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Christmas lesson plans for ESL/ELT Teachers: eslflow webguide

Christmas lesson plans for ESL/ELT Teachers: eslflow webguide
Related:  Christmas idease-nglishCultural-Intercultural

CHRISTMAS | papadeligames History Animated stories The Christmas story Comics Journey out of Darkness is a full size 24-page comic book, designed for a 10-14 year old Advent calendars : E- Cards Thanksgiving – Ημέρα των ΕυχαριστιώνΑnimated cardsElf yourself – Kάνε τον εαυτό σου νάνοDancing Santa - Kάνε τον εαυτό σου ή το φίλο σου Άη-Βασίλη που χορεύειGingerbread Cookie CardThe Gingerbread Man with EverythingCreate your own snowflakeJigsaw – ΠάζλΜake a snowman – Φτιάξε ένα χιονάνθρωποSanta sends a letter to your friend – Στείλε κάρτα από τον Άη-Βασίλη στο φίλο σου. Games School or family party games Here ´s a party game you can play with children or even parents! Here are the instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. After the six steps have been given, let everyone look at their masterpieces. 1. 2 points if the tree touches the floor. 2. 2 points if your stocking is touching your mantel. 3. 1 point if your star touches your tree. 4. 1 point if your star is above your tree. 6. 1 point if your fireplace doesn’t touch the tree Printables

100PCBE - 100PercentBusinessEnglish The Second Languages In Every Part Of The World - Business Insider The website, experts in international moving, is a resource for people looking to move abroad. It has released this eye-opening infographic that shows the second language of every region across the globe. Some are rather predictable, like Canada's knowledge of French. But others are very telling about the histories of certain regions and how our global story has played out over hundreds of years. Take a look at what the website compiled: Courtesy of MoveHub NOW WATCH: 9 Animated Maps That Will Change The Way You See The World

ESL Kids Christmas Games & Activities Christmas Lesson Plans: Free ESL KidStuff Christmas Lesson plans: Check out our wonderful Christmas lesson plans which are tailor-made to use in your kids ESL classroom. Christmas Games & Activities: Candy Cane Hockey: Make 2 goals on a table (using jellybeans as goal posts). Take another jellybean and use candy canes to shoot it into the goals (TP: V: candy cane, shoot, goal, win, lose, winner, loser, jellybean. F: giving instructions to play a game). Candy Cane Horseshoes: This game is similar to the throwing horseshoes game. Candy Cane Pass (Relay Race): Supplies: 4 candy canes per team (have a few extras due to breakage). Christmas Cards: Supplies: card, colored pens/pencils, glitter. Christmas Stocking Relay: Supplies: one stocking for each team, one spoon for each team, one bowl for each team, some wrapped candy. Christmas Tree Decorate: Cut out a large tree shape (a triangle with rounded corners) from poster board and pin to a wall in the classroom. Who am I Santa? Christmas Songs:

Polskie Kolędy | Teksty Kolęd i Pastorałek | Piosenki Religijne Polskie Kolędy – znajdziecie tutaj największy zbiór kolęd i pastorałek. Kolędowanie to jedna z piękniejszych polskich tradycji okresu świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Rodziny spotykają się, zapominają o problemach dnia codziennego i wspólnie śpiewają tradycyjne polskie kolędy. Teksty kolęd przekazywane są z pokolenia na pokolenie i są szeroko znane. Osobiście nie wyobrażam sobie Świąt bez takich kolęd jak „Cicha Noc„, „Przybieżeli do Betlejem” czy „W żłobie leży„. Dzieci zachęcam do nauki kolęd w dziale: KOLĘDY DLA DZIECI. Polskie Kolędy Eleni - Jezus Malusienki [Kolędy Polskie] Kup Płyty z Kolędami Płyty ze świątecznymi przebojami, kolędami czy pastorałkami mogą być wspaniałym prezentem dla bliskiej osoby. Składanki Polskich Kolęd – Kolędy Góralskie – Poznańskie Słowiki – Kolędy – Kolędy Karaoke – Kolędy Kaszubskie Czym jest kolęda? Słowo „kolęda” wywodzi się od łacińskiego słowa calendae, co oznaczalo „pierwszy dzień miesiąca”. Polskie Kolędy Piękne polskie kolędy – Playlista na YouTube: Kolędy

christmas specials Communication 4 All Resources to Support Inclusion This has opened in a separate window - just exit to return to the Home page. Here is a selection of special Christmas resources for you! Click on the images to download the resources of your choice! Letter to Santa and Winter themed bordered paper: click the images to download Gift Tag letter cards: click the links below the image to download Available for lower case alphabet, upper case alphabet and lower case phonics (as shown) A4 Number Presents, 0-10: click the image to download Super Socks Christmas Match up (Number Bonds to 10): click the image to download Type on Nativity Story PowerPoint with Word Bank: click the image to download Activities for the IWB -Wordsearch and Treasure Hunt: click on the images to download Christmas Mouse skills PowerPoint: click on the image to download Christmas Character Masks: click on the image to download Nativity Colouring Image Collection in a zip file: click on the image to download More Resources!

idioms Unless you’ve been living in a separate galaxy in the last few weeks, you will have noticed that many people, including English Language Trainers, have been preparing for Halloween. So not wanting to feel left out I thought I would join the crowd and make my own contribution towards this pagan feast. What better way than to share with you 10 idioms with a Halloween theme! Halloween is associated with scary and spooky images like witches, black cats, blood, skeletons, ghosts, bats, weapons (knives, daggers) as well as less scary images like pumpkins and owls. I’m sure you can think of others. I’ve chosen 10 idioms with some of these Halloween images. 1. Ex: We didn’t have a cat in hell’s chance of winning that contract. 2. 3. 4. 5. Photo by Ruthanne Reid 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Happy Halloween, everyone.

Paris and New York This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Paris / New York. In the lessons learn vocabulary related to cities, describe features of both cities and then compare them, and then watch the short film. Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 60 minutes Activity: Describing a city, comparing two cities, watching a short film, speaking and writing Topic: Cities, Paris and New York Language: Vocabulary related to cities and comparatives Watch the film. Check out the lesson plan Remember that Individual Membership and Institutional Membership of Film English Club allow unlimited access to all 500+ Film English Club lesson plans, viewing guides and other teaching material. Upgrade to Film English Club Upgrade to Film English Club We hope you enjoy this ESL lesson. Kieran and the Film English Team

10 Easy Christmas Crafts to use in your lessons | ESL KidStuff Blog There are so many great activities you can do in your lessons in the lead up to Christmas. Here at ESL KidStuff we have a lot of Christmas games & activities, Christmas themed flashcards and worksheets as well as craft sheets. Crafts are always popular, kids of all ages love doing them, and they can really liven up your kids lesson. Here are 10 great crafts you can use in your Christmas lessons: 1. Older kids can write a Christmas message inside the card and for smaller kids you can help them write their own message (even get them to trace over a message written lightly in pencil). A nice idea is to have each student give their card to another student (in an envelope if you can stretch your budget far enough!). We have some Christmas Card templates in our Crafts section. 2. All you need is pine cones, glitter, cotton balls, small beads threaded onto some cotton or dental floss and a star for the top. Then simply follow the steps here. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.Picture Frame Ornament. 10.

Polscy poeci i malarze na Boże Narodzenie | Hej-kto-Polak! Gościom, Autorom i Komentatorom życzymy: By wszystko nam się rozplątało/ Węzły, konflikty, powikłania/ Oby się wszystkie trudne sprawy/ Porozkręcały jak supełki/ Własne ambicje i urazy/ Zaczęły śmieszyć jak kukiełki/ By anioł podarł każdy dramat/ Aż do rozdziału ostatniego… ks. Jan Twardowski Wiersz staroświecki Barbara Boniecka-Dziadzio Madonna Pomódlmy się w noc betlejemską,W Noc Szczęśliwego RozwiązaniaBy wszystko nam się rozplątało,Węzły, konflikty, powikłania. Oby się wszystkie trudne sprawyPorozkręcały jak supełkiWłasne ambicje i urazyZaczęły śmieszyć jak kukiełki I oby w nas złośliwe jędzePozamieniały jak owieczkiA w oczach mądre łzy stanęłyJak na choince barwnej świeczki By anioł podarł każdy dramat Aż do rozdziału ostatniegoKładąc na serce pogmatwaneJak na osiołka – kompres śnieguAby się wszystko uprościło,Było zwyczajne, proste sobie,By szpak pstrokaty, zagrypionyFikał koziołki nam na grobie. Dlaczego jest święto… Dlaczego jest święto Bożego Narodzenia? Dawna wigilia Franciszek Karpiński

Play Free Christmas Games - GoGo Christmas Games 33 ways to speak better English If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way. When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English. Now, it’s certainly true that speaking is a social activity and is best done with other people. You can do the same with your English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to go for a drink tonight. How do native speakers pronounce to / for / a in the sentence? I wanna go ferra drink tenigh. 8. 9. 10. to be honest 11. 12.

Best Resources For Teaching About Rosa Parks & 60th Anniversary Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott Thanks to Teaching Tolerance, I just learned that December 4th will be the 60th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I’m sure there will be lot of new resources becoming available in the next few weeks, and I’m also sure that there are plenty that I’m not including in the first edition of this post. Please let me know what I’m missing. You might also be interested some of the many previous “Best” lists I’ve published on the Civil Rights Movement & race and racism, including: The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King The Best Resources To Remember Dr. The Best Sites For Learning About The Martin Luther King Memorial The Best Sites To Teach About African-American HistoryThe Best Sites To Learn About The Greensboro Sit-Ins (It’s The Fiftieth Anniversary) The Best Places To Learn About President Obama’s Life The Best Resources For Learning About The “Freedom Riders” The Best Resources About The March On Washington The Best Commentaries On The 60th Anniversary Of Brown vs.

Christmas in Poland -- Christmas Around the World -- whychristmas?com In Poland, Advent is the beginning of Christmas Time. It's a time when people try to be peaceful and remember the real reason for Christmas. People try not to have excess of anything. Some people give up their favourite foods or drinks and parties and discos are not widely held. Some people also go to Church quite frequently. During Advent, people also prepare their houses for Christmas. Before Christmas, children in schools and preschools take part in "Jasełka" (Nativity Plays). The smell of tangerines in schools or workplaces is widely thought to mean that Christmas time is about to start! Poland is a largely catholic country and Christmas Eve is a very important and busy day. Christmas Eve is known as Wigilia (pronounced vee-GHEE-lee-uh). On the table there are 12 dishes - they are meant to give you good luck for the next 12 months. One of the most important dishes is "barszcz" (beetroot soup) and it's obligatory to have it. Carp is the main dish of the meal.
