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Jobs Charted by State and Salary USA

Jobs Charted by State and Salary USA
The industries that people work in can say a lot about an area. Is there a lot of farming? Is there a big technology market? Couple the jobs that people work with salary, and you also see where the money's at. For example, look at California. For a drastic change, switch to Washington, D.C., where people who work in the legal and business sectors are much more common. Move the median salary up a bit, and you get a sense of overall salaries (and a correlating cost of living, kind of) as you check out different states. Anyway, it's an interesting first look at employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Related:  SALARY GUIDES

Loon 226 Loonschaal - 'barema' Download het barema geldig vanaf 1 maart 2014 (indexaanpassing 1,4%) Download het barema geldig vanaf 1 december 2012 (indexaanpassing 1,4%) Download het barema van oktober 2012 Download het barema van april 2012 Index De indexering van lonen en sociale uitkeringen is een belangrijke realisatie van de vakbonden. De praktische modaliteiten van de indexering (tijdstip, berekeningswijze, percentages...) worden dan ook per sector vastgelegd. In pc 226 worden de lonen geïndexeerd als de spilindex met 1,014% overschreden wordt. Eindejaarspremie Woon-werkverkeer De werkgever is verplicht je een bepaalde vergoeding voor het woonwerkverkeer te betalen. Meer info bij je LBC-NVK-afgevaardigde of LBC-NVK-secretariaat. Robot dogs, foldable tablets and mongoose bloggers: sci-fi visions of the media future | Media News hacking is the new glue sniffing by Laurie Penny Six months ago, Ruby Peeton was an A-star student. Captain of the netball team. On her way to Cambridge. That was before she got involved in the dangerous underground world of Seer swapping. In a dilapidated warehouse off the Harrow Road, sleeping bags shoved under tables overflowing with cables like spilt intestines, Ruby, 18, shows me how it works. "When it started it was just three or four of us, but now we get around 20 here every night," says Ruby. The internet used to be a treacherous, lawless place. "We don't just swap passwords," says Ruby, handing me a cup of tea in a chipped, grimy mug. I ask Ruby why a nice, healthy girl would want to know something so nasty. It has been proved that personalised news services like Seer protect young people from a host of dangers. Of course, it has always been possible to hack the service and to create open logins, but companies can and do sue users for loss of potential advertising revenue.

Google Wallet app takes to the Cloud - MobileVillage® Google has updated its Google Wallet app to a cloud-based version that supports all credit and debit cards from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. The new version also lets you remotely disable your mobile wallet from your Google Wallet account on the web. Google Wallet is currently only available on six NFC-enabled phones from Sprint and Virgin Mobile, as well as the new Nexus 7 tablet. Google has partnered with more than 25 U.S. retailers, and thanks to MasterCard PayPass, you can pay with your phone at more than 200,000 retail locations. To save a card to Google Wallet, just enter the number into the mobile app, online wallet, or Google Play when making purchases. The Google Wallet app now stores your payment cards on highly secure Google servers, instead of in the secure storage area on your phone. The new Google Wallet app is available now on Google Play, and works on supported NFC devices. You can view a demo here:

Bereken hoeveel werkloosheidsuitkering jij krijgt Het bedrag van de werkloosheidsuitkeringen is gelijk aan een bepaald percentage van je laatst verdiende loon, maar er is wel een loongrens. Sinds 1 november 2012 is het stelsel van werkloosheidsuitkeringen hervormd. Wat verandert er? Als je vandaag uitkeringen aanvraagt, daalt het bedrag van deze uitkeringen in verschillende stappen, afhankelijk van het aantal jaren dat je gewerkt hebt. Heb je bijvoorbeeld slechts 2 jaar gewerkt, dan ontvang je na 1,5 jaar werkloosheid al het minimumbedrag. Heb je daarentegen 11 jaar gewerkt, krijg je pas na 3 jaar het minimumbedrag. Let op: de berekening geldt o.a. niet voor volgende personen: Werklozen die een inschakelingsuitkering krijgenWerklozen in het stelsel van werkloosheid met bedrijfstoeslagDeeltijdse werknemers Bedragen geldig vanaf 01.07.2015 Deze berekening geldt niet voor bepaalde uitzonderingen. Bruto of netto? Let op, je uitkering is nog onderworpen aan een bedrijfsvoorheffing van 10,09 procent. Voorbeeld De uitkering zakt niet altijd (dvh)

Most of you have no idea what Martin Luther King actually did I remember that many years ago, when I was a smartass home from first year of college, I was standing in the kitchen arguing with my father. My head was full of newly discovered political ideologies and black nationalism, and I had just read the Autobiography of Malcolm X, probably for the second time. A bit of context. They lived in a valley or hollow or "holler" in which all the landowners and tenants were black. On the one hand, this was a pleasant situation because they lived in isolation from white people. Anyway, that's background. So anyway, I was having this argument with my father about Martin Luther King and how his message was too conservative compared to Malcolm X's message. I was kind of sarcastic and asked something like, so what did Martin Luther King accomplish other than giving his "I have a dream speech." Before I tell you what my father told me, I want to digress. My father told me with a sort of cold fury, "Dr. But this is what the great Dr. So what did they do?

Top of the Web Follow Springo on : Find top sites My top sites Top Sites News Music Video Sports Online Games Shopping Maps Photos Movies Select your setting: Loonbarema's geïndexeerd op 01/07/2017 - FOV | federatie sociaal-cultureel werk - Door de stijging van de sociale gezondheidsindex werd in mei 2017 de spilindex overschreden. Dat betekent dat de lonen (barema’s en werkelijke lonen) in onze sector in juli 2017 met 2% verhogen. Maar let op: dit heeft ook consequenties voor het dubbel vakantiegeld! In het Paritair Comité van de socioculturele sector (PC 329.01) wordt onderhandeld over de sectorale CAO’s. Met de collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst van 30 januari 2003 werden de loonvoorwaarden in het sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk vastgelegd. Twee indexen bepalen of de barema’s worden verhoogd: de sociale gezondheidsindex en de spilindex. Dit was in mei van dit jaar dus het geval. Dubbel vakantiegeld Maak afspraken met je sociaal secretariaat over wie de nodige aanpassingen doet in het kader van de indexering. Algemeen principe is namelijk dat een bediende dubbel vakantiegeld moet krijgen op basis van het loon van de maand waarin zijn hoofdvakantie aanvangt. Volgende indexering

12/17 Theorists Predict New State of Quantum Matter May Have Big Impact on Electronics December 17, 2013 Experiments underway to validate topologically insulating stanene as first room temperature lossless conductor Constantly losing energy is something we deal with in everything we do. If you stop pedaling a bike, it gradually slows; if you let off the gas, your car also slows. As these vehicles move, they also generate heat from friction. Electronics encounter a similar effect as groups of electrons carry information from one point to another. Meso program researchers at Stanford University recently predicted stanene will support lossless conduction at room temperature. “We recently realized there is another state of electronic matter: a topological insulator. Researchers at Stanford reported the first topological insulators in 2006 under a previous DARPA effort known as the Focus Center Research Program. “Stanene is a bold, yet compelling prediction,” said Rogers.

About Mahesh Mohan | Minterest I’m Mahesh – a blogger, digital marketer, and a trader. Minterest, founded in 2007, is my digital marketing & technology journal where I blog about tech, marketing, and everything in between. I started doing digital marketing in 2007 and I provide consultancy services to individuals and companies to maximize their ROI with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy designed for success. And I was lucky enough to generate hundreds of leads for Microsoft, Yahoo, and other companies during the initial days itself. Outside of that, I’m just passionate about everything I do. #Hashtags That Should Define Me… Agnostic, Apolitical, Blogger, Bluephile, Digital Marketer, Finance geek, Leo, Microsoft fanatic, Nerd, Overthinker, Perfectionist, Trader, Workaholic. [Check out 75 Random Facts About Me About Minterest Minterest is a digital marketing & technology journal featuring Blogging, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Tech, and Web 2.0. Editorial Philosophy Subscribe Let’s Connect! Happy Blogging!

Loonkloof | Statbel De gender loonkloof geeft het verschil weer tussen het gemiddelde bruto uurloon van vrouwen en mannen, uitgedrukt als een percentage van het gemiddelde mannenloon. In een formule geeft dit de volgende uitdrukking: Gender loonkloof = (uurloon mannen – uurloon vrouwen) / uurloon mannen De gender loonkloof wordt berekend op basis van: de loonenquête voor het referentiejaar 2014; RSZ-gegevens, voor de jaren na 2014. Alle lidstaten van de EU hanteren geharmoniseerde concepten en methoden bij de berekening van de gender loonkloof. Naast de geaggregeerde loonkloofcijfers, werkt Statbel ook mee aan het Belgische Loonkloofrapport, dat door het Instituut voor de Gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen wordt uitgebracht.

Fieldston Software - gSyncit This software requires a license key to remove any feature limitation. The unregistered version is limited to synchronizing one Google and Outlook calendar, synchronizing 50 contacts/note/tasks entries and does not sync deletes for contacts/notes/tasks entries. Registration will remove these limitations and remove any registration/nag dialogs from the application. If you have any problems download gSyncit try clearing your browser cache and download gSyncit to your desktop first. Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 (Preinstalled with Windows 8) Microsoft Windows XP / Vista (32 & 64 Bit) / Windows 7 (32 & 64 Bit) / Windows 8 (32 & 64 Bit) Microsoft Outlook XP (2002), Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Mac NOT supported. A upgrade license of gSyncit for use on a single computer is available for $9.99 (USD) and requires that you have a license key for the previous gSyncit v1.x or v2.x release.

This DIY Blind Minder Automatically Opens And Closes Your Blinds Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. If you’re into home automation, this DIY Blind Minder is a worthwhile weekend project. It will open and shut your blinds depending on room temperature, it has a programmable thermostat, and includes a manual switch for opening and closing. We’ve shown you a couple of Arduino-powered blinds before, but this DIY Blind Minder from the folks at Make takes the cake. The video above walks you through its features. When the room gets too hot, it will shut the blinds. It still needs an Arduino and a temperature sensor to work, but the rest of the components are affordable (and available online; you can see a full list at the link below). Mini Blind Minder [Make via Boing Boing]

Serveball | Throwable panoramic still and video cameras for reconnaissance and recreation.
