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Wired 9.12: Take The AQ Test

Wired 9.12: Take The AQ Test
Take The AQ Test Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge's Autism Research Centre have created the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, as a measure of the extent of autistic traits in adults. In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger's report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives. How to score: "Definitely agree" or "Slightly agree" responses to questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46 score 1 point. and Developmental Disorders, 31, 5-17 (2001). Previous Story: The Geek Syndrome Next Story: For More on Autism Related:  test diversStudies in consciousness

ARC Tests Various tests have been devised by ARC for use in the course of our research. Some of these tests are made available here for download. You are welcome to download these tests provided that they are used for genuine research purposes, and provided due acknowledgement of ARC as the source is given. Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) (Version 2, revised 2012. Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Adult) Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) AQ Scoring Key Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) - العربية (Dr Gaddour, Dr Missaoui, Dr Boussaid Medical University of Monastir Tunisia .) Autism Spectrum Quotient - 10 items (AQ-10) (Adult) Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Adolescent) Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Adolescent) AQ (Adolescent) Scoring Key Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Adolescent) - Español (Chile) (Cristián Vásquez University of Chile, Santiago.) Autism Spectrum Quotient - 10 items (AQ-10) (Adolescent) Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Child) Empathy Quotient (EQ) for Adults

Why Lying Broken in a Pile on Your Bedroom Floor is a Good Idea. ~ Julie (JC) Peters The Goddess of never not broken. You know that feeling when you have just gone through a breakup, or lost your job, and everything is terrible and terrifying and you don’t know what to do, and you find yourself crying in a pile on your bedroom floor, barely able to remember how to use the phone, desperately looking for some sign of God in old letters, or your Facebook newsfeed or on Glee, finding nothing there to comfort you? Come on, yes you do. We all do. And there is a goddess from Hindu mythology that teaches us that, in this moment, in this pile on the floor, you are more powerful than you’ve ever been. This past week, I have been deeply inspired by a talk I heard on the Yoga Teacher Telesummit by Eric Stoneberg on this relatively unknown Goddess from Hindu mythology: Akhilandeshvari. This figure has snuck up inside me and settled into my bones. The answer, it turns out, is this: in pieces, warrior-style, on the back of a crocodile. Akhilandeshvari: And of course, this is terrifying.

Social skills training - children, effects, therapy, adults, person, people, used, medication Photo by: Kheng Guan Toh Definition Social skills training (SST) is a form of behavior therapy used by teachers, therapists, and trainers to help persons who have difficulties relating to other people. Purpose Goals A major goal of social skills training is teaching persons who may or may not have emotional problems about the verbal as well as nonverbal behaviors involved in social interactions. Treatment of specific disorders A person who lacks certain social skills may have great difficulty building a network of supportive friends and acquaintances as he or she grows older, and may become socially isolated. A specific example of the ways in which social skills training can be helpful includes its application to alcohol dependence. Another example is the application of social skills training to social phobia or shyness. People with disabilities in any age group can benefit from social skills training. Social skills training in combination with other therapies Precautions Description Scheduling

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Autism, PDD-NOS & Asperger's fact sheets | Adults with Asperger syndrome as parents Asperger's syndrome is at the milder end of the autism spectrum, and naturally there will be a variation of difficulties experienced by adults with Aspergers. Some may face chronic unemployment and emotional issues, while others may generally cope very well in a non-autistic world and succeed in work, family life and other hallmarks of 'normal' life. A common problem for adults with Aspergers syndrome is not being diagnosed. They may struggle with relationships, work and life in general, without knowing why. They also may be more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness than the general population, because of their difficulty finding (and keeping) employment, lack of proper education, premature social skills, and other factors. Describing the triad of impairments Asperger's syndrome is characterized by something known as the triad of impairments. Social communication Difficulties often crop up in the social aspects of communication. Social understanding Imagination

Échelle d'Évaluation Globale du Fonctionnement Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L’Échelle d'Évaluation Globale du Fonctionnement (EGF, ou GAF en anglais, pour Global Assessment of Functioning) est une échelle numérique (allant de 0 à 100) utilisée en psychiatrie pour évaluer le fonctionnement psychologique, social et professionnel d’un individu. Il s’agit d’un continuum hypothétique allant de la santé mentale à la maladie. Cotation[modifier | modifier le code] Un score de 0 à 100 est attribué au patient en tenant compte uniquement du fonctionnement psychologique, social et professionnel actuel. Afin de rendre compte de l'éventuelle variabilité au jour le jour, la cotation de l'EGF est parfois opérationnalisée comme étant le niveau de fonctionnement le plus bas pour la semaine précédente. En cas de comorbidité psychiatrique, incluant plusieurs scores EGF, c'est le score le plus bas qui doit être retenu. Axe V EGF = 83 (niveau le plus élevé de l'année écoulée) EGF / GAF[modifier | modifier le code] Information inadéquate.

How to Help Someone Who Won’t Help Themselves “We work on ourselves in order to help others, but also we help others in order to work on ourselves.” ~Pema Chodron Recently I got into a hypothetical conversation with someone who very quickly turned hostile and accusatory. Let’s call her Jane. My first instinct was to get defensive, but then I realized this subject was quite raw for Jane, and there was likely something going on below the surface. Usually when people are combative seemingly without cause, there’s some underlying pain fueling it. As we got to the root of things, I learned that Jane was holding onto anger toward someone she once loved, and she felt a strong, driving need to convince people that this other person was wrong. Since she acknowledged that she’d been feeling depressed, lonely, and helpless, I felt obligated to at least try to help her see things from a different perspective. She was committed to being angry and hurt, and all she wanted from me was validation that she was justified. So what do we want? 1. 2. 3.

Social Skills Training Made Easy by Peter Murphy Just as no one learns to ride a bicycle without first beingtrained to ride a bicycle, so too does no one truly acquiresocial skills without undergoing some kind of social skillstraining. While it’s not always easy to define what is meant bysocial skills, it’s easy to identify individuals who lackthem and need social skills training: they tend to besocially isolated, frustrated, depressed, even prone toanger and acting out. Social skills training for both children and adults focuseson creating individuals who are able to make and maintainfriendships, understand and express emotion, workcooperatively, and develop assertiveness and self-worth. In the workplace, social skills help employees embody thetraits most valued by employers: compliance, civility, andcooperativeness. Mental health experts have identified four primary areas ofsocial skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. The goal of social skills training is to facilitatedesirable behaviors while minimizing the incidence ofundesirable ones.

Échelle australienne du Syndrome d'Asperger par M.S. Garnett et A.J. Attwood. Le questionnaire suivant est conçu pour identifier des comportements et des capacités indicatifs du syndrome d'Asperger chez les enfants pendant leurs années d'école primaire. A. Est-ce que l'enfant comprend mal comment il faut faire pour jouer avec les autres enfants ? B. L'enfant prend-il les expressions ou commentaires au pied de la lettre ? C. L'enfant lit-il des livres surtout pour s'informer, ne semblant pas très intéressé par la fiction ? D. Est-ce que l'enfant est fasciné par un sujet particulier, et recueille avidement de l'information ou des statistiques en rapport avec cet intérêt ? E. L'enfant a-t-il une mauvaise coordination motrice ? F. Dans cette section, notez, pour chacune des caractéristiques suivantes, si l'enfant l'a présentée : © 1994, M.S. Tous les éléments du site ASPERANSA (logo, graphisme, dénominations …) sont la propriété exclusive de l'association (sauf mention contraire explicite).

Brains of liberals, conservatives structured differently: study - CTV News Perhaps the reason that liberals and conservatives have such a hard time seeing eye-to-eye is because when they're compared brain-to-brain, they're built quite differently. A new study that analyzed the brain structures of peoples' brains based on their political affiliations has found some significant differences. Essentially, they found that liberals have more gray matter in a part of the brain associated with understanding complexity, while the conservative brain is bigger in the section related to processing fear. The study, which appears in Current Biology, was conducted by Ryota Kanai of the University College London. People who reported that their views veered to the liberal side of the political spectrum tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, which is a brain area involved in processing conflicting information. Those with conservative views were more likely to have a larger amygdala, a region important for recognizing threats and processing fear.

What is your body language saying? Narrowing the red margins of your lips is a clear sign of anger, while massaging your forehead can signal uneasiness. Brushing hair off your face is a combination of nerves and flirtationIf you nod in clusters of three, the speaker will sense your interestStuffing your hands in your pockets means you're probably hiding somethingIn a seated conversation, lifting your toes means your feelings are extra-positive ( -- Every last gesture -- whether it's a tilt of the head or plain fidgeting -- tells a story. Do you look down when you speak? Learn what you're telling others with your body language -- and what others are telling you with theirs. What does your handwriting say about you? How to read faces • Brushing hair off your face This movement, a combination of nerves and flirtation, helps call attention to and frame your feminine assets (think face and neck). • Smiling Botox be damned! • Blinking The normal blink rate is six to eight times a minute.

info ADOS-ADI Nos tests cliniques pour l’Autisme - ADI-R, ADOS, ADOS-2 et SCQ Les premiers signes de l'autisme et des TEDs en général sont détectables dans la petite enfance, généralement entre 1 et 3 ans. Des signes précoces doivent alerter les parents et les conduire à se renseigner, qui peuvent être par exemple : un langage "en retard"un manque d'intérêt pour les autres, adultes et enfants pas de pointage du doigt regard fuyantcrises de colère ou d'angoisse, refus du changement, besoin de routines et de rituels jeux répétitifs, ou mouvements bizarres des yeux, du corps, des bras, des mains (flapping) Le consensus scientifique international, auquel les chercheurs et cliniciens français se rallient également peu à peu, est que l'autisme est un trouble neurodéveloppemental. L’ADOS et ADI-R sont deux outils qui permettent le diagnostic et l’évaluation de l’autisme, ils sont disponible en version française L’échelle d’observation est composée de cinq modules. Description des modules ADOS-2 :
