s Copyright and Fair Use Resources This is a tool that explains everything you need to know about copyright, and then some! Learn what copyright is and is not, what it protects, what Public Domain is, what the difference is between Copyright and Plagiarism, and a LOT more. Do you remember what the acronym DMCA stands for? tag(s): copyright (49), digital citizenship (63), plagiarism (34) In the Classroom This site is a must-share with students for all middle school and secondary teachers.
Games and Learning | Through coverage of the market, research and up-to-date analysis, Games and Learning reports on the opportunities and challenges facing those seeking to unlock the educational power of games. All about copyright Constructing the Perfect Logo Logos are the keys to success – the starting point for branding of any kind. But how can you put one together that stands out, and creates an original remember-able icon for your site? Today, we’re breaking down some of the best rated logos on Colin and David’s Logopond, and focusing on what makes them great. We’ll also take a look at more larger, well known logos, and see what has made them work. What is a logo? First, what exactly is a logo? “lo·go (n) – A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.” Ah I see, so a logo is something (can be anything) used to represent someone or something. When creating logos on the web, you’re looking for that same effect. Get Your Ideas on Paper The best place to start logo designs, particular if there going to include some kind of symbol, is with a piece of paper and a pencil. Let’s use our logo’s example. Details Matter Let’s first look at our logo again.
Copyright Fundamentals for Genealogy by Mike Goad Since genealogical research inevitably involves copying of information, questions involving copyright often crop up. When an answer is given, it may be less than satisfactory. Sometimes the answer is wrong, sometimes there is little or no explanation, and sometimes the answer isn’t an answer, but a policy statement. While copyright can be very complex and confusing, the parts of copyright law that usually apply to genealogy are really pretty basic. Copyright means copy right Literally, the term copyright means the right to make copies of some product. Making a copy of a work or a portion of a work is its author’s copy right. In the U.S., the right to make a copy of a protected work is a constitutional, exclusive right of the work’s author, except that some limited copying is allowed by provisions of the copyright law. Is it copyrighted? If it’s created today by the original expression of the author and it can be viewed or copied, then it is protected under copyright. Example:
Tools for the TEKS: Integrating Technology in the Classroom "Do I have to get permission to use this?" "Is this legal?" "If it doesn't have the copyright symbol on it, is it still copyrighted?" Any discussion about copyright law will likely begin with a disclaimer, and this article is no exception. How Can All This Be Simplified? Compliance with copyright law does not have to be complicated, but the conservative requirements this simplistic approach requires are not likely to be desirable or realistic for the modern classroom. 1. 2. Do educators have to follow such conservative, stringent guidelines in order to remain in compliance with US copyright law? A Brief History of US Copyright Law According to the US Copyright Office, "Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. US copyright law was not created to make individuals or companies rich: it was conceived by the framers of the United States Constitution as a way to promote and protect innovation for a short, fixed amount of time. 1. 2.
Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-friendly Resources - Refdesk.com Merriam-Webster's Word Central Planet PDF - Free PDF eBooks Can You Copyright Your Data? Ancestry.com Learning Center Search What's New The latest from Ancestry.com... Discover First Steps Just getting started? Begin Next Steps Learn about our collections... Explore Our Social Network Get expert advice. Learn 5-Minute Find: Down on the Farm Many of us have ancestors who are listed as farmers on the census. Research Guides Free Download expert advice for tackling your research goals. Translation Help Get translation guides and help for German and other languages Getting Started with Search Learn how to find your ancestors in historical records. Featured Collection
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education Click here to view or download a PDF of this report. Coordinated by: The Media Education Lab,Temple UniversityThe Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property,American University Washington College of LawThe Center for Media & Social Impact,American University With funding from: The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation And additional support from: The Ford Foundation,by way of the Future of Public Media Project Introduction Principles of Fair Use in Media Literacy Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion Common Myths About Fair Use Notes What This Is This document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. What This Isn't This code of best practices does not tell you the limits of fair use rights. It’s not a guide to using material that people give the public permission to use, such as works covered by Creative Commons licenses. How This Document Was Created Media Literacy Education
PowerUp Game Story If any one out there is listening, Planet Helios is being destroyed and we need your help! Hundreds of years ago the nations of our planet realized that the side effects from burning fossil fuels for energy were damaging the atmosphere and changing the climate. They joined together to develop and build technologies to create electricity from available renewable energy resources like wind, sun and water power. Meanwhile the planet's citizens–our ancestors– pulled together and pledged to use less energy. This ushered in a Golden Age of energy balance and ecological harmony. But a few generations later energy was plentiful, clean and cheap and conservation was no longer in fashion. Now the damage has been re–done, and then some! Play PowerUp today and prove it's NOT too late!
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