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WWF - Endangered Species Conservation

WWF - Endangered Species Conservation
Related:  Tropical Rainforests

Facts and information on the Amazon Rainforest The Disappearing Rainforests We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries. Rainforests are being destroyed because the value of rainforest land is perceived as only the value of its timber by short-sighted governments, multi-national logging companies, and land owners. The Wealth of the Rainforests The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. Vincristine, extracted from the rainforest plant, periwinkle, is one of the world's most powerful anticancer drugs. Rainforest Action But who is really to blame? The Amazon River

Students | United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth The work of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth is guided by the World Programme of Action for Youth which outlines four priority areas; Participation, Advocacy, Partnerships and Harmonisation. The Envoy on Youth advocates for addressing the development needs and rights of young people, as well as to bring the work of the United Nations with and for youth closer to them. Model UN The Model UN Workshops focus on giving students and MUN advisors a basic understanding of the General Assembly’s Rules of Procedure, the discussion and action phases of General Assembly Committee meetings, what you need to know when drafting resolutions, the duties and responsibilities of the UN Secretariat and General Assembly officials, the negotiation process that takes place during informal meetings, how consensus is achieved, the Security Council’s Provisional Rules of Procedure, and more. Voices of Youth Focal Point on Youth UNESCO Youth Forum

travel companies | educational tours | student travel agency We are a nonprofit organization founded by educators in 1989 with the mission of saving tropical forests. We began by encouraging schools to raise money to purchase rainforest acres and forwarding their donations to the Monteverde Conservation League (Costa Rica), Programme For Belize and Fundacion Jatun Sacha (Ecuador). In 1990 we began an innovative travel program that sent students and educators to the rainforests we were helping to save. Bruce Calhoun. Butch Beedle, Treasurer. is a retired middle school social studies teacher who has been active with Save The Rainforest since 1988. Mark Blackbourn. Karri Roh-Wasley. Board of Advisors. Jennifer Dallman. Corinne Dedini. Mike Freidlin. Roy Triveline.

DOGO News - Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more! 10 Rainforest Facts for 2020 Tropical rainforests are among the world's most important ecosystems for they role they play in sustaining life on the planet. From the Amazon to the Congo, every rainforest has a unique assemblage of plants, animals, and people. Below are 10 quick up-to-date facts about tropical rainforests to explain what these ecosystems are, why they are important, and how they can be saved. For more in-depth coverage of rainforests, check out our rainforests news feed and the main rainforests site. 1. While tropical rainforests are the most famous, rainforests are also found in sub-tropical and temperate zones. 2. Estimates of forest cover depend on the methodology used to define a forest, including the density of canopy cover and height of trees. 3. The Amazon basin contains the world's largest rainforest, which is nearly the roughly of the continental United States and covers about 40 percent of South America. The second largest rainforest is found in Central Africa's Congo Basin. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Actividades posibles Rainforest Birds: Beautiful, Exotic Birds From The Rainforest! What type of birds live in the rainforest? How many birds are there in the rainforest? And how have they evolved throughout history? Here’s our must-read guide to the beautiful, exotic and tropical birds of the rainforest! Rainforest Birds The rainforest is as its name suggests a very rainy place to be. Many species of birds call these rainforests their home, as they have learned to adapt to the wet and humid surroundings. The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world and is inhabited by around 1300 different species of birds. Which Birds Live in the Rainforest? The rainforest is home to many birds, such as toucans, macaws, parrots, hummingbirds and Harpy Eagles. There are a host of colorful birds who live here and many of them have evolved to adapt to their surroundings. The toucan has a powerful bill so that it can cut and saw the fruits and nuts it eats, while the Harpy eagle has heightened eyesight so that it can seek out its prey. Why do they Live There? Origin and Evolution

The 10 Most Beautiful and Must-see Birds of The Amazon Rainforest Jungle - inspirich The Amazon Rainforest is also known as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle. The Amazon Rainforest is a moist forest that covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America. About half of the forest is contained within Brazil; the rest of it is in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, and French Guiana. There are different types of research reports that have shown this fact that more than 1500 bird species are found in the Amazon Basin. Cutting short, here is the list of most beautiful and must-see birds of the Amazon rainforest jungle. 1. The Hyacinth Macaw is considered one of the most beautiful birds of the Amazon Rainforest jungle. Various studies have shown this fact that they prefer semi-open forest or forest edges and generally stay away from the dense rainforest interior. Photo by Travis Hightower 2. Blue Fronted Amazon is also considered as an active participant in the Amazon rainforest jungle. Photo by Pet Info Club 3. Photo by Rosy Chandy 4. Photo by John Lambe 5. Photo by Marcel 6. 7.

Adopt-A-Rainforest The Adopt-A-Rainforest program allows individuals, school groups and other organizations to raise funds for programs that stop rainforest destruction. Donations to the Adopt-A-Rainforest program support the Rainforest Alliance’s mission to help communities that depend on forests for their livelihood practice sustainable management of tropical forest lands. Many people make donations to Adopt-A-Rainforest on behalf of loved ones, to celebrate weddings, birthdays and holidays, or in memoriam. Donors often design and stage creative fundraising events that help publicize their support through the Adopt-A-Rainforest program, raising awareness in their communities about the importance of rainforests. After you have raised money to donate to Adopt-A-Rainforest, you can either fill out and mail the donation form or donate online. When you Adopt-A-Rainforest, your symbolic gift supports the Rainforest Alliance’s general mission to conserve forests.

Adopt an animal at the Living Rainforest Animal Adoptions make fantastic gifts for all your friends and family. Many rainforest animals are threatened by habitat loss and over-exploitation. Animal adoptions make a real difference by supporting vital education and conservation work. They help to ensure that the animals at The Living Rainforest receive the best care possible. Adoptions also help support our participation in international breeding programmes for threatened species. You can adopt a sloth, Goeldi’s monkey, pygmy marmoset, Asian water dragon, curassow, stingray, carpet python, or bird eating spider. Adoptions cost from just £40 a year for individual sponsorship. Our animal adoption packs include: A signed certificate of adoptionA large A4 glossy picture of your adopted animalA fact sheet about your adopted animalYour name displayed at The Living RainforestA free one day entry ticket so you can visit your adopted animal (when the centre is open) Find out more contact us to adopt

Adopt a Sloth ❤️ The Sloth Conservation Foundation Help us to safeguard a future for these amazing animals by adopting a sloth for yourself, a friend or family member today! We are proud to guarantee that 100% of all proceeds from our adopt a sloth program go towards funding our in-field sloth conservation programs (rather than covering big overhead costs). You can choose between a virtual or physical adopt a sloth package. If you choose the virtual option, all adoption materials will be emailed to you and there is a choice between monthly or one-off payment plans. Physical adoption packages will be a one-off donation (minimum $90 / £70) and you will have everything sent to you in the mail – perfect as a gift! Adopt a sloth today and receive: Your personalized adoption certificateFull biography and history profile for your chosen slothHigh-resolution photograph of your adopted slothA copy of our new sloth book: Sloths, Life in the Slow Lane (physical adoption packages only) *Physical adoption packages are shipped from the UK.
