Life hack Related:  Self-helpSelf-Improvement

How to Use 43 Folders A very simple guide to leaving here quickly so you can get back to making something awesome. Ask yourself… Why am I here right now instead of making something cool on my own? What’s the barrier to me starting that right now? This is not an insult or put-down. What Sucks? Looking for specific answers to what sucks for you today? More ideas Still sucking? Still Lost? Try a mental sweep, do a shitty first draft, or consider a modest change. Maybe just get away from the computer for a while by taking a nice walk. How to Know When You’re Done Here You’re done here whenever you’ve found just enough information to get you back on track for today. We love having you visit with us here, and we hope you’ll return many times — whenever you think we might have something that might help you get over the hump. The Only “Productivity” That Matters The best advice we can offer is to just put your head down, push yourself harder, and try to figure out what you need to change today to get a little better.

10 Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful People Everyone strives to be successful, but it doesn’t always come easily. The people who do end up reaching their highest potential always possess certain qualities and habits that allowed them to get there which separate them from those who don’t. Here are 10 differences between successful and unsuccessful people! 1. 2. Complimenting someone is always a great way to show someone you care. Moments of gratitude, each and every one, transform my life each day- and unquestionably have made me more successful and more happy. Learning to Learn: leveraging your circadian rhythm There are a few distinct, precious moments of heightened sensory elation that we can achieve through unique actions; whether that be hitting the sweet spot on your driver from the tee box, tossing that crumpled up piece of paper that started out as a great idea and delivering it perfectly into the waste basket 10 feet away, or something as simple as arriving at the perfect adjective when telling a story to a friend. Achieving a greater sense of cognitive ability when interacting with either the external environment around you or the internal synapses of your own brain is an equally satisfying accomplishment that many believe would lead to immediate success. There is no special formula for arriving at a heightened rate of learning, enhanced memory, or sudden talent for verbiage; however there is a proven internal process that you can utilize in order to maximize your work output, in channeling your Circadian Rhythm. Spend a few days tracking your levels of focus, energy, and hunger.

How to Sharpen Your Powers of Observation: 6 Steps Edit Article Edited by Devan Braden, Teresa, Dreamboy, BR and 9 others Observation is a whole brain skill. Using your senses at the fullest capacity that you can, paying close attention to many details, focus, analyzing, reasoning, and memory all take many processes in your brain. Many people envy those that are highly observant, degrading their own Powers of Observation. Ad Steps 1Meditate. 5Learn Through Trial and Error. Tips Remember that this could take a while depending on the way you work and how dedicated you are. Warnings Your thoughts can go against you, it's difficult to ALWAYS be aware of everything, stick to what you can do. Charles Bukowski's Top 10 Tips for Living a Kick-Ass Life Looking for some pointers on how to live an awesome life? Take it from Charles Bukowski, an American author, poet, short story writer, and novelist who shared his unfiltered views and opinions with the world on everything from art to death. He was a renowned and prolific writer, often depicting the experiences of the downtrodden and depraved people of American urban life, and he provided plenty of great tips on how to spend your days. But don’t just take my word for it, soak up the wisdom with this valuable advice from some his most well-known quotes. 1. Don’t settle. “I wanted the whole world or nothing.” You shouldn’t settle for anything less than what you absolutely deserve or desire. 2. “I never met another man I’d rather be. No one’s perfect, that’s for sure, but there’s also no point in beating yourself up about it. 3. “What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don’t live up until their death.” “Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live.”

Alternative Sleep Cycles: 7-10 Hours Are Not Needed The average person requires 7-10 hours of sleep per night according to the National Sleep Foundation. But is it possible that using different sleep cycles, where the benefits of sleep are still achieved, we can sleep less? Much less? Most of us are familiar with what is called a monophasic sleep cycle. Fact is, there are 4 other sleep cycles that can provide all the benefits of sleep, while sleeping much less. Not only that but sleeping has always been something I wish I could do when I felt like it and not because I’m ‘supposed to.’ if I could spend less time lying awake at night trying to sleep, then great. The Monophasic cycle consists of various stages of sleep with REM (rapid eye movement) being the most important. The Byphasic cycle, also called the Siesta, is the most common of polyphasic cycles as it can be viewed as the most practical for people. The Dymaxion cycle is said to be the most difficult as it can only be successfully used by certain people. How will you sleep?

14 Things People Who Feel Comfortable With Themselves Do Differently It`s the ultimate dream to feel truly comfortable with oneself; to do, say and believe exactly what you like without bitterness and without worrying about what others may say. To feel fully comfortable with yourself is a long road that requires not only tens of hours of working on yourself but also knowing exactly what you should do. In this article you will learn about what self confident people do differently, and how they feel comfortable with themselves. Read till the end, know what you need to do, share it when you like it (and I`m sure you will) and don`t forget the most important thing – do it. 1. “The persons whom you cannot care for in a novel, because they are so bad, are the very same that you so dearly love in your life, because they are so good.’ – Anthony Trollope I can tell you be kind, be good to others and always see what is good in people, but that`s NOT how life goes on everytime you do so. Always be nice, but keep an eye on people. 2. 3. “Freedom lies in being bold.” 4. 5.

The art of asking: or, how to ask and get what you want. — Architecting A Life What does it take to ask for what you want—and then get it? There seems to be a magical art behind creating a great ask, and we all know stories of people who seem to get exactly what they want whenever they ask. Magicians who bend and will the world to their ways. Why is this? Culturally, it’s not always the norm to ask directly for what you want—or we do a terrible job of it (and women are worse, according to the New York Times). Creating a great ask (and learning the ability to say no) are two skills that successful people learn how to do really well. In addition, I’ve helped clients understand persuasion tactics and develop scripts to ask for what they want, including the delicate art of deciding to do it anyways and asking for forgiveness rather than permission. 1. 2. Is this something that I want to do, and want to do deeply? If you don’t want it at the center of your core, ask yourself why you’re going after it. “Through the very act of asking people, I connected with them. 3.
