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Create, share and explore Learning Playlists

Create, share and explore Learning Playlists
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Create Digital Learning Content Combine Video Images Text Audio What Is Metta? Metta ( is a digital storytelling tool that allows you to create lessons using audio, videos, and images from your computer or from the web. It is a great online app for creating short flipped or blended lessons for students to help them learn outside of the classroom. With this outstanding web application, teachers can easily create a digital content based story, supplemented with images and text. Teachers can also include poll questions in order to test the knowledge of students. So, with Metta, you can easily combine multimedia elements together to produce an awesome digital lesson. How To Use Metta For using the Metta app, you first need to create an account or login using your Facebook id.After you log in, you’ll be presented with a screen where you need to enter the title of your story or lesson. [Editors Note: I used Metta to put together the video below as an exercise in getting familiar with the tool. Using Metta in the Classroom Print This Post

Cool Gadgets – Web Design Inspiration In Support of Excellence Powered by Translate DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION: V4 published Mar 2015. This PDF Poster has links to 122 of the latest and most popular educational apps. I am still a little numb at the amazing interest in, and discussion about, the Padagogy Wheel from teachers and educators around the world. So why yet another version only one week later? Graduate Attributes and Capabilities: Without this your learning design will drift. These capabilities should be identified as part of our graduate attributes and woven into the fabric of our courses in the activity design. Please visit the blog post and listen to the podcast episode at: “If you exercise these capabilities.. you will be employed!” The Puzzle of Motivation: Teachers use the term engagement all the time. Dan Pink shows what science knows about motivation and what business does about it are largely mismatched. Dan expands on the concept of Autonomy.and introduces examples of three levels of application of this type of motivation.

Free Tools Search this site Free Tools For Scavenger Hunts, Escape Classrooms & Breakouts by Arjana Blazic Here's a list of tools that can be used to create scavenger & treasure hunts, escape classrooms and breakouts. No registration is required for the following tools: MapFling Zeemaps WriteURL Scrumbl AWW App CoSketch Typography Editor Pixlr Jigsaw Planet Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Hangman Discovery Education Puzzlemaker Crossword Puzzle Maker by ReadWriteThink Cryptoclub Rebus Generator Codemoji by Mozzila Fake Concert Ticket Generator Fake Store Receipts Fake Airline Tickes (also here: Return flights) Fake iphone Messages Fake Newspaper Articles Fake Breaking News Fake Twitter and Facebook Upside Down Text (or here: Upside Down Text) Different Text Forms (waves, spiral, heart, eye chart) Mirror words Snote Manidfic Bounce Szoter Speakpipe Vocaroo Web QR - for creating and scanning QR codes QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator by ClassTools A 3D Virtual Museum Exhibition by ClassTools Artsteps Thinkport Thinglink Edpuzzle

Computer Hope's free computer help The Secret of Secrets - Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003 The Secret of Secrets – Tunnels in Bucegi mountains displaying our true history discovered in 2003 In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind. Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country. It was using this very technology that the most remarkable discovery was made. The discovery in RomaniaColossal diplomatic pressures came from the United States of America and the Vatican on the Romanian Government to not disclose to the whole world this discovery and so it led to a temporary agreement between the Vatican, USA and Romania. - Create your own comics! Viewing List danooct1 The long awaited video of CIH trashing a standalone PC's BIOS and rendering the computer unable to boot. This video comes fourteen years to the day after CIH first unleashed its devastating payload upon the world. When CIH infects files, it checks to see whether there are enough gaps to completely store its code, rather than simply writing its code to the end of the file and increasing file size. If it has enough space, CIH will infect the file without increasing file size. On April 26th (in the original variant), CIH activates, overwriting part of the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) and overwriting the first megabyte of all hard disks in an endless loop, causing the computer to crash. I realize RogueAmp does have a video of CIH doing this same thing, but now there is a video of it activating in HD and with narration, which I feel is invaluable to the whole experience.

eduCanon: Interactive Video. Unleashed. eduCanon is a free service that is designed to help educators flip their classrooms by adding interactive questions to videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and Teacher Tube. It has a lot of potential to help teachers improve flipped lessons and it's incredibly easy to use. Let's take a closer look! Now, I know you're probably ready to jump right in and start exploring eduCanon in detail, but let's slow down for a second and check out a quick overview video from the team. As you can see, eduCanon makes it easy to attach questions to videos and get feedback on how your students are doing. Start eduCanoning! And, while eduCanon is a free service, they also offer a premium version for those interested in spending a little extra cash. Premium Features After you sign up for an account (be it free or premium) you'll be taken to the main screen. The Main eduCanon Screen. Adding a Question to your Video Assigning your Lesson. Time to Share Your Lesson See How Your Students are Doing And there you have it!

peoplemovin - A visualization of migration flows Problem-Attic 131 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies for Student Engagement | Albert Resources With the rapid growth of preventative responses towards the COVID-19 outbreak, it seems distance learning is trend here to stay at least for the next 6-12 months. Being prepared to take your classrooms fully online can be stressful, and finding the right curriculum resources challenging when it may be your first foray into the EdTech space. In this article, you’ll get a comprehensive list of helpful learning tools, learn common benefits and drawbacks of remote learning, and learn a few strategies for keeping students engaged while remote to help you through this challenging time. If we missed any helpful resources along the way, please let us know and we’d be happy to add it to our list. 100+ Tools for Distance Learning We’ve scoured the web for helpful apps, tools, and platforms to help you as you set up your distance learning environments during your school closures. Full Curriculum Coverage Distance Learning Tools Full Curriculum Coverage Distance Learning Tools Video Conferencing Tools 1.

Questions, Questions, Questions – Hannah Tyreman Asking questions in class is a central part of teaching, learning and assessment. You should aim to ask challenging questions of students and they should feel comfortable to ask questions of you. Questioning allows you to: Check learningStretch learningSupport learning What follows are some approaches to maximise your questioning technique so that you can avoid the tumbleweed that blows past as you ask a question to a whole room of learners. Selecting Students It’s important to ensure that questions are spread across the room. Here are some great strategies for varying who you ask whilst also adding a fun element to it: Use a random name generator: try the ‘Decide Now‘ App for iPad or THIS SITEUse lollipop sticks with names on and pick them out at randomStudents nominate each other to answer- this is a good strategy if the class know each other well and are comfortable with one another Give students thinking time Click here to read more about think, pair, square, share Planning Questions Thunks
