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Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip on GoComics

Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip on GoComics
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101 Social Media Tools for Social Media Marketing and More Credit: fredcavazza via Flickr It doesn’t make sense to jump in and use all new social media tools that come along just because everyone else is or because you think they’re “cool.” No one can really afford to be that unproductive with their time (or if they can, that alone speaks volumes). That said, you can’t choose the best social media tools for your business (or even personal networking) unless you know what’s out there. Social Networking There are countless social networks on the Web today, letting you do everything from network with old classmates to joining communities with likeminded folks who share similar hobbies or business interests. Blogging Blogging is one of the older aspects of social media, around even before the “social media” label really took hold. Blog Comment Management Tools Sometimes the comment management tools built into your blog platform just aren’t enough. Microblogging Services and Tools URL Shorteners Forum Software Social Bookmarking / Sharing Podcasting Wikis

Petitions | Cousteau Petition for Whales - Wanted Alive ! | Cousteau Thank you for confirming your signature! Your name has been added to the list of signatures. Twenty-five years ago, under strong international pressure, in which Jacques Cousteau was a key leader, the International Whaling Commission enacted a moratorium on international commercial whaling. We, the Cousteau Society, can attest that none of these countries, who are among the richest countries in the world, need 25,000 whales to feed their people or do research for science! Whales have no voice in world politics. WE NEED YOU, your children and grandchildren, your neighbors and all your friends. In 2010, the centenary of Jacques Cousteau’s birth, we want his wish to be respected, supported and fulfilled: “let “us” protect nature, stick to the moratorium and extend it to 50 years!” Please, sign the Cousteau petition: a drop of ink for an ocean of life! 4052 people have signed this petition so far!

[Rewind] Top 30 Airline Social Media Case-Studies Featured on SimpliFlying in 2012 Shubhodeep Pal is the Vice President of Products and Operations at SimpliFlying and has been leading Product Development, Marketing and Business Development since December 2010 from the headquarters in Singapore. His writings have appeared extensively on SimpliFlying as well as revered industry outlets such as Tnooz, Airlinetrends and Loyalty360. He has considerable experience working in the social media sphere, having also conducted a workshop at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore. He has written an introductory e-book for social media newbies and has previously interned at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) as well. His wide range of interests include startups, programming, economics, geopolitics, film-direction/criticism and literature. His first collection of poems, Interruptions was released in 2009.

Wall Photos Lucky 13 « NeuerSpace Last week, I celebrated my 13th anniversary in real estate. In honor of the anniversary, I decided to share 13 things I have learned in my career as a service provider. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I look forward to seeing what the next 13 years will bring. Like this: Like Loading... Caixa Zero A Assembleia Legislativa do Paraná manteve por cinco anos um contrato com a produtora GW, que mantém funcionando a TV Sinal. A tevê é responsável por exibir as sessões plenárias e outras atividades dos deputados estaduais. Conhecendo os estranhos caminhos da administração pública brasileira, talvez não surpreenda a ninguém o fato de que o contrato terminou no mês passado sem que a Assembleia conseguisse licitar a sucessora para a GW. O que os deputados deviam fazer? Isso ocorreu em meados de março. Até lá, porém, a atual prestadora continuará recebendo mensalmente os R$ 360 mil estabelecidos pelo contrato emergencial. Mas, afinal de contas, faz sentido que um serviço como esse entre em um contrato de emergência? Curioso na história é que a Assembleia até começou a licitação com alguma antecedência. Em breve, aliás, a TV Sinal passará a exibir também as sessões da Câmara de Curitiba, que agora serão realizadas pela manhã. Este é um espaço público de debate de idéias.

Unemployed? Buy An iPhone By Reuven Gorsht, Vice-President, Customer Strategy, SAP The recent U.S. election campaign was fought on economy and jobs. With an unemployment rate near 8% on the Election Day, jobs were the overwhelming concern of U.S. voters. So when 12 million unemployed people in the U.S. and those under-employed ask, “No job, now what?” the answer for the crowd may actually lie in the crowd. With the emergence of crowd business models and virtual marketplaces to connect employers to a broad base of employees, crowdsourcing is quickly turning into more than making a few dollars on the side. “Unemployment” a thing of the past? While traditional full-time positions are slowly phasing out or being outsourced to lower-cost geographies, the workforce is undergoing a massive change. As futurist Ross Dawson elegantly illustrates in his future of work framework, remote work and crowdsourcing will be key contributing factors to the high-performance organizations in the future. How big is the crowd?

Dilma, Graça Foster e Eike entram em lista dos mais influentes - Mundo Na edição anterior dessa lista, a presidente Dilma era a única brasileira mencionada Três brasileiros constam da mais nova lista das cem pessoas mais influentes do mundo, feita anualmente pela revista americana "Time": a presidente Dilma Rousseff (que já aparecia na edição de 2011), o bilionário Eike Batista e a nova presidente da Petrobras, Maria das Graças Foster. Na edição anterior dessa lista, a presidente Dilma era a única brasileira mencionada. A revista prepara um comentário, escrito por convidados, para cada personalidade.Eike é qualificado como o "homem mais rico do Brasil" e o "sétimo mais rico do mundo", sendo o responsável por trazer "investimento vital para a nossa cidade [o redator escreve do Rio]. Graça Foster é chamada de "a primeira mulher a dirigir uma grande companhia mundial de petróleo", num texto curto que sumariza sua ascensão profissional ao lado da presidente Dilma. Seu antecessor, José Sérgio Gabrielli, não mereceu menção pela Time na edição de 2011. Dilma

Richard Branson's Travel Tips Business often involves a lot of traveling, for better or worse. While I find travel incredibly stimulating (I’ve come up with many of my best ideas at 30,000 feet), I know that leaving town can be problematic for some people. Everything from packing to getting a good seat to fighting jetlag can turn into a hassle. But there are ways to make business travel go more smoothly. Here are eight of my top tips: 1. Related: Packing for a Business Trip? 2. 3. 4. 5. Another good attempt happened while I was standing in a queue waiting to be checked in. Related: Airports Aim to Make Travel More Enjoyable 6. 7. 8. Related: Richard Branson on Finding a Work-Life Balance The author is an Entrepreneur contributor. Questions from readers will be answered by Richard Branson in future columns.

Prefeitos recuam da ameaça e mantêm transporte escolar - Ensino Município de Foz do Iguaçu volta a oferecer o serviço para a rede estadual de ensino, interrompido há dez dias, por determinação da Justiça Prefeitos do Paraná decidiram nesta quarta-feira (18) não cumprir a ameaça de interromper o serviço de transporte escolar para alunos da rede estadual de ensino. A decisão foi tomada depois do anúncio do governo de aumentar para R$ 80 milhões a quantia repassada para esse fim - mesmo que para isso não tenha transferido ainda nenhuma verba aos municípios este ano. A deliberação aconteceu em uma reunião na sede da Associação dos Municípios do Paraná (AMP), em Curitiba, que contou com a presença de 17 dos 18 representantes das associações regionais da entidade. De acordo com a AMP, os municípios gastaram no ano passado R$ 120 milhões para arcar com o transporte escolar de 177 mil crianças da rede estadual de ensino. "No ano passado o governo deu um calote de R$400 mil na questão do transporte escolar e, este ano, ainda não fez nenhum repasse para isso.
