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Related:  Network toolsLe numérique au service de l'enseignement

Crack/Keygen Sites That Are Safe To Use Blindly searching the web for cracks & keygens is about as smart as using Limewire to search for antivirus software - something not well-advised. Undoubtedly and unfortunately, the number of crack sites with overtones of a malicious agenda heavily outweigh sites that just want to serve up the honest goods. Having said that, there actually are quite a few creditable ‘crack’ sites that won’t try to bombard you with full-screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer into a spam-loving Kraken or Srizbi Botnet army. Be aware that the site reviews herein only include information about each site, not the contents of the ‘cracks’ themselves. Our Recommendation: Due to security flaws and exploits, avoid using Internet Explorer when browsing potentially harmful websites (such as any of these on the list) - use Firefox instead. Recommended (Clean) Crack Sites While these websites are deemed adware/malware free, always be sceptical of their “affiliate links” to other crack sites.

The Right Sort, David Mitchell's Twitter short story | Books … we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we haven’t put up a paywall – we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. I appreciate there not being a paywall: it is more democratic for the media to be available for all and not a commodity to be purchased by a few. If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps fund it, our future would be much more secure.

Le triangle pédagogique de Houssaye - Une prof en IP... LE TRIANGLE PÉDAGOGIQUE DE HOUSSAYE et QUELQUES VARIANTES 1/ Le triangle de Houssaye (2000) Une question d'équilibre... Et chaque processus lorsqu’il est exacerbé prend le risque de voir le mort jouer au fou. Nous pouvons retrouver en appuyant sur le bouton ci-dessous le travail réalisé en didactique avec S.Oudet. 2/ Le triangle de Faeber (2001) Le modèle du triangle de Faeber s'appuie sur le triangle de Houssaye. 3/ Le triangle de Poisson (2003). Le modèle du triangle pédagogique de Poisson (2003) est élaboré à partir d’une analyse de plusieurs modèles. 4/ Le triangle pédagogique FAID (Formateur – Apprenant – Information – Dispositif) proposé par Sea Kim (2008) Le triangle pédagogique FAID est composé de quatre éléments à savoir le formateur (F), l’apprenant (A), l’information (I) et le dispositif (D).

7 Amazing Facebook templates to use in the Classroom we take it for granted that students learn best by doing.if you want your students to get deeply immersed in the material being taught, let them have their say and contribute to the planning of the lesson so that you assure more personalized learning.This can be achieved through harnessing the power of social networks as instructional tools.The medium that is familiar and engaging to most students is Facebook.It's the place where they hang out during and after school and feel more comfortable. Leveraging students' craze for facebook to generate more learning opportunities is the gist of today's post. Below are some of the most popular facebook templates available for free.Enjoy 1. Google docs online templates for Literary & Historical figures.Check here 2.Check out this template fromRead Write Think

Boot da pendrive usb con UEFI Bios | Geek's Lab Con l’introduzione di Windows 8 è stato anche messo da parte il vecchio BIOS, che tutti conoscevamo, per introdurne una versione più ricca e versatile, ossia l’UEFI. Con il “nuovo Bios” (firmware UEFI) troveremo qualche difficoltà ad avviare il pc (o notebook) da una pendrive usb, lettore CD/DVD o hard disk esterno, in quanto nell’UEFI è integrata la funzione Secure Boot che si occupa di bloccare malware che potrebbero attaccare il sistema nella fase pre-boot, ma impedisce anche l’installazione delle varie distribuzioni Linux e di tutti i sistemi operativi non certificati. Se vogliamo avviare, quindi, il nostro pc da una periferica esterna, dovremo cambiare delle impostazioni sul nostro firmware UEFI. Vediamo come avviare il nostro pc da: USB, lettore CD/DVD o hard disk esterno: N.B. Adesso possiamo procedere ad installare qualsiasi sistema operativo!! N.B.

A stranger in the town My great, great, grandfather, Augustus Courts Yandell, arrived at the Mount Alexander goldfields (later named Castlemaine) in 1851 and his descendants have lived in Castlemaine ever since. This digital story highlights aspects of A.C. Yandell’s life and that of his daughter Margery (Lilly), son-in-law Robert Bailie, and grandson Dave Bailie, and includes recollections from his great grandson, David, my father. 10 December 1851 All this news of gold nuggets to be found has made me eager to try my luck. 11 December 1851 Our ship is a 350 ton Brig, about 100 feet in length. 12 December 1851 It is an uncomfortable journey. Our meals, if you can call them that, consist of two ship’s biscuits a day. 14 December 1851 We arrived today after three and a half days travel, a very fast time so I’m told. 15 December 1851 Last night’s accommodation was a treat compared to the sleeping arrangements on the ship. It has been a long and difficult day. 16 December 1851 20 December 1851 13 January 1852 A.C. A.C. Me

Détournements d'usages et nouvelles pratiques numériques : l’expérience des étudiants d’Ingémédia à l’Université de Toulon Daniel PERAYA (TECFA, Genève), Philippe BONFILS (Ingémédia, Toulon) 1. Introduction La troisième étude que nous présentons ici porte sur l’analyse des données recueillies auprès des mêmes étudiants durant l’année 2012-2013. 2. 2.1. La figure 1 ci-dessous rend compte d'une structure récurrente dans les groupes. Figure 1 • Articulation des différents dispositifs 2.2. La formation Ingémédia de l’Université de Toulon et le cours « Réalisation collective » (Réa Co) constituent un terrain très particulier dont les caractéristiques ne sont pas sans influence sur notre objet de recherche comme sur le rapport de celui-ci à la thématique de ce numéro spécial. Il s’agit dès lors d’effets qui s’inscrivent dans un double va et vient entre les niveaux individuel et collectif : chaque étudiant influe sur la construction de l’environnement de groupe et se nourrit de manière réflexive des usages de ce dernier pour construire son EPA. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 5. 8 « Oui.

Come entrare nel Bios UEFI Windows 10, 8.1 e 8 | Geek's Lab Con l’introduzione di Windows 10, 8.1 e 8, la Microsoft ci ha presentato molte novità che hanno arricchito i nostri pc, rendendoli, in parte, simili ai sistemi mobile. Tra i tanti cambiamenti, uno dei più rilevanti è stato l’introduzione del nuovo Bios UEFI. Questa nuova interfaccia firmware presenta diversi vantaggi, tra cui: versatilità nella gestione;avvio rapido del sistema;protezione all’avvio (secure boot). Se avete provato ad accedere all’UEFI, vi sarete accorti che non è più possibile entrare nel BIOS alla “vecchia maniera”, ossia premendo i classici Canc, Esc, F2 (a seconda dei modelli) all’avvio del pc; infatti, per accedervi, non basteranno le vecchie combinazioni ma dobbiamo seguire un percorso specifico. Su Windows 10: Dal logo Windows in basso a sinistra, clicchiamo su Arresta e scegliamo Riavvia Sistema tenendo premuto il tasto Shift (MAiusc); Su Windows 8 e 8.1: N.B.

Text Technologies: Beowulf in a Hundred Tweets : #Beow100 As the Christmas break started, I began preparing my course for the Winter Quarter, "Beowulf from Then 'til Now", which looks at all existing and imagined manifestations of Beowulf, from the oral fantasy to the Heaney translation, Zemeckis film and, particularly, R. D. Fulk's wonderful Dumbarton Oaks edition of the Beowulf-manuscript ( The underlying theoretical question for this course is "What is (the) Text?" I wondered about what we'd do with a social media version of the poem and decided to tweet it in 100 tweets over a few weeks in my @etreharne account, using the hashtag #Beow100. Onwards. The Twitter Beowulf December 10th 1. 2. December 11th 3. 4. 5. December 12th 6. 7. 8. December 13th 9. 10. 11. December 14th 12. 13. 14. December 15th 15. 16. December 16th 17. 18. 19. 20. 17th December 21. 22. 23. December 18th24. 25. 26. 27. December 20th 28. 29. December 21st 30. 31. December 22nd 32. 33. 34. 35. December 23rd 36. 37. 38. 39.

Les futurs enseignants du Québec sont-ils technoc… – Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire Résumé Cet article discute de la maitrise de chacune des composantes de la compétence professionnelle à intégrer les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), huitième compétence de 12 à acquérir par les futurs enseignants du Québec en fin de formation universitaire (Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec [MEQ], 2001). Même si cette compétence doit être maitrisée à la fin de leur formation universitaire, les futurs enseignants québécois révèlent des carences sur le plan de la maitrise des technologies. Mots-clés : Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), compétence professionnelle, maitrise des TIC, intégration des TIC, compétence 8 Abstract This article explores the mastery of each component of the eighth professional competence which examines the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Keywords : Information and communication technologies (ICTs), professional competency, ICT mastery, ICT integration, Competency 8 Télécharger

Linux Text Editors Linux Editors for Plain Text: Linux editors for plain text can be divided into two categories, graphical GUI editors and console text editors. The advantage of the GUI editor is intuitive user friendly interface while the benefit of the console text editor is the suitability over long distance network connections which may or may not provide suitable bandwidth or reliability which would both be required by the GUI editors for remote operation. Console Based Editors: Graphical GUI Editors: Structured Text editors: Structured text refers to logically formatted and/or annotated text to represent a data schema or programmatic function. Two common formats available today are HTML for web markup of text documents and XML for data representation. HTML Editors: My favorite: Kompozer XML Editors: My favorite: OxygenXML Favorite FOSS: KXML Linux Editors for Computer Language Programming: This most often refers to Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for programming. Links:

L'Agence des Usages Il faut certes sortir de ce que Le Mentec, Fontar et Plantard appellent « le terrorisme de l’impact » (2013) désignant les discours qui exploitent l’idée d’un attrait immédiat des jeunes pour les TICE et, d’autre part, la représentation des TICE comme « la solution » (à l’ennui en classe, aux inégalités, etc.). Néanmoins, des études montrent que les TICE, sans être en elles-mêmes une panacée ni une solution systématiquement transférable, peuvent faciliter la mise en activité des élèves et l’interactivité des apprentissages, en particulier si les élèves peuvent choisir le contenu de ce qu’ils apprennent, le commenter et donc se l’approprier. C’est ce que conclut Rolland Viau de l’Université de Sherbrooke, sur la base d’une méta-analyse menée à partir de 70 articles scientifiques portant sur les TICE et la motivation des élèves (Viau, 2005).

Levels of the Deep Web & Internet What are the Levels? There are, supposedly, 5 levels of the deep web (not counting Level 0). According to an anon, however, three more levels exist after the 5th one. The levels are supposed to be more and more difficult to access following their number; for example, only a simple proxy is needed to access Level 2, but complex hardware is apparently needed to access parts of Level 4, and all the following levels. The information contained in the deep web is likely to change following the levels: government secrets are contained in Level 5, while CP and snuff can be found in Levels 2, 3 and 4. The Levels (Here will be listed the Levels as they are represented in the most famous of the DeepWeb images. Level 0 – Common Web This level is the one you browse everyday: YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia and other famous or easily accessible websites can be found here. Level 1 – Surface Web This level is still accessible through normal means, but contains “darker” websites, such as Reddit. Source

Revue ; Lebrun Marcel LEBRUN (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique) 1. Introduction Cela fait une trentaine d’années, depuis les débuts de l’EAO (Enseignement Assisté par Ordinateur) dans les années 80 jusqu’à nos jours, que les rapports entre les technologies et les pédagogies font couler beaucoup d’encre. Les potentiels des technologies éducatives, des logiciels d’apprentissage aux plateformes d’eLearning en passant par le cédérom interactif, ont vite fait croire qu’une couche technologique rajoutée aux formes d’enseignement habituel allait produire l’amalgame salutaire au renouvellement d’une école en quête de résonance avec une société elle-même en quête de savoir-faire, de compétences ... Une école et une société, toutes deux également confrontées au renouvellement et à l’accroissement rapides des savoirs, aux nécessités de l’apprendre toute la vie durant, aux pressions socio-économiques aussi, etc. Figure 1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. (5) l’impact global sur l’apprentissage des étudiants et finalement, Figure 2. 3.
