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How to Avoid GMOs (for real) - Mama Natural

How to Avoid GMOs (for real) - Mama Natural
In the U.S., GMOs are everywhere in our supply chain. According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, 75-80% of all conventional, processed foods contain some form of GMOs. In this post, I’ll tell you how to avoid them. First, a bit of background GMOs are plant or meat products with DNA artificially altered in a laboratory by genes from other plants, animals, viruses, or bacteria, resulting in foreign compounds found in these foods. In this post, I’m not going to argue the merits of going GMO-free. Bottom line, if you chose to consume GMOs, that’s your prerogative. Going GMO-free ain’t easy This post is a response to the concerned mamas who watched this video about GMOs in surprising places. You know that USDA Certified Organic symbol? Organic is big business, and money corrupts the process. But I digress… let’s get down to brass tacks. How to avoid GMOs On a budget? Guaranteed Offenders: Surprising “safe” foods: TomatosPotatoesWheat What about eating out? This is a great non-GMO list. Related:  Warnings About FoodAvoiding GMO's

Nine foods you should never eat again by Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health: 1) White bread, refined flours. 2) Conventional frozen meals. 3) White rice. 4) Microwaveable popcorn. 5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. 6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. 7) Margarine. 8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. 9) “Diet” anything. Sources for this article include: Sources: Natural News Image Credit

Comprehensive List Of GMO Products and Companies Baby Food ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Nabisco (Phillip Morris) -Arrowroot Teething Biscuits -Infant formula Carnation Infant Formulas(Nestle) -AlSoy -Good Start -Follow-Up -Follow-Up SoyEnfamil Infant Formulas (Mead Johnson) -Enfamil with Iron -Enfamil Low Iron -Enfamil A.R. -Enfamil Nutramigen -Enfamil Lacto Free -Enfamil 22 -Enfamil Next step (soy and milk-based varieties) -Enfamil Pro-SoybeeIsomil Infant Formulas (Abbot Labs) -Isomil Soy -Isomil Soy for Diarrhea -Similac(Abbot Labs) -Similac Lactose Free -Similac with Iron -Similac Low Iron -Similac Alimentum Baking ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Bread ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Breakfast ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Cereal ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Chocolate ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey’s) -Mounds -Almond Joy -York Peppermint Patty -Dairy Milk -Roast Almond -Fruit & Nut -Hershey’s -Kit-Kat -Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups -Mr.

11 DIY Outdoor Mood Lighting Projects This season feels made for hosting outdoor dinner parties and relaxing under the trees of your own backyard, especially once the sun goes down. And one of the first things I think about when it comes to outdoor entertaining is mood lighting. Why? Well, there aren't a lot of bell and whistle decorations needed for the great outdoors. A few well placed lights and great food is all you need. So here are 11 DIY ideas for outdoor lighting, that will bring ambience to your backyard with ease. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. For even more DIY outdoor lighting project, visit these additional Curbly posts: 10 DIY Outdoor Lighting Projects and 8 Easy Outdoor Lighting Projects. Tagged : How-To, lighting, outdoor, mood lighting Material : recycled Room : outdoor Decor Element : Lamps & Lighting

5 frukter du vill byta till eko Äpple Symbolen för hälsa ska väl ändå vara fräsch på riktigt? Vi tycker det, men i 9 av 10 äpplen hittades rester av bekämpningsmedel. I en del äpplen hittades karbendazim, ett ämne som misstänks vara cancerogent, hormonstörande och reproduktionsstörande. Tyvärr går det inte att skölja bort, eftersom det finns i hela frukten. Päron Den här barnfavoriten innehöll rester av bekämpningsmedel i 7 av 10 tester. Citrus Irriterad på att ekologisk citrus kan mögla om den ligger framme för länge? Nästan alla citrusfrukter - 95 procent - innehöll rester av olika bekämpningsmedel. Vindruvor De söta små druvorna är bäst på att vara värst när det gäller flest sorters rester i samma prov. Banan Fortsätt nobba fulbananerna! De flesta tropiska frukter, som ananas och mango, kommer från lika hårt besprutade plantager. Brukar ekologiskt innehålla rester? Svenskt är väl bättre? Proverna ligger ju ändå oftast under gränsvärdena? Varför är barnen känsligast? Ska jag vara rädd för att äta oekologisk frukt?

Possible negative impacts of GMOs on health and skin: How to avoid GMOs in skincare products (NaturalNews) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are plants and other living organisms derived from modern molecular biotechnology techniques that alter the genetics of the organism. A large portion of the food supply in America is now produced with this technology. So far, GMO companies have been able to create lots of confusion about GM crops and their side effects on health and the environment. But there are known health risks associated with GMOs in our food supply based on independent research. In terms of skin health, it is believed that the mysterious Morgellons disease may have something to do with the ingestion of GMO foods. Other skin complaints have been reported. Many in the medical community question whether Morgellons is an infectious disease or a psychiatric disorder in which a person thinks parasites have infected their skin. Better safe than sorry... Sources for this article include:

3 äckliga ämnen i din middag 1. Karbendazim Hittas i äpplen, persikor, tomater, jordgubbar, spannmål, sockerbetor, raps, majs, sallad, gurkor, mandariner, apelsiner, päron, spenat… listan kan bli längre men vi vill inte trötta ut dig. Karbendazim är cancerframkallande, hormonstörande och reproduktionsstörande. Det här omysiga ämnet kan inte sköljas bort, utan verkar inifrån växten för att mota bort svampangrepp. 2. Hittas i spannmål som havre och råg, men också i vindruvor och päron. Klormekvat är spännande eftersom det visar det ologiska i o-ekologiskt, så häng med nu! Ska vi skratta eller gråta? Men klormekvat är inte kul. 3. Hittas i äpplen, sallad, persika, tomater och jordgubbar. De här ämnena är cancerframkallande och reproduktionsstörande. I Sverige har vi lyckligtvis begränsat användningen till potatis och lök, och användningen minskar. Myndigheterna är passé på kemikaliefronten Det här är bara tre exempel på vad som hittas i vår mat. Ger du upp nu? Blir du ledsen? Och du. Vill du veta mer?

Looking for products that are truly GMO-free? Shop for Natural Food Certifiers non-GMO and 'Apple K' kosher items (NaturalNews) You may have heard rumors recently that all kosher-certified foods -- that is, foods that meet strict Jewish dietary standards -- are now free of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Unfortunately, these rumors are not true. But there is one kosher certification company in particular, Natural Food Certifiers (NFC), that recently announced it will no longer certify as kosher any foods or food brands that contain or use GMOs. In a recent press release, NFC, which also offers organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan certifications, announced that it will no longer accept any applications from manufacturers seeking kosher certification for products that contain GMOs. And all existing certified kosher foods under NFC's "Apple K" program will have one year to change their ingredients and remove all GMOs, or else lose their certification. "By granting certification only to those products which are GMO-free, the Apple K is adhering to the principle of 'Begin Naturally.

Here Are The Reasons To Avoid Farmed Salmon Alexandra Bryant Morton is an independent biologist who settled in Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation in British Columbia, Canada to study wild orca (killer whales) in 1984. Morton made her home in Echo Bay – a community without roads, electricity or stores. In 1987 salmon farms moved into the region. Morton has been lobbying and creating awareness around the plight of the salmon and the ecosystems that are being devastated by commercial salmon farming. Farmed Salmon & Health Implications Farmed salmon eat wild fish, ground up and compressed into food pellets. Norwegian farmed salmon: In 2013, a Norwegian pediatrician, Anne-Lise Bjørke Monsen went public with concerns that Norwegian farmed salmon contained many dangerous toxins that posed a threat to the health of babies. Impact On Seals & Whales Harbour seals have learned how to catch farmed salmon. Pollution Salmon farmers are one of the few farmers that never shovel their manure. Politics Sources (1)

Home Remedies Help Restore Your Health After Eating GMO Foods There have been various reports on and in the mainstream media concerning the side effects of consuming food that has been genetically modified. Symptoms ranging from digestive and reproductive disorders to liver failure, internal bleeding and immune system dysfunction are being reported. A combination of home remedies, nutrition and homeopathic medicines may help restore your health. Homeopathic remedies Not all side effects from GMOs are physical. · Nux vomica supports the liver, for cleansing and rejuvenation. · Arsenicum album relieves acute cases of vomiting and diarrhea. · Rhus tox may help an individual who believes he has been poisoned by GMO foods he’s eaten. · Staphysagria may provide relief for someone experiencing a feeling of outrage over being subjected to the entire GMO takeover of the food system. · Gelsemium is indicated for someone who becomes anxious and fearful just thinking about what might happen as a result of eating genetically modified foods.

Why 80% of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat The future of wheat is certain, and it's toxic. There are as many health risks associated with the consumption of wheat as there are nutritional benefits claimed by the wheat industry. Why is there such a strong emphasis on the development of wheat products all over the world when there are so many adverse and crippling effects such as neurological impairment, dementia, heart disease, cataracts, diabetes, arthritis and visceral fat accumulation, not to mention the full range of intolerances and bloating now experienced by millions of people? Approximately 700 million tons of wheat are now cultivated worldwide making it the second most-produced grain after maize. It is grown on more land area than any other commerical crop and is considered a staple food for humans. At some point in our history, this ancient grain was nutritious in some respects, however modern wheat really isn't wheat at all. The Nutrional Value of Wheat is Practically Non-Existent In Its Current Form Dr. Health Effects

Unlabeled GMO Potatoes Have Landed on Store Shelves; 6 Steps to Avoid Them By Nick Meyer Who really wants the new genetically modified potato in their shopping cart, anyway? Certainly not the consumers, who have been flocking away from Monsanto and other companies’ GMOs like the plague, buying organic food at a clip not seen years. And it’s certainly not the potato farmers, either: the National Potato Council itself even admitted that the new GMO potatoes from the company J.R. Simplot could cause financial losses in the billions for American farmers. “(There is) concern about the potential for GMO technology to disrupt potato exports valued at more than $1.6 billion,” Potato Council CEO John Keeling admitted in July 2014. But now, the genetically modified spuds that no one wanted have been found on store shelves, unlabeled and dangerously untested. Six Steps to Avoid the New GMO Potato Here’s how to identify the potatoes at the grocery store so you can avoid them: Not Good Enough for McDonald’s (But Just Fine For You)
