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Billionaire Elon Musk: How I Became The Real 'Iron Man'

Billionaire Elon Musk: How I Became The Real 'Iron Man'
Related:  Tesla MotorsEntrepreneurship

Elon Musk: The World's Raddest Man This is Part 1 of a four-part series on Elon Musk’s companies. PDF and ebook options: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing (see a preview here), and an ebook containing the whole four-part Elon Musk series: Last month, I got a surprising phone call. Elon Musk, for those unfamiliar, is the world’s raddest man. I’ll use this post to explore how he became a self-made billionaire and the real-life inspiration for Iron Man’s Tony Stark, but for the moment, I’ll let Richard Branson explain things briefly: Whatever skeptics have said can’t be done, Elon has gone out and made real. So no, that was not a phone call I had been expecting. A few days later, I found myself in pajama pants, pacing frantically around my apartment, on the phone with Elon Musk. For me, this project was one of the biggest no-brainers in history. – “electric vs hybrid vs gas cars, deal with tesla, sustainable energy” – “spacex, musk, mars?? So it was on. Zeus would have been less stressful. Mm hm.

Tesla : un château de cartes électrique Imaginons un peu. L’Alliance Renault-Nissan est une fervente partisane de la voiture électrique. Dans l’enthousiasme, le groupe décide d’acquérir un fabricant de batteries, par exemple le japonais Sanyo, puis met ensuite la main sur SunPower, le spécialiste américain du solaire, propriété du pétrolier français Total. N’est-ce pas beaucoup pour une entreprise déjà très occupée par la production et la vente de ses millions d’automobiles ? Et un peu démodé aussi ? Pas du tout. Scepticisme dans la Valley Pour lui, cela permettra d’utiliser les magasins Tesla pour proposer des panneaux solaires, de vendre les batteries de stockage d’énergie ­fabriquées par Tesla aux clients de SolarCity et, in fine, de constituer une sorte de club de fans de l’énergie propre. Pourtant facilement séduits par le plus spectaculaire entrepreneur de la Silicon Valley, les marchés ne semblent pas conquis par le discours du trublion. Dirigée par le cousin d’Elon Musk, SolarCity ne va pas bien.

Chairman Wang Jianlin - About Us - Wanda Group Born in 1954, Wang Jianlin served in the Army between 1970 and 1986, at which time he was appointed Office Director of the Xigang District Government in Dalian. He has served as Chairman of the Dalian Wanda Group since 1989. Wang Jianlin served as a deputy to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was a member of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Standing Committee. He also served as Vice Chairman of the 11th Congress of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Wang Jianlin has been honored with several awards for outstanding achievements in business management and corporate social responsibility.

NASA successfully tests shape-changing airplane wings NASA has successfully tested a shape-changing wing design that could do away with the conventional flaps seen on commercial airliners. Since last year, NASA researchers have been conducting the tests in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and engineering company FlexSys Inc. "The completion of this flight test campaign at Armstrong [Flight Research Center] is a big step for NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation [ERA] Project," said the project's manager, Fay Collier. NASA first tested the wings last summer. “We are thrilled to have accomplished all of our flight test goals without encountering any significant technical issues,” Air Force Research Laboratory program manager Pete Flick said in a statement. The "flexible trailing-edge wing flaps" have the potential to both improve aerodynamic efficiency of airplanes, and reduce the noise generated during takeoffs and landings, according to NASA. Have something to add to this story?

The 22 most memorable quotes from the new Elon Musk book, ranked A new book on Elon Musk offers an unforgettable look at the leader of Tesla and SpaceX. Here are some anecdotes and quotes that stood out. (Matt McFarland and Tom LeGro/The Washington Post) For anyone interested in technology, entrepreneurship or the price of greatness, Ashlee Vance’s new book, “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future,” is a tremendous look into arguably the world’s most important entrepreneur. Vance paints an unforgettable picture of Musk’s unique personality, insatiable drive and ability to thrive through hardship. 1. 2. 3. 4. [Why shades of Asperger’s Syndrome are the secret to building a great tech company] 5. 6. Update, May 12: Since publication of this article Musk has said he has never called himself a samurai. 7. Update, May 12: Musk has since called this inaccurate and said he would never tell someone to miss a child’s birth for a meeting. 8. 9. 10. 11. [Crazy good: How mental illnesses help entrepreneurs thrive] 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Le patron de Tesla, veut sauver l'humanité avec ses voitures, camions et bus Ce sont les premières annonces d'un projet qui demeure pour le moment secret et qu'Elon Musk ambitionne de dévoiler dans un peu plus d'une semaine. Le milliardaire aux aspirations révolutionnaires, à la tête du constructeur américain de voitures électriques Tesla projette de créer un camion de transport de fret, mais aussi un véhicule pour remplacer les bus urbains, et à plus long terme un réseau de voitures autonomes utilisable à la demande. C'est ce qu'il a annoncé mercredi sur son site internet, en ajoutant que d'autres révélations de projets qui suivront. Il s'agit de la deuxième partie de son "Master Plan", la première partie aura pris plus de 10 ans à voir le jour. L'objectif affiché: imposer une consommation électrique entièrement fondée sur les énergies renouvelables. Des véhicules totalement autonomes sans conducteur "En plus des véhicules privés, il y a deux autres sortes de véhicules électriques nécessaires: des gros camions et du transport urbain à forte densité de passagers.

Q&A: Jordan Hansell of NetJets Jordan Hansell Chairman & CEONetJets Education: Bachelor’s degree, Duke University; law degree and master’s degree in public policy, University of Michigan. Career highlights: President, NetJets; chief administrative officer and general counsel, NetJets; attorney, Nyemaster, Goode, West, Hansell & O’Brien; clerk, U.S. Jordan Hansell enjoys working from a Bombardier Global 6000 even more than from his office overlooking the Port Columbus airfield from NetJet’s headquarters. The in-flight environment is valued by the many chief executives who fly with NetJets, says Hansell. The day of this interview, Hansell was monitoring a powerful winter storm moving into the northeastern United States. “As the world changes you have to take different steps and use different tactics,” he says. What are NetJet’s challenges moving into the next decade? We want to expand internationally beyond our large bases in the United States and Europe. We operate in and out of 170 countries, we fly everywhere.

German tycoon Bastian Yotta who's bought LA 'Baywatch life' for $100k a month Bastian and Maria Yotta caused a stir with their decadent 'Playboy' parties at their Los Angeles homeMailOnline gained exclusive access to their extravagant life which costs the couple $100,000 a monthBastian is a life-coach, inspiring others to live what he calls the 'Yotta Life', after he was hounded out of GermanyActive Instagram reveals perpetual pool parties and scantily clad women - now they want 10 girls to live with them By Dan Howlett For Mailonline Published: 10:23 GMT, 5 October 2015 | Updated: 15:30 GMT, 5 October 2015 Bastian and Maria Yotta caused a stir last week after Instagram images of their decadent 'Playboy mansion' lifestyle went viral around the world. In a series of bold as brass images they boasted unashamedly of a life filled with sexually charged pool parties, supercars and ten thousand dollar shopping sprees. Scroll down for video I had a vision which I have now made come true – I have created my own Baywatch and my girl is hotter than Pamela Anderson Loaded: 0%

Elon Musk says he will perform same tasks as Tesla workers getting injured in the factory | Electrek Following the recent claims of a higher than average injury rate at Tesla’s Fremont factory, CEO Elon Musk is getting involved personally to encourage workers to report their injury in order to fix the cause. The CEO even said that he plans to perform the same tasks as Tesla workers getting injured on the factory floor. In an email to all employees this week, Musk wrote: “No words can express how much I care about your safety and wellbeing. It breaks my heart when someone is injured building cars and trying their best to make Tesla successful.Going forward, I’ve asked that every injury be reported directly to me, without exception. That would be quite a task and could add significantly to Musk’s workload since even if Tesla has been reducing its injury rate at the Fremont factory and now claims the lowest injury rate in the industry, there are over 10,000 people working at the factory and injury can be inevitable at some point.

La valeur du jour à Wall Street- TESLA MOTORS fusionne avec SolarCity, le marché reste perplexe (AOF) - La fusion Tesla Motors-SolarCity a été enfin annoncée pour une valeur de 2,6 milliards de dollars. Les actionnaires du fabricant de panneaux solaires recevront 0,110 action ordinaire de Tesla Motors par action détenue, ce qui valorise l'action SolarCity à 25,37 dollars. Tesla proposait précédemment 23,56-25,30 dollars par action SolarCity. La transaction devrait être finalisée au cours du quatrième trimestre 2016. En Bourse, cette annonce est mal accueillie par les investisseurs, l'action du constructeur automobile américain cède 0,45% à 233,734 dollars. En effet, les investisseurs se sont interrogés sur un conflit d'intérêt dès que ce projet de fusion fin juin avait été dévoilé par le PDG Elon Musk, ce dernier étant actionnaire de premier plan de chacune des deux sociétés (il détient 19% de Tesla et 22% de SolarCity). Tesla, créé en 2003, attend toujours d'être rentable malgré le succès de ses modèles et SolarCity, en Bourse depuis 2012, n'a jamais publié de bénéfice annuel.

Koch family Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch — the two brothers still with Koch Industries — are affiliated with the Koch family foundations.[5] Family members[edit] Non-profit organizations[edit] The Koch family foundations are a related group of non-profit organizations that began with the establishment of the Fred and Mary Koch Foundation in 1953, and now includes the Charles Koch Foundation, the David H. Political activities[edit] Members of the Koch family have given to conservative and libertarian policy and advocacy groups in the United States,[13] including think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute, and more recently Americans for Prosperity.[14] Americans for Prosperity, founded by David Koch, is one of the main nonprofit groups assisting the Tea Party movement, according to Kenneth Vogel of Politico. See also[edit] References[edit]

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