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Mountain Dew Cupcakes

Mountain Dew Cupcakes
Related:  (Cup)Cake

Caramel Apple Pie Cupcakes « The Craving Chronicles It seems like once the weather cools down everyone wants to jump right into pumpkin season. Don’t get me wrong, I love pumpkin as much as anyone else, but to me September is apple season. I was thinking about how often apples get overshadowed by pumpkin a few weeks ago when my husband asked me if I wanted to attend a dinner party with some of his coworkers. “Hrmmm. Maybe…”, I said. “They asked us to bring some kind of food to share”, he said. It took me a while to decide on an approach for these cupcakes. Ultimately, I decided the best way to pack that punch of apple flavor into a cupcake was to use apple pie filling. I was apprehensive while putting these cupcakes together. In the end, they didn’t. They tasted approximately a million times better than I had imagined. I was hoping for good cupcakes, but these were amazing. Caramel Apple Pie Cupcakes Printable Recipe (Includes all sub-recipes) Makes about 24 cupcakes Ingredients Directions Pipe frosting on cupcakes. Apple Filling Like this:

chocolate soufflé cupcakes with mint cream I’m clearly some sort of grinch, because when I think of flourless chocolate cakes I imagine giant discs of truffle so dense and overly rich that even a sliver of somehow feels excessive, the kind of throwaway dessert restaurants bust out when they’ve got no better ideas. “Add a couple out-of-season, eerily red raspberries and a tuft of whipped cream from a can and it will, without fail, sell,” I imagine sinister managers instructing kitchen staff. Like I said, I’m a total pill. However, when the same flourless chocolate cake is treated like a soufflé — eggs separated, yolks beaten until ribbony and whites whipped until weightless, then gently folded in — and then placed anywhere in my proximity, all bets are off. Because what it does is magical; what was once weighted is lifted off the plate. The top puffs and shatters a little, like a meringue, a meringue with butter. [Updated to note: Many people who have made this say they're getting 12! Makes 9* cupcakes (see Note above)

sweet saturday: one minute peanut butter cake Picture this scene: it’s 8:30 in the evening. The sky is just starting to get dark outside your living room window. You ate a delicious, healthy and veggie-filled dinner a few hours ago and now you are ready to sit down to the most recent episode of So You Think You Can Dance and dive into a decadent plate of dessert. Oh wait, you have no dessert. No chocolate, no cookies, no ice cream, no cake, no pie, not even a Jordan almond. Well she’s to go to her microwave. You can make a delicious, fluffy, moist peanut butter cake in your microwave in about one minute (30 seconds mixing, 30 seconds zapping). The options are also pretty endless. One Minute Peanut Butter Cake Print This Recipe Serves One Like my peanut butter microwave cake? Ingredients: 1 egg, beaten1 tablespoon brown sugar1/2 teaspoon baking powder1 heaping tablespoon flour2 tablespoons peanut butter1 teaspoon milk1 tablespoon powdered sugar (give or take) Directions:

baking-espresso-coffee-cream-cake-happy-birthday-to-me “Oh good look its coffee o’clock :))…” Linda@goodshoeday via twitter How sweet that tweet was, music to my very ears! I saved it the minute I tripped across it ages ago. I’m a 100% coffee person, and it easily wins hands down as my most favourite flavour in sweet stuff; {garlic holds first place for savoury}. Mr PAB came back from work, asked if I had baked me a cake {I ALWAYS DO … because I like to}, and I shook my head in negative, in despair and tiredness. I shot out of bed very early in the morning in sheer fright. My next stop was this beautiful cake decoration book by Roland Mesniers – Basic To Beautiful Cakes that I had won at an event hosted by the Daring Kitchen. I reached for the index and got to the coffee pages pronto. About the sponge, the author writes, “Mrs Clinton’s Coffee Genoise … Mrs Clinton loved coffee desserts in every form. Just reading the introduction had me walking on clouds, dreaming of coffee nirvana, making me forget everything else but coffee! Like this:

Strawberry Champagne Ruffle Cake for a Virtual Baby Shower – Cook Like a Champion Without a doubt, one of the most rewarding things about food blogging is all the amazing friends I’ve made along the way. Even though we’ve never met in person, I am so thankful to have made such wonderful friends, and I hope we’ll all have the chance to meet someday. I hate that we’re spread all over the country because I know we would all have a fabulous time together. There are some things that simply have to be celebrated with friends, no matter the distance between them. That’s why I decided to host a virtual baby shower for Annie . Ashely from Delish made mock champagne punch . Shawnda from Confections of a Foodie Bride made pink/blue corn blinis with crab and avocado crema . Nikki from Pennies on a Platter made baby hummus sandwiches . Elly from Elly Says Opa made stuffed mushrooms . Amy from Sing for Your Supper made these adorable chicken salad bites . Josie from Pink Parsley Catering made pimento cheese fritters with red pepper jelly . To make the cake, preheat oven to 350º.

baking-lavender-chiffon-cake-with-whipped-lemon-curd-frosting “But there’s always a first time for everything” Melissa de la Cruz End November, Mum’s birthday, time to bake cake. As I said before, the last quarter of the year is laden with birthdays, anniversaries and celebration. being winter it makes it more fun to bake, as well as to eat! Flavours for a cake are a simple choice as we are a family that is game for any and all flavours in dessert. Mum’s friend is here from the UK and she c a n n o t stand chocolate. Yes, this was the one I would try. A chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings. It was a new cake experience, a learning curve thrown in too. Chiffon…what does it bring to your mind? Now for the the filling. Which comes to whipped lemon curd cream! I especially went with girly pink colour in the border as it is a fave with my 5 year old niece Amani who was on her last day of her visit to India. The cake was a winner. ” … I so agree! Don’t miss a post Like this:

Hi Hat Cupcakes I did it. I finally made them. Hi Hat Cupcakes have consumed my cupcake thoughts since I first saw their tall chocolate dipped tops online after I started blogging. But this weekend, I tried them. So I decided to use the only recipe I remembered seeing. > Update: I just realized this recipe is also from the book, Cupcakes! Chopped chocolate. But even better with the frosting. If I had paid attention to the directions beforehand I don’t know if I would have been as eager to get started. 12 minutes later and a candy thermometer in check to make sure the frosting formed stiff peaks at the right temperature. Actually, it never made it to just the right temp, but after 12 minutes… I was over holding the hand mixer. So I took a leap of faith it would work and piped it on the cupcakes… as tall as I could get it. The cupcakes went in the freezer while I prepared for the scary part. One bag of semi-sweet chocolate. And melted them in the microwave with three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Tasty.

Dulce De Leche Cake with Caramel Buttercream - Spork or Foon? The other day, I posted a dangerous tres leches cake with dulce de leche. Well, it must be dulce de leche week over at Spork or Foon? headquarters, because I now present to you, dear readers, a dulce de leche cake! HOLLA! A friend was celebrating her birthday by having a dinner party at home with her friends (her boyfriend is a former chef) asked if I could help her boyfriend cook for her birthday and also make a cake. At first, I thought it was a tres leches cake. My mind was racing. Sorry. I wanted the best white cake recipe, so I went to my trusty companion, Cooks Illustrated (sorry, Google, you've been bumped this time). And the results were awesome. Chris Kimball, founder of Cooks Illustrated, you and your bowtie have done me right again. Doesn't he look proud of me? I filled the cake with a deliciously sweet dulce de leche and wanted to do something a bit different for the icing. A. drink. of. Although the buttercream was sweet, it was delicious, so off I went with it.
