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On-Demand Demo Discover why Optimizely is the easiest and most powerful way to experiment across all of your customer touchpoints. In under 4 minutes, this full platform demo will show you how to create winning digital experiences. You will learn how to: Validate your messaging and marketing campaigns in Optimizely’s easy-to-use visual editorDeliver personalized customer experiences at scaleExperiment server-side and roll out new features via Feature Management to mitigate the risk of a bad launchBuild out your testing program using Optimizely Program Management Almost ready! Please correct form errors By clicking the button, you agree to Optimizely's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Step 1 of 2

User-Centered Design: Process And Benefits – Product Tribe Two young fish meet an older fish, who asks them “How’s the water?” The younger fish look at each other and say, “What’s water?” They’re so surrounded by it, that it’s impossible to see. The most important realities are often the hardest to see and talk about. In the design process, we should not forget about the water we swim in. How To Design In User-Centric Way? User-centered design offers solutions to numerous problems and creates a unique chance to design together with communities. • Specify the use context — collect information about their users’ needs; • Specify clear business requirements — the designers and the stakeholders provide detailed specifications for the new product; • Create unique design solutions — building a solution, from rough concept to finished design; • Evaluate designs — through usability testing with actual users; • Implementation — the process of developing and delivering the product; User-Centered Design: Definitions And Main Characteristics 1. UCD is empathetic.

5 Steps to Quick-Start A/B Testing The debate was about the best color for the toolbar on the webpage. The design team was fond of a particular shade of blue while the product manager was advocating for a greener hue. Both parties had strong opinions about their choice. Who gets to decide? Was the choice right? And does it really matter anyway? Decisions like this are often made based on diplomacy, authority, or opinion. Whether the goal is to improve a landing page or a call-to-action button, A/B testing is the best way to help UX teams and marketers make incremental changes over time. So what holds some people back from doing it? A/B Testing: A Basic Definition A/B testing is an experiment. In A/B testing there must be at least two versions of the item to be tested: version A and B. Example of an A/B Test being measured using Google Analytics Events. Why Conduct A/B Testing? Have you ever seen a new design idea, and been filled with doubts and uncertainty? The 5-Step Plan to A/B Testing 1.Identify a goal 2. 3. 4. 5.

Libros para diseñadores UX | Librera Libros recomendados para aquellos interesado en el mundo del UX, ya sean diseñadores web, desarrolladores frontend u otros involucrados en el proceso de implementar un sitio web. No me hagas pensar Steve Krug Usabilidad : deja de sufrir Daniel Torres Burriel Design Thinking Para La Innovacion Estrategica Jose A Portela The Design of Everyday Things Donald A. Creatividad S. Catmull, Edwin Investigación UX: Métodos y herramientas para diseñar Experiencia de Usuarios Jorge Barahona A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience designers in the field or in the making Russ Unger Information Architecture, 4e Peter Morville UX Strategy : How to Devise Innovative Digital Products That People Want Jaime Levy About Face : The Essentials of Interaction Design David Cronin 100 cosas más sobre la gente que cada diseñador necesita saber Susan Weinschenk Tragic Design Jonathan Shariat Innovation by Design Thomas Lockwood Experiencia de Usuario: Principios y Métodos Yusef Hassan Montero Inclusive Design Patterns Laura Klein

Product Designer - Togo Group - Career Page Who is Togo Group: Togo Group is creating the leading technology platform for road-based travel and outdoor tourism. For consumers, Togo Group brings together products and services that empower travelers to discover, book, and navigate road trips, and to unlock the experience of RV camping. Learn more at We are looking for a talented Product Designer to join our team! We’re looking for a talented Product Designer to join the team at RVillage, where we’re building the ultimate online community for RV enthusiasts. Where You're Located: Candidates for this role will be based in the United States and can work remotely or in our Chicago or Cincinnati offices. Your Impact: What You’ve Done Before: Why you should join our pack: Flexible Workplace: While our headquarters are in Cincinnati and Chicago, our team lives across the globe. The Togo Group is an equal opportunity employer. At this time Togo Group is unable to provide visa sponsorship.

BBVA cuenta con la mejor 'app' de banca móvil del mundo Este año, BBVA destaca por encima del resto de bancos por el “magnífico equilibrio” que logra entre una amplia “gama de funcionalidades de gran utilidad” y una “excelente experiencia de usuario”. “Los clientes de BBVA pueden realizar una gran cantidad de operaciones a través de la ‘app’, con funcionalidades de ‘próxima generación, como BBVA Valora”, explica Forrester Research en el informe. BBVA cuenta con la mejor aplicación de banca móvil del mundo. Así lo confirma el último estudio ‘2017 Global Mobile Banking Benchmark’, publicado hoy por Forrester Research, y en el que se han analizado las ‘apps’ de 53 de las principales entidades de banca minorista de 18 países, entre ellos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Francia, Brasil, Turquía, China o Australia. Garanti se coloca en segunda posición en el informe mundial. El banco turco destaca por su “excelente funcionalidad” y “la mejor experiencia de usuario” entre las ‘apps’ analizadas.

Hold the Phone: A Primer on Remote Mobile Usability Testing User Experience Magazine In recent years, remote usability testing of user interactions has flourished. The ability to run tests from a distance has undoubtedly broadened the horizons of many a UXer and strengthened the design of many interfaces. Even though mobile devices continue to proliferate, testing mobile interactions remotely has only recently become technologically possible. We took a closer look at several of the tools and methods currently available for remote mobile testing and put them to the test in a real world usability study. This article discusses our findings and recommendations for practitioners conducting similar tests. History of Remote Usability Testing Moderated remote usability testing consists of a usability evaluation where researchers and participants are located in two different geographical areas. Remote user research has come a long way since this time. Pros and Cons of Remote Testing Table 1 Benefits and drawbacks of remote usability testing Overview of the Tools Tool configurations

Checkbox vs Toggle Switch Forms provide several controls that make it easier to collect input from users. Using the right control at right place is a challenge while designing forms. A checkbox control has three states: unselected, selected, and indeterminate. A toggle switch represents a physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off, like a light switch. Tapping a toggle switch is a two-step action: selection and execution, whereas checkbox is just selection of an option and its execution usually requires another control. When deciding between a checkbox and toggle switch control, it is better to focus on the usage context instead of their function. Below are few use-cases along with guidelines to decide between these two controls while designing form experience. Case 1: Instant response Use Toggle switch when, Case 2: Settings confirmation Use Checkbox when, Case 3: Multiple choices Use Checkbox when, Case 4: Indeterminate state Case 5: Clear visual state Case 6: Related items Use Toggle switch when, Conclusion

Design for Motivation Qué es: Arquitectura de Información | Andrea Cantú ¿Cómo organizar el contenido?¿Cómo definir dónde va cada elemento? ¿Cómo facilitar la búsqueda? La Arquitectura de Información es el arte que se encarga de ello. Imagínate tener que manejar tu auto sin tener a la vista el nombre de las calles o señalética que te diga dónde estás y para dónde ir. Imagínate el proyecto de construcción de una casa sin planos arquitectónicos y sólo una vaga idea o un tablero de referencias de decoración. Imagínate recorrer un supermercado donde en un anaquel encuentras detergente y en la parte de abajo unos tomates. ¿Hice mi punto? No me gusta contradecir los dichos de las mamás (y menos a la de Forrest Gump ) pero, me voy a atrever a decir lo siguiente: Te comparto qué es la Arquitectura de Información y porqué es importante en la UX. Qué es la Arquitectura de Información Aunque se considera una disciplina emergente, la Arquitectura de Información no es nada nuevo. El Instituto de Arquitectura de Información lo define como: Métodos y Entregables Relacionados

Remote UX Research – Remote Usability and UX Research Tools — Updated Sep 22, ’16 Tools for doing functional, soulful user experience, interaction, and usability research. If it’s related to behavior, it’s on here. We’ve assembled this over the years from our own use, UX Booth, Liz Bacon’s list, Craig Tomlin’s list, and magic. None of these companies have paid us for this placement. Yell @ethnio or comment to get updated or placed. Our Picks This represents our workflow and the tools we use right now. Self-Moderated Your participant speaks into their mic, and completes tasks they read on screen, giving you a video of their interactions. Mobile The number one most interesting category for remote research - ioS, iPhone, iPad, Android. Automated You create tasks for participants, they see them in an iframe or window, and then they use a site while the tool gathers analytics about their behavior. Moderated Tools These allow you to observe a participant directly and talk to them at the same time. Surveys

Experiencia de Usuario: ¿Qué es y cómo convertirse en UX Designer? Aún recuerdo la primera vez que asistí a un evento sobre experiencia de usuario e innovación en el laboratorio de innovación de la universidad. Paredes blancas, post-it de colores, plumones negros y muchos materiales para hacer prototipos. Era un espacio poco tradicional para una universidad de negocios. No había una estructura y nos podíamos sentar donde nos sintiéramos cómodos. La profesora que estaba exponiendo intentaba abrir nuestras mentes haciéndonos entender que los elefantes voladores y las llamas rosadas sí existen, si primero existen en nuestros pensamientos. Bastó una semana de asistir a charlas dentro sobre estos temas para que yo decida darle otro sentido a mi carrera como ingeniera empresarial. Y ustedes, ¿recuerdan ese momento? Elegí enfocarme en el diseño y la experiencia de usuario. ¿Qué es UX, por qué y para qué conocerla y estudiarla? El rol del UX Designer hoy El rol de un diseñador de experiencia de usuario es resolver problemas para el usuario y no para sí mismo.
