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Scientific Study Shows Meditators Collapsing Quantum Systems At A Distance

Scientific Study Shows Meditators Collapsing Quantum Systems At A Distance
Numerous scientists over many years have studied the role of consciousness and how it can directly influence our physical material world. Large amounts of research have been published which clearly demonstrate that yes, consciousness and what we perceive to be our physical material world are directly intertwined. I will provide more examples of this towards the end of the article, but for now we are going to take a look at one. We’ve written about it numerous times, it’s called the quantum double slit experiment, and it’s a great example of how consciousness can affect our physical material world. A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality.(1) In this experiment, a double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function. Sources: Free Happiness Training! Related:  espiritu

Foto que captó el instante de la muerte En las redes sociales de internet circula la foto adjunta y el siguiente texto. Lo publicamos íntegro para que cada persona, en un tema tan complejo, saque sus propias conclusiones. Aquí está: El momento de la muerte física (la transicion a otro plano) El momento del desdoblamiento astral en el que el espíritu deja el cuerpo ha sido capturado por un científico ruso, quien fotografió con una cámara bioelectrográfica a una persona en el instante de su muerte. La imagen tomada a través del método de visualización de descarga de gas (Gas Discharge Visualization), una técnica avanzada de fotografía de Kirlian, muestra en azul la fuerza vital de la persona gradualmente dejando el cuerpo. Según Korotkov, el ombligo y la cabeza son las partes que primero pierden su fuerza vital (lo que sería el alma) y la entrepierna y el corazón las últimas zonas donde permanece el espíritu antes de navegar por la fantasmagoria del infinito. Russian Scientist Photographs Souls Leaving the Body

Boston University Study Examines the Development of Children’s Prelife Reasoning » Public Relations | Blog Archive Evidence suggests our hard-wired belief in immortality may be the root of core religious beliefs For Immediate Release: January 27, 2014 By Barbara Moran Photo Credit: Natalie Emmons Most people, regardless of race, religion or culture, believe they are immortal. A new Boston University study led by postdoctoral fellow Natalie Emmons and published in the January 16, 2014 online edition of Child Development sheds light on these profound questions by examining children’s ideas about “prelife,” the time before conception. Emmons’ study fits into a growing body of work examining the cognitive roots of religion. “This work shows that it’s possible for science to study religious belief,” said Deborah Kelemen, an Associate Professor of Psychology at Boston University and co-author of the paper. Most studies on immortality or “eternalist” beliefs have focused on people’s views of the afterlife. Emmons interviewed children from an indigenous Shuar village in the Amazon Basin of Ecuador. Contact:

10 Things You Don’t Know About American Indians There are many misconceptions when it comes to modern American Indians and the way we identify ourselves in society. As a Seminole Indian woman, I’ve had my share of “rain dance” jokes and uncomfortable conversations. These stereotypes stem from inaccurate portrayals in popular culture that were never properly challenged. But Native America is far more complex than what mainstream media and education depict. 1. Being type casted or dismissed is a problem American Indians face daily. We are so marginalized that references to shaman, “Redskins,” and dream catchers are all that certain people think of when they hear “Native American.” So I’m here to say yes, we do exist today. 2. Native Americans, Natives, American Indians, Indians, Indigenous peoples, First Nations peoples, Aboriginal, Indian Country. With whichever term you use, be cognizant of your relationship to whom you’re addressing, where you are, etc. 3. Some Natives are tall, some are short, some are fair-skinned, some are dark.

10 Interesting Facts About Buddha - Sivana Blog 1. The 3 major tenants Buddha taught his followers was to not be ignorant, hate others, or get angry. 2. Originally born a wealthy prince, he left it all behind to pursue the path of truth when he saw the poverty and sickness beyond his palace walls. This also led him to drop his birth name Siddartha Gautama. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Got any more facts about Buddha we may have missed? The following two tabs change content below. We aim to bring inspirations from the East to the West through offering one-of-a-kind treasures, conscious design, and Eastern world fashion to those seeking a more meaningful state of being.

The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, Guest | Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy and each chemical works to create a different environment within the body. For example if your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, you will feel good and happy. Convexly, if your body releases cortisol while you are stressed, you will have an entirely different feeling associated more with the body kicking into survival mode. What about when we are thinking negative thoughts all the time? Positive vs. Is there duality in our world? Cut The Perceptions As Much As Possible After thinking about it for a moment you might realize that there are in fact no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. Mind Body Connection You Have The Power

The Last Question -- Isaac Asimov The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light. The question came about as a result of a five dollar bet over highballs, and it happened this way: Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face -- miles and miles of face -- of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole. Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. For decades, Multivac had helped design the ships and plot the trajectories that enabled man to reach the Moon, Mars, and Venus, but past that, Earth's poor resources could not support the ships. The energy of the sun was stored, converted, and utilized directly on a planet-wide scale. "Sure you are.

ARTE Y REBELDÍA, UN COCTEL DELICIOSO - i.letrada Sobre un cartel, la Colmena inyectó de tinta a los animales y plantas de nuestra América Latina para que se lancen a defender la autonomía de los territorios y su gente. Hacer frente a los mega-proyectos que pretenden tapar la resistencia con sus alfombras de progreso son las luchas que se dan en esta fábula de la vida real. Una tarde bogotana en el centro histórico descubrió en una de sus casas un trabajo que pareciera ser solo una obra de arte, pero que al paso de las horas, se revela como una de las más creativas estrategias de activismo que he presenciado en los últimos años. Al lugar llegan jóvenes, personas adultas, padres y madres con sus hijas, universitarias y uno que otro desprevenido. ¿Dónde y por qué nace la colmena? La Colmena nació de la necesidad de explicar, a través del arte, lo complejo que es el momento histórico que estamos viviendo. Uno de los primeros trabajos realizados por la Colmena fue el del Plan Colombia, ¿cuál fue el origen de este trabajo y qué acogida tuvo?

The Shamanic View of Mental Illness - I am reprinting this from an email I received from Malidoma Some, a west African Shaman whom I’ve had the privilege to meet, drive around Boulder, and work for for two days. Since I am going through what I believe to be a spiritual emergence, I am reading a lot on the topic. I want to continue to educate others. That what we sometimes call depression, bi-polar, psychosis, schizophrenia, might actually be a significant transformation in consciousness and a necessary stage on the path of human development. by Stephanie Marohn(featuring Malidoma Patrice Somé) (Excerpted from The Natural Medicine Guide to Schizophrenia, pages 178-189, or The Natural Medicine Guide to Bi-polar Disorder) In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé.

18 cosas que las personas altamente creativas no hacen igual que el resto La creatividad funciona de una forma misteriosa y a menudo paradójica. El pensamiento creativo es una característica estable, que define algunas personalidades, pero que también puede cambiar dependiendo de la situación y del contexto. A veces, la inspiración y las ideas vienen sin más, y luego, cuando más las necesitamos, no aparecen; el pensamiento creativo requiere un conocimiento complejo, si bien es completamente independiente del proceso de pensamiento. La neurociencia ofrece una imagen muy compleja de la creatividad. Según plantean los científicos, la creatividad no es tan simple como la división entre las regiones derecha e izquierda del cerebro (la teoría dice que el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo es racional y analítico, mientras que el derecho es creativo y emocional). De hecho, se piensa que la creatividad implica numerosos procesos cognitivos, vías neuronales y emociones; aún no disponemos de una panorámica completa que explique cómo funciona una mente imaginativa. Close

Where Do We Go When We Die? A Look At The Soul’s Journey After Death Science and spirituality have split the public`s opinions on the matter of reincarnation and life after death. Science proponents believe biological death to be the absolute end of our experience, whereas spiritualists believe that our bodies are physical vessels for an eternal energetic aspect of our consciousness called the soul, which implants itself into a new body after the previous body has died. Many popular religions, such as Christianity, typically refute the idea of reincarnation because it contradicts the belief systems which state that there is a place where sinners go after death called “Hell” and a place where the devoted go called “Heaven”, but there has been a growing body of evidence that suggests that our souls incarnate more than one time. Dr. “After reading [this] book I started to interview my patients who had survived a cardiac arrest. Interestingly, Dr. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) References: 1.) 2.) 3.) Share and Enjoy

La Revolución desde el Individuo: Ser sin esperar nada a cambio Para que pueda surgir lo posible, es preciso intentar una y otra vez lo imposible. -Herman Hesse Vivimos —generalmente— a la expectativa del mañana, del otro, de nosotros mismos, de lo que viene, de lo que queremos que sea… Vamos moldeando lo que Somos según se cumplen nuestras proyecciones más intimas. Entre tanto configurar, manipular y esperar, nos olvidamos de observar y asimilar lo que Es y lo que Somos. Dejamos de Ser para proyectar. Expectativa: Del latín exspectātum, mirado, visto Esperanza de realizar o conseguir algo. Esperanza basada en el pasado, en la experiencia ya vivida. Cada vez que generamos una expectativa estamos apostando todo lo que es por todo lo que podría ser. Bienaventurado el que nada espera, porque nunca sufrirá desengaños. -Alexander Pope La decepción pesa. Así nacen los círculos viciosos. Un hombre no mide su altura en los momentos de confort, sino en los de cambio y controversia. -Martin Luther King La adversidad desenmascara. Es lo que te hace invulnerable. -Gandhi

Transmission from Pleiadians about sexuality - ⊙ Artículos de Cabalá para el Estudiante Inicio Lo nuevo Artículos de Cabalá para el Estudiante Éstas son las preguntas que a todos nos gustaría responder. Prefacio y Poema Una plegaria antes de la plegaria El tiempo de actuar - Revelando una parte, ocultando dos La esencia de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá La enseñanza de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá y su esencia La esencia de la Religión y su propósito Cuerpo y Alma Exilio y Redención Discurso para la conclusión del Zóhar Paz en el mundo La Sabiduría de la Cabalá y la filosofía Introducción al libro del Zóhar Una sierva que es heredera de su ama El Shofar del Mesías Los cabalistas acerca de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá Una plegaria antes de la plegaria Alcance Espiritual El asunto de "La Divinidad en el Exilio" La razón de la pesadez en el trabajo Lishmá es un despertar desde arriba Apoyo en la Torá El hábito se convierte en una segunda naturaleza La diferencia entre la sombra de Kedushá y la sombra de Sitra Ajra La importancia del trabajo del hombre El asunto de Lishmá El tiempo de ascenso PaRDéS La Paz E-mail:
