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The Fascinating Neuroscience Of Color

The Fascinating Neuroscience Of Color
Neuroscientist Bevil Conway thinks about color for a living. An artist since youth, Conway now spends much of his time studying vision and perception at Wellesley College and Harvard Medical School. His science remains strongly linked to art--in 2004 he and Margaret Livingstone famously reported that Rembrandt may have suffered from flawed vision--and in recent years Conway has focused his research almost entirely on the neural machinery behind color. "I think it's a very powerful system," he tells Co.Design, "and it's completely underexploited." Conway's research into the brain's color systems has clear value for designers and artists like himself. It stands to reason, after all, that someone who understands how the brain processes color will be able to present it to others in a more effective way. Step back for a moment to one of Conway's biggest findings, which came while examining how monkeys process color. Emotions are just the start. That's not all. Related:  espirituciencia

4 cosas que tenían en común los mayores genios de la historia Desde Benjamin Franklin a Steve Jobs, pasando por Albert Einstein y Jimi Hendrix. Genios de nuestra historia, que pese a ser tan distintos comparten ciertas singularidades que podrían explicar, en parte, su ingenio y creatividad. Los principales biógrafos concuerdan con estudios del comportamiento humano en que algunas cualidades potencian el desarrollo creativo, pero a la vez, arrastran problemas de sociabilidad e inestabilidad emocional. Según recoge el sitio especializado en salud Medical Daily, no es difícil encontrar soledad y tendencias depresivas en la vida de estos genios, pero al mismo tiempo, son recordados por el trabajo en equipo y por irradiar su creatividad en quienes les rodean. Belleza en la sencillez Conocida es la simplicidad de los productos Apple. Walter Isaacson, biógrafo de Franklin, Einstein y Jobs, postula que la inteligencia por sí misma no es suficiente para un genio. Perfeccionismo ¿Por qué poner tanto esfuerzo en las piezas del computador, si no se ven?

La realidad virtual se está usando para tratar la adicción a la heroína | VICE Colombia A veces, la única manera que tienes para enterrar tus demonios, es darles la cara; así sea en una realidad simulada. Para ayudar a la gente a vencer su adicción a las drogas, los investigadores de la Universidad de Houston en el Departamento de Trabajo Social, están construyendo mundos virtuales hiperreales para recrear situaciones que provocan los antojos de nicotina, alcohol, marihuana y, recientemente, el uso de drogas más fuertes como la heroína. La terapia de recaída tradicional, generalmente involucra actuaciones: los terapeutas muchas veces pretenden ser un amigo o un familiar del paciente y le ofrecen su droga preferida, para poder enseñarles estrategias para evitar usarla. Al sujetar a sus pacientes a un casco de realidad virtual y hacerlos recorrer escenarios familiares donde generalmente consumen su droga, como por ejemplo una fiesta, la terapia puede ser mucho mas real y efectiva. El truco está en hacer que los adictos se antojen de las drogas virtuales.

Neural basis for unique hues To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Figure 1 Histogram of optimal color tuning of glob cells recorded in alert macaque monkey shown as a polar plot. Globs are regions of posterior inferior temporal cortex (including V4, PITd and posterior TEO) that show higher fMRI responses to equiluminant color than to black-and-white [19,20]. Single-unit responses were obtained from two monkeys using microelectrodes targeting globs (for all methods and detailed description of the stimuli see [20]). Summary All colors can be described in terms of four non-reducible ‘unique’ hues: red, green, yellow, and blue [1]. To access this article, please choose from the options below Register an Account If you do not have an account, create one by clicking the button below, and take full advantage of this site's features.

The Psychology of Colour Christmas Delivery For UK and International delivery deadlines please click here UK Delivery UK standard orders are dispatched via Royal Mail within two days. If you need a product urgently, please call or visit our shop at 70 Marchmont Street, London. Opening hours: Monday - Saturday, 10.00 - 18.00. We are open until 18.00 on 24 Dec and then closed until 4 Jan. Call us on +44 (0)20 7833 1010. International Delivery International orders will be sent via Airmail, please allow up to two weeks for your order to arrive.

Left Brain Vs. Right Brain: The Eye Opening Insights We have given you voluminous information about your brain and how it functions. However, this one is probably one of the most worthwhile to know. But wait, before presenting the data, we have some questions for you: If you are philosophical and have a way with people, what side of your brain do you use most of the time? Is it the left or the right? If you are always driven to achieve, and always ready with a to-do list, do you prefer your brain’s right portion or the left? What is the relevance of this information, anyway? Source:Life Hack Related:

Calling All Nerds! New Sci-Fi Museum Wants Your Designs If you've ever wanted to travel to the planet Arrakis, or you've made it a point to become fluent in Klingon, this may be a job for you. The nonprofit Museum of Science Fiction plans to build a science fiction museum in Washington, D.C. The organization is now hosting a competition seeking the best exhibit design for a temporary preview museum, with a first-place prize of $1,000. The final museum will feature works of science fiction in literature, television, film, music, video games and art, and will contain exhibits and collectibles across seven themes: the creators, vehicles, time travel concepts, aliens, computers, robots and technology, the organizers told Live Science previously. To be eligible for the competition, entrants must be students, architects, industrial designers or exhibit designers. The preview museum aims to establish a presence in the nation's capital and to spark interest in the creation of a full-size museum, the organizers said.

Good Art Is Popular Because It's Good. Right? hide captionWhat makes the Mona Lisa — or any piece of art — successful? Sergio Velayosf/Flickr What makes the Mona Lisa — or any piece of art — successful? In July of last year, a man named Sidney Sealine went to see the Mona Lisa in Paris. The idea was to spend some time with the picture, see for himself the special spark that made the painting so famous. But Sealine couldn't even get close. In his video of the visit, you see people of every race and nationality crowded around the barricades that separate them from the painting. A surprisingly small portrait, it is separated from the crazed crowd by a series of wooden railings and an enormous slab of darkly tinted bulletproof glass. It's a painting so successful it requires constant protection from the public, and so it can hardly be seen. Why Is The Mona Lisa – Or Any Piece Of Art – Successful? But is that true? People have been arguing about this for years, but it's a hard question to settle because there's only ever one version of reality.

Cuento: Play Spanish Sahara – Foals. «Now I see you lying there, like a lilo losing air air... » El viento soplaba como suele hacerlo en agosto. Traía consigo hojas escritas, impresas, publicidad perdida; también hojas de árboles ya marchitas que guardas en libros y que, a veces, nunca mueren. Me regalas una que-como de costumbre-pierdo. «Spanish Sahara, the place that you’d wanna... » El semáforo cambió a verde, dando libre paso al autobús; el mismo autobús al que debí subirme ese día, pero que deje pasar con el simple pretexto de continuar aferrado a tu mano. «Forget the horror here, Leave the horror here... » A través del vidrio, observo el camino que recorro todos los días. "It's future rust and then it's future dust" Llegas a tiempo, justo para salvar un día que estaba condenado al olvido. «I’m the fury in your head; I’m the fury in your bed, I’m...» Ahora voy a tu encuentro, caminando por entre las calles desgastadas, lugares comunes de esta gris ciudad. «I’m the ghost in the back of your head...»

Diseño Social, Conciencia & Sensibilidad on Behance Investigación Acción y Participación La metodología de acción y participación del trabajo es necesario comenzarla por una serie de caminos los cuales nos ayudarán a estructurar el taller de diseño social, conciencia y sensibilidad: 1. Presentación, Inducción del tema.2. Taller.3. Registro fotográfico, audiovisual.4. Presentación, Inducción del tema Taller Procedo a repartir la hoja del taller el cual cuenta con la recolección de información del sujeto y tres preguntas las cuales las dos primeras son escritas y la tercera es práctica, parte de la expresión por medio del dibujo, las preguntas son las siguientes:

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