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Channel 4 Learning - DVDs, CD-Roms and free online education resources and activities for schools

Channel 4 Learning - DVDs, CD-Roms and free online education resources and activities for schools

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Solving the Hand Raising Problem Advice from Real Teachers Every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EST, I'll post a call for teacher questions on my Facebook page. I'll review the questions and choose a few to feature on Facebook each day, and you'll be invited to chime in with your advice. When I see a post that receives a large number of responses, I'll compile the best answers to create a helpful blog post. Camtasia Reviews edshelf Page not found. If you think this is a mistake let us know. Were you looking for a tool? I Have A Dream Speech Analysis Lesson Plan Find Every Literary Term in Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Famous Speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a march on Washington, D.C.

Teachers The Zimmer Twins is a fun way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Watch your students expand their vocabulary, practice proper writing habits, and become junior movie producers all at the same time! Take a few minutes to explore the Zimmer Twins and so you are familiar with the site before using it with your students. Warmers, fillers & coolers - Games Warmers, Fillers & Coolers Below is a list of warmer/cooler/filler/game activities in no particular order. If you have any warmers you'd like to add to the list then please send them to via the Contact page Aims: - to introduce a theme - to relax stds after a hard day's work - to wake stds up after a hard night - to wait for late arrivals - to provide a break in the lesson - to provide humour - to provide oral fluency practice - to finish the lesson on a light note

Beginners. Free Printable ESL materials. These are materials that will probably be suitable for students in the first half of their first year of English studies. For more information on the level classification used on esl lounge, go to our level description page. The lesson materials have been divided into the following categories for Beginners. Click any one to go to the resources. Pairwork Activities, Surveys, etc These are the resources which will most successfully get your students talking.

Lesson Ideas - Teach Children ESL New ideas will be posted at the TOP of this page. Please contribute your own ideas to this website. Thank you! Free Chronicles of Narnia Resource Unit Ah, The Chronicles of Narnia. It’s been such a pleasure to introduce my own children to these wonderful stories and see them fall in love with them as I did many years ago. Copyright: Tawng / 123RF Stock Photo This post contains affiliate links to help support this site. Here’s my full disclosure page.
