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NY Arts Magazine

NY Arts Magazine
Editorial Preview Richard Hamilton: Grandfather of Brit Art Richard Hamilton is a truly influential figure in the history of British art and is considered to be the founder of the Pop Art movement. Th... Maria Chavez: Sound Art Equalizer I am known in the sound community as an abstract turntablist and sound artist, along with being involved in the contemporary sound art world... Brent Owens is a Contemporary Woodsman “For Thinkin’ Long and Dark,” Brent Owens’ third solo show at English Kills, probably has enough distinct bodies of work in it to co... Budhaditya Chattopadhyay’s Object Disorientation My interest in sound art curating began when I started to question the practice of exhibiting sound in a gallery or public space.

Graphic Design daily selection » Art William Leavitt – THE PARTICLES (of White Naugahyde) April 10th, 2014 Make Your Own Press – Almost a Centimeter Timemachine Magazine LEE GRANT: Good Night and Good Luck CRISTINA DE MIDDEL: Snap Fingers and Whistle TAMAS DEZSO: Here, Anywhere J. DHEERASEKARA: Outskirts of the Australian Dream DANIEL FARNUM: Growing Up Yale Press Log Image Credit: Lina Bo Bardi, Yale University Press, 2013 Books from the prestigious Yale University Press art list, featuring news, interviews, ideas, and commentary about our titles, exhibitions, and the fascinating world of art at large. Visit the new Yale ARTbooks blog at Recent Posts: Don’t Paint Over This Post on The World Atlas of Street Art and Graffiti

Thoughts on Art and Teaching Last year several websites posted articles about the research of David B. Hay and co-researchers (Darren Williams, Daniel Stahl, Richard Wingate) who published a paper investigating the drawing styles of undergraduates, trainee scientists, and leading neuroscience researchers when making drawings of neurons. The following image shows the three sets of drawings. The upper line was produced by undergraduate students and shows a close adherence to textbook diagrams whilst the mid line was produced by PhD students and postdoctoral researchers more familiar with neurons under the microscope. The lower line of drawings was produced by expert neuroscientists and shows the greatest variety of approaches to the task. The research of Hay et al claims that:

Sound Advice Sound Advice 199: Serena Mitnik-Miller We are pleased to present our 199th installment of Sound Advice featuring Serena Mitnik-Miller. Serena is an artist and shop owner living and working in San Francisco, California. Obsessive Collectors - Pròtesi by Tanit Plana (convertir la càmera en una extensió de mi mateixa i usar-la per a la gestió d’emocions personals) Tanit STUDIO CRITICAL Primer Festival Internacional de grabado. FIG Bilbao - figbilbao Zeit für Ferien - Der Blogger Der Blogger sagt danke und tschüss! Das Europamagazin „Der Blogger“ von ARTE bedankt sich nach vier erfolgreichen Jahren und 152 Sendungen für das Interesse und die Treue aller Zuschauer! Der Blogger – Eine Koproduktion von ARTE France und la Compagnie des Phares et Balises. Weiterlesen >>

Brain Pickings We Are Selecters · You Are Selecters ♥ Noticias de arte y cultura contemporáneas Hasta aquí hemos llegado. Desde inicios del 2005, este equipo directivo ha fijado el foco en el vértice en el que se unen creatividad, movimientos culturales contemporáneos y sociedad de consumo. El objetivo final siempre fue facilitar el conocimiento por parte de la mayoría de la importancia individual, social y económica de la creatividad y los movimientos culturales, ayudando a su comprensión y comunicación. Lo hemos hecho en una época apasionante, en la que fue posible creer en una sociedad en la que el impulso creativo del ser humano jugara un papel determinante en el enriquecimiento personal y social, y en el que la sociedad asumiera el conocimiento libremente distribuido como el avance definitivo hacia la igualdad real de oportunidades. De poco sirve analizar las causas del cierre. La historia juzgará los movimientos políticos y económicos actuales, y en esa historia el auge y caída de seguramente no será digno de mención.

Painting Perceptions
