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AWOL - The Ancient World Online

AWOL - The Ancient World Online
[First posted in AWOL 30 November 2010. Updated 28 March 2013] The Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies Modern technology in general, digital in particular, have added new dimensions as well as more sophisticated vocational requirements to the field of Library and Information Science, from which researches and knowledge lovers benefit. Amidst this tremendous quantity of forms of the technological revolution, it was natural for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to adopt the concept of digital publication in order to make it available to researchers interested in science and knowledge. This, in turn, is what propels the Calligraphy Center to provide the study of inscriptions, calligraphy, and writings of the world across the ages from the prehistoric age until now with a new approach and vision.

Related:  Cultura classica - Classics

Bored at work? Here’s a Google-style digital map of the Roman Empire to play with Zac Goldsmith, the people’s dog-whistle-prone freedom fighter against the scourge of Heathrow expansion, has lost his pointless and taxpayers’-money-wasting campaign to be re-elected as an independent MP for Richmond Park & North Kingston in an unnecessary by-election that he himself forced. Sad! But in the midst of all this Heathrow grandstanding, preceded as it was by the advert-scattered battle between Heathrow and Gatwick, another London “hub” has been quietly expanding. In July, Philip Hammond, Chris Grayling and Sajid Javid clubbed together in their new roles as chancellor, transport secretary, and communities and local government secretary respectively, and announced a £344m expansion programme for London City Airport. The plan included an extended terminal, new taxi lanes, and more parking spaces for places.

Internet History Sourcebooks Internet Ancient History Sourcebook The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook has expanded greatly since its creation, and now contains hundred of local files as well as links to source texts throughout the net. See Introduction for an explanation of the Sourcebook's goals. See the Help! page for all the help on research I can offer. Carnets de la MAE Le réseau Archéo-IdF, né en mars 2000, a pour objectifs de : mettre en lumière les fonds archéologiques des établissements, quelle qu’en soit l’institution d’origine (universités, CNRS, ministère de la Culture et Communication, INRAP, etc.),créer une dynamique collaborative entre les acteurs de l’archéologie en Île-de-France (liste de diffusion, visites de bibliothèques et centres de documentation…)aborder les problématiques spécifiques à la documentation archéologique. Le réseau compte aujourd’hui 21 bibliothèques et centres de documentations franciliens, dont la Bibliothèque nationale de France, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, le museum natio- nal d’histoire naturelle, la bibliothèque du musée d’Archéologie nationale, etc. Depuis 2006, le portail Archéo-IdF présente les fonds documentaires et l’actualité de l’archéologie en Île-de-France. Il est enrichi d’une liste de diffusion rassemblant plus d’une cinquantaine de membres qui échangent informations, documents, services…

Teaching with ORBIS: Maps, Environments, and Interpretations in Ancient Rome - American Historical Association After a few minutes of tinkering with ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, one of my students exclaimed, “It’s like Google Maps, but for Rome!” She wasn’t the first to make that connection. Four years ago Curt Hopkins noticed the similarity in an article for Ars Technica. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Thumbnails are only shown from Flickr, Youtube, Vimeo etc. That was done for performance reasons. Having a very large image file as a thumbnail really slows down the timeline. Flickr, Youtube etc have actual thumbnail sized images that can be used that don't cause performance issues. You can also create your own thumbnails.

"Rome in 3D" reboot - detailed reconstruction of the City center - History in 3D After a relatively long pause, we’re returning to the “Rome in 3D” project. During the last months, as we all know, not everything went as we initially planned. But we did not abandon the project despite the difficulties. Today, I want to share a first intro to the Rome project in a new form. To a certain degree, it is the reboot of the project, since many objects were replaced and remodelled completely, and the whole project has been moved to the new game engine.

Play Caesar: Travel Ancient Rome with Stanford's Interactive Map Scholars of ancient history and IT experts at Stanford University have collaborated to create a novel way to study Ancient Rome. ORBIS, a geospatial network model, allows visitors to experience the strategy behind travel in antiquity. (Find a handy tutorial for using the system on the Web and YouTube). The ORBIS map includes about 750 mostly urban settlements of the Roman period. An Interactive Map of Odysseus' 10-Year Journey in Homer's Odyssey The Odyssey, one of Homer’s two great epics, narrates Odysseus’ long, strange trip home after the Trojan war. During their ten-year journey, Odysseus and his men had to overcome divine and natural forces, from battering storms and winds to difficult encounters with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the cannibalistic Laestrygones, the witch-goddess Circe and the rest. And they took a most circuitous route, bouncing all over the Mediterranean, moving first down to Crete and Tunisia. Next over to Sicily, then off toward Spain, and back to Greece again. If you’re looking for an easy way to visualize all of the twists and turns in The Odyssey, then we’d recommend spending some time with the interactive map created by Gisèle Mounzer. “Odysseus’ Journey” breaks down Odysseus’ voyage into 14 key scenes and locates them on a modern map designed by Esri, a company that creates GIS mapping software.

Online Coins of the Roman Empire Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE), a joint project of the American Numismatic Society and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, is a revolutionary new tool designed to help in the identification, cataloging, and research of the rich and varied coinage of the Roman Empire. The project records every published type of Roman Imperial Coinage from Augustus in 31 BC, until the death of Zeno in AD 491. This is an easy to use digital corpus, with downloadable catalog entries, incorporating over 43,000 types of coins. As of April 2017, OCRE provides links to examples present in nearly 20 American and European databases (both archaeological and museum in context), including the ANS collection, the Münzkabinett of the State Museum of Berlin, and the British Museum, now totalling over 100,000 physical specimens. Between these collections, OCRE is now able to illustrate 50% of the imperial coin types that it contains.

Epigraphy Enchiridion: A List of Open Access Books for Teaching Greek and Roman Inscriptions – SARAH E. BOND A famous funerary epigram now at the British Museum (IG XIV, 2131) and dating to the second century CE has a skeleton lying in repose. It reads: “Who can say, passerby, looking on a fleshless corpse, whether it was Hylas (i.e., a beautiful youth) or Thersites (i.e., a bow-legged, ugly man)?” I first learned about this inscription in a Greek epigraphy class at Duke University taught by Kent Rigsby. We were told to make a lemma of publications for each inscription, and I vividly remember tracking down the 1917 guide to inscriptions at the British Museum.

Resources for Teaching Ancient Geography – SARAH E. BOND Making Maps Antiquity À-la-carte: “The Antiquity À-la-carte application is a web-based GIS interface and interactive digital atlas of the ancient world, featuring accurate historical, cultural, and geographical data produced by the AWMC in addition to the entire Pleiades Project feature set. The map is completely searchable with customizable features, allowing for the creation of any map covering Archaic Greece to Late Antiquity and beyond. AWMC welcomes feedback from community members on the experience of using the application and welcomes suggestions and comments. Click here ... to launch the map application. This application works best with Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

Ancient Graffiti Project Ancient Graffiti Welcome to The Ancient Graffiti Project, a digital resource for locating and studying handwritten inscriptions of the early Roman empire. These ancient messages and sketches offer a window into the daily life and interests of the people who lived in the ancient world, especially in Herculaneum and Pompeii. They provide perspectives on Roman society, the ancient economy, religion, spoken language, literacy, and activities within the ancient city. (N.B. The word "graffiti" was originally a technical term for ancient handwritten wall-inscriptions that were scratched into wall plaster.

New Digital Research Tool For Classical Scholars (the “Website”), is operated by HERITAGEDAILY What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are stored in the web browser that allows HERITAGEDAILY or a third party to recognise you. Cookies can be used to collect, store and share bits of information about your activities across websites, including on the HERITAGEDAILY website and subsidiary brand website.

Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters Introducing Benthos AWMC is pleased to introduce a beta version of Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters; at present this project is in its most preliminary changes, but as always AWMC welcomes feedback from the community. Aims Benthos is a new initiative of the Ancient World Mapping Center that aims to catalog and map the waters of the ancient Mediterranean basin. As conceived, the project will incorporate physical landscape data for the ocean floor, coastlines, ports, as well as data for important rivers, estuaries, and coastal lagoons.
