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Datorspelande – en skjuts för engelskan - Göteborgs-Posten Nu är det vetenskapligt fastställt: Flitiga datorspelare får ett bättre engelskt ordförråd. Det visar en studie från Göteborgs och Karlstads universitet. Studien bekräftar det som många föräldrar och lärare redan tyckt sig kunnat se – de ungdomar som spelar mycket interaktiva engelska datorspel får ett försteg vad gäller det engelska ordförrådet jämfört med de som inte spelar, eller bara spelar lite. I studien ingår 76 ungdomar i åldrarna 10-11 år. Data har samlats in via frågeformulär och en så kallad språkdagbok. Där listas alla möten med det engelska språket utanför skolan, liksom datoranvändning och digitalt spelande. Resultaten visar att skillnaden mellan könen är stor vad gäller datorspelande. De datorspel som visar sig vara mest effektiva för utvecklandet av engelsk vokabulär är så kallade "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" – en genre av datorrollspel där ett stort antal spelare interagerar med varandra i en virtuell värld.

How in questions -ENGAMES The word “HOW” is one of the most productive words in English. It helps us create meaningful questions and sentences. The word “HOW” combines with many other words to create these questions. How in questions – mindmap Here the students can practise the basic usage of the word HOW in questions. The way you can create questions with how. In the first game your task is to complete the questions with the correct word. Teacher Invaders In the second game you should choose the correct answer and shoot only the BAD ducks. Shooting game I hope that by now you know all the basic usages of the word HOW. Free ESL Fun Games, Interactive Grammar & Vocabulary Games for Classrooms PowToon - Engelska förmågor Embed code Select a size, the embed code changes based on your selection. _abc Powtoon Transcript I engelska ska du utveckla förmågan att förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter formulera dig och kommunicera i tal och skrift använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra dig förstådd vad innebär språkliga strategier??? CC creative commons attribution

With pictures English Teachers: If you would like to use this Question Words wall chart in your classroom, then you can purchase a copy here: Question Words Wall Chart and Flash Cards. The most common question words in English are the following: WHO is only used when referring to people. (= I want to know the person) Who is the best football player in the world? Who are your best friends? Who is that strange guy over there? WHERE is used when referring to a place or location. (= I want to know the place) Where is the library? WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion. (= I want to know the time) When do the shops open? WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a reason. (= I want to know the reason) Why do we need a nanny? Normally the response begins with "Because..." WHAT is used to refer to specific information. (= I want to know the thing) What is your name? WHICH is used when a choice needs to be made. (= I want to know the thing between alternatives) How do you cook lasagna? Next activity

Games, Activities for ESL Classroom Teaching Actions, Colors, Numbers Practice Vocabulary Related to Action Verbs, Colors, Numbers, with this ESL War Game. Animals, Colors, Clothes, Numbers Review Animals, Colors, Numbers and more with this ESL Vocabulary Dino Game Actions, Present Progressive Game Practice Action Verbs with the Present Progressive with this ESL Fun Game. Bathroom Vocabulary Game Practice Bathroom vocabulary with this ESL Fun Game. Bedroom Vocabulary Game Practice Bedroom vocabulary with this ESL Fun Game. Body Parts, Actions, Stationery, Zoo Practice Body , Actions, Stationery, Zoo Vocabulary with this ESL War Game Body Parts Vocabulary Game Body Parts Vocabulary ESL Game to review words related to the human body. Countries and Capitals Game Countries and Capitals ESL Jeopardy Vocabulary Game – Practice Geography Clothes and Color Zombie Game Practice Clothes and Colors in this Vocabulary Zombie Game Colors(Colours) Vocabulary Game Practice Colors (Colours) with this ESL Vocabulary Game, Catapult Castle Game Higher Level Games

Tydliggöra Lgr 11 i engelska Kunskapsvägg Jag skall bygga upp en kunskapsvägg tillsammans med eleverna den här terminen för att tydliggöra vad vi ska göra och vad eleverna skall träna på för att nå kunskapskraven. Jag skall använda mig av Ulrika Elissons fina material som går att dra ut i Pdf-format på hennes blogg Ullis skolsida. Ulrika har skapat kunskapsväggar inom alla ämnen och årskurser som du kan hitta här: Tanken bakom är viktig För mig är det väldigt viktigt att det finns en tanke bakom arbetet och att eleverna får vara med i processen. Jag har gjort en Prezi som jag kommer att inleda höstens engelsklektioner med, där jag utifrån Ullis kunskapsvägg presenterar det centrala innehållet och de olika förmågorna. Min Prezi lägger jag in här och du är såklart varmt välkommen att använda den :)

Paper flower tutorial I thought some of you would enjoy a quick tutorial on how to make those little paper flowers I used as part of my table setting a couple weeks ago. The credit for these go to Martha Stewart (I saw this idea nearly 10 years ago in her magazine, but haven't been able to find it on her website). So here I go.. Step 1: Draw a spiral on a 4x4" square sheet of paper Step 2: Cut out spiral along lines you have drawn Step 3: Begin rolling up the spiral from the outside Step 4: Keep on rolling until there's no more left to roll Step 5: You're done! I used a slightly heavier weight paper for this one, but you can use normal paper as well. Note: You may use a bit of glue or double-stick tape to keep the flower from unrolling and loosening up with time.

Storytelling Prompts for Kids - Tell Me A Story Time for the Virtual Chapter Book Club for Kids. The theme for November is Fairy Tales, Fables and Fractured Fairy Tales. My daughters have actually been reading quite a few fairy tale chapter books lately. When Clemency is attacked by an evil fairy, she remembers the tale of Peter Pan, as her father had told her one evening. Tell Me A Story – Storytelling Prompts for Kids First, print off the storytelling prompts. tell me a story – storytelling prompt.doc Next, cut out the prompts, fold them and place them inside a jar or bag. Finally, find some time to sit down with your family and have each person pull a prompt from the jar. When we gave this activity a try, I discovered that it helps to have a few key questions on hand in case the storyteller becomes stuck. what did you see? Since there is no writing involved, this activity can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Now it is time to find out what the other bloggers in the Virtual Chapter Book Club for Kids have been reading and creating.

Build 3D paper letters from a nifty font Speaking of Fontstruct, I found something cool over there. Punched Out is a free font that allows you to type letters, print, cut, fold, and glue to make 3D forms. Created by Tobias Sommer, it's available for download at Dafont or Fontstruct. I gave it a try while watching TV. I printed the letters in gray, scored along the center of the dashed lines, and folded so that the printing ended up on the inside of each letter. Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Kids If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. Perfect for overcoming writer’s block or even starting a brand-new short story in a different narrative, creative writing prompts can help students begin a new piece with confidence. Plus, these story starters can also encourage students to explore different genres while honing their writing skills. Reading a book in a genre, then having students use a story starter in that same genre. Take inspiration from classics like Treasure Island and newer popular series like The Bad Guys to explore how to write thrilling adventure stories. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove. Get students excited about adventure stories with these great books: If you’re looking to inspire your students’ writing and creativity, turn to these fun and exciting writing prompts. You’re part of a pirate crew in search of a long-lost storied treasure trove.
