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Fun ideas for geography models

Fun ideas for geography models
Related:  Géo ressources multimiscellaneous

World Continents & Oceans Games - geography online games "I stumbled upon your fun interactive geography games from a link on the Massachusetts Geographic Alliance Website. Since then, your games have become quite a hit with my competitive colleagues!" --Candice Gomes, Education Outreach Coordinator, Boston Public Library Sheppard Software's geography games were featured in the Boston Public Library's 2006 Exhibition on Mapping! "Terrific online educational games, especially geography." "I am a middle school social studies teacher who also sponsors a geography club after school. "Awesome site... it is the only reason I am passing my World Geography class!" "We love your interactive maps and are using them for 10th grade world history." "Let me say that you guys have an awesome website.

Dater un planisphère (en s’amusant) La mode des objets issus de l’univers de l’école de la IIIe République (1870-1940) a couvert de nombreux murs de planisphères muraux aux couleurs pastels. Etalant une « vaste tache rose » sur l’Afrique Occidentale Française, tirant des câbles télégraphiques en traits fins entre les continents, ils révèlent le génie d’auteurs qui travaillaient à la main et sans avoir jamais vu une photographie de la terre vue de l’espace. Hélas, ces chefs-d’œuvre de la géographie scolaire, signés Vidal de la Blache ou Jean Brunhes, sont rarement datés. Ni une, ni deux, la Géothèque profite de la licence Creative Commons du document original pour en proposer une version librement adaptée en français (certaines parties sont très différentes de l’original.

Top 10 Most Wanted List for Master Planned Communities Master planned communities (MPCs) have enjoyed increasing popularity in Australia since the 1950s. Based on a concept that originated in Los Angeles, MPCs are satellite communities outside of the CBD that are equipped with their own lifestyle amenities, such as shops, schools, restaurants and recreational parklands. Australia’s first MPC was “Castlecrag” in Sydney, designed in 1925 by architect Walter Burley Griffin, who also designed Canberra. Although nearly a century old, Griffin’s concept of a Master Planned Community still resonates with today’s buyers, who value a strong sense of community and access to key lifestyle attributes. Through decades of experience as one of Queensland’s leading developers, QM Properties have identified the top ten most desirable attributes that buyers look for in a planned suburb. “This is the shopping list for buyers that we have developed over our 35 years of building great Australian communities,” said QM Properties Sales Manager Damien Ross 2. 3. 4. 5.

10 Free Tech Tools & Websites Every Teacher Should Know About | Nat Geo Educa... Confession: I was a late tech adopter. I didn’t own a computer until I was in college. I couldn’t record on the VCR, and I didn’t have a smartphone until about 2009. As a new teacher, I felt comfortable with PowerPoint and Word, yet I rarely explored any other tech tools. I felt out of my league when it came to tech, and chalked it up as something the younger, more tech-savvy members of the staff would do. Several years later, as I teach my global studies course and my students explore the world in real time through their devices, I couldn’t imagine not being a to take advantage of this technology. Here are my picks for the top 10 tech tools and websites every teacher should know about! Rewordify: This user-friendly website allows you to adjust the reading level of a text. *11. What tools and websites do you use most frequently? Ed is one of our #worldgeochat bloggers. Like this: Like Loading...

Pour un renouveau de la didactique de la géographie 1Dans la plupart des pays européens, l’enseignement de la géographie au primaire et au secondaire est interrogé et un peu partout aussi des réformes sont mises en œuvre. 2Mais alors que de profonds changements touchent le monde de l’enseignement obligatoire, rares sont les réactions du monde universitaire ou plus largement de la recherche comme si les deux mondes fonctionnaient aujourd’hui en presque totale indépendance. En outre, les recherches en didactique de la géographie ont même beaucoup diminué sans doute à cause d’un manque de moyens mais également en raison, croyons-nous, d’un moindre intérêt des géographes pour ce genre de travaux comme le confirme bien la bibliographie finale d’un ouvrage récent sur « Didactiques de l’histoire, de la géographie et de l’éducation à la citoyenneté. Recherches pratiques » (Ethier et Mottet, 2016) où le nombre de références relatives à la didactique de la géographie est trois fois moins important que celui des références relatives à l’histoire.

HIGHLANDS - PROPERTY COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY - Collie PTY LTD, Melbourne Australia Image obtained from Stockland website Collie would like to congratulate Stockland on receiving the Property Council of Australia 2015 award for the best master planned community for its development ‘Highlands’ in Craigieburn, Victoria. The award is based on the following nine categories. Economic and financial factors.Project vision and innovation.Corporate social responsibility.Quality of design and finish.Adaptability.Facilities and services for residents.User satisfaction.Industry perception.Operation and maintenance. Highlands is located just over 30 kilometres north of the Melbourne Central Business District and will comprise about 8,500 homes, multiple schools, recreation facilities, large areas of public open space and conservation areas. With many stages in Highlands still to be completed, Collie looks forward to its continuing involvement and wishes Stockland further success on its multi-award winning development.

Is there a north-south divide in England's schools? Image copyright Getty Images Children in the north of England are finishing school with poorer grades and are less likely to go on to further education. That was the conclusion of a report from the Children's Commissioner, Anne Longfield. It's one in a line of reports pointing to the deep discrepancies that exist between England's schools in all areas of the country. And it's not always as simple as north vs south. So what's driving the divide? There are varying levels of deprivation There were higher proportions of children claiming free school meals in the north of England and in the West Midlands than in most of the south in January 2017. Free school meals are often used as a measure of how many children are living with some level of disadvantage. They are available to children living in households claiming one of a range of income-dependent benefits. Universal credit: free school meals proposal keeps cliff edge There are strong links between deprivation and how well children do at school

L’Histoire-Géo sur YouTube : 9 chaînes pour la découvrir autrement Profs, étudiants ou amateurs passionnés : les youtubeurs vulgarisateurs se multiplient, notamment en Histoire-Géo. Voici une sélection de plusieurs chaînes passionnantes ! Fabien Campaner a créé une chaîne YouTube, « On va faire cours », dans laquelle il parle des clichés de l’Histoire au cinéma. Les contenus d’éducation ont de plus en plus la cote sur YouTube, et les chaînes d’Histoire y fleurissent depuis deux ans, dans le sillage des chaînes de vulgarisation scientifique (« E-penser » ou « DirtyBiology ») ou philosophique (« Coup de phil »). Pour rendre l’histoire plus abordable et la raconter d’une façon plus ludique ou légère, des enseignants, des étudiants, et des amateurs passionnés se mettent en scène sur la plateforme de vidéos. Voici une sélection de quelques-unes de ces chaînes qui vous permettront de découvrir l’histoire autrement. Parlons Y-stoire Parlons Y-stoire, 35 000 abonnés, est une chaîne créée en 2014 par Baptiste Cornabas, prof d’histoire-géo dans le secondaire.

Gall–Peters projection Cylindrical equal-area map projection The Gall–Peters projection of the world map The Gall–Peters projection is a rectangular map projection that maps all areas such that they have the correct sizes relative to each other. Like any equal-area projection, it achieves this goal by distorting most shapes. The projection is a particular example of the cylindrical equal-area projection with latitudes 45° north and south as the regions on the map that have no distortion. The projection is named after James Gall and Arno Peters. Maps based on the projection are promoted by UNESCO, and they are also widely used by British schools.[3] The U.S. state of Massachusetts and Boston Public Schools began phasing in these maps in March 2017, becoming the first public school district and state in the United States to adopt Gall–Peters maps as their standard.[4] Description[edit] Formula[edit] The projection is conventionally defined as: Simplified formula[edit] Discussion[edit] Origins and naming[edit] Notes

Seven ways to tackle the primary pupil refusing to do anything When it comes to dealing with a pupil who refuses regularly, you don’t need me to tell you that there’s no magic bullet. We’ve all been there – and if you haven’t yet, then at some point you probably will be. Every refuser is refusing different things for different reasons. However, here are some general strategies that might help you out the next time you find yourself faced with a refuser. 1. Embrace the power of ‘and yet’ I learned this one from our school counsellor and it can be effective when dealing with a pupil (or an adult!) 2. This strategy was shared with me on a course based around cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is the idea that our thoughts dictate our feelings, which in turn control our behaviour. 3. This is a fine line. 4. Sometimes taking the focus away from the immediate issue for a short period of time can be more effective in the long term. 5. 6. If you can and it’s appropriate, offer the pupil two options that are both reasonable to you. 7.

TimelineLy. Enrichissez une vidéo avant de la partager Timelinely est un outil en ligne qui permet d’ajouter des commentaires à une vidéo avant de la partager. Plutôt pratique pour expliquer, commenter ou souligner l’importance de tel ou tel passage d’une vidéo à vos élèves. Timelinely ne vise pas, pour l’instant en tout cas, à concurrencer des outils beaucoup plus complets pour créer des vidéos interactives à l’image de HiHaHO que je vous présentais ici-même il y a quelques jours. Les options d’enrichissement sont ici plus limitées, mais restent néanmoins intéressantes pour des besoins simples. L’utilisation et la prise en main ne posent pas de problème particulier. Cliquez n’importe où dans cette timeline pour insérer votre commentaire. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de points que vous voulez. Une fois votre vidéo terminée, il ne vous reste pus qu’a la partager. En cliquant dessus le lecteur a accès à votre vidéo sous laquelle apparaissent les ajouts que vous avez effectués. L’outil fonctionne en ligne sur n’importe quel navigateur.

How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people and push ideas of colonial superiority The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back of a rumbling wagon, sketching a war-torn landscape. A flashback to her childhood in an orphanage shows her looking at a map of a conflict zone. A guardian tells her, “keep a pencil in your hand, or else someone will put a rifle in it instead”. The cartographers of this fictional world are crucial to the military, just as they are in the real world. But there is also a sense that cartographers played a peaceful role in the army. In reality, the role of surveyors and cartographers throughout history was often far from peaceful. At each stage of mapping an area, clues are preserved about the priorities and prejudices of the person wielding the pencil, and those instructing them. Exploring the land Maps made it easier for the government back home to imagine the territory of a new colony, to claim to “know” and thus own it. Meehan kept a daily log of measurements and happenings as he explored.

Mapzone | Ordnance Survey Geography is an interactive section of Mapzone designed by Ordnance Survey to help you with the map work you do at school and increase your mapping skills for leisure and fun. It's packed with information that you should find useful. From brushing up on your mapping skills to providing you with sample projects, Homework Help can assist you with all aspects of your mapping work at school and leisure. Our interactive activities and, animations all play their part to help you learn some important lessons about maps and how to use them. We hope that you will find Geography easy to use. Take a quick look in our resources section and you'll see there are plenty of useful files to download from Geography. In the Games section, you'll find a choice of map-related games to help make your learning fun. If you're not too confident in your mapping skills, then Map SKills is the place for you. Head for the Map Skills section and you will find a choice of quizzes that will test your knowledge of maps.

Éduthèque - Présentation  Éduthèque : une offre du service public du numérique éducatif Ce service s’adresse à tous les enseignants du premier et du second degré et leurs élèves. Il rassemble des ressources pédagogiques structurées avec de grands établissements publics à caractère culturel et scientifique. Grâce à un moteur de recherche fédérée, les enseignants peuvent croiser les milliers des ressources indexées et mises à disposition par l’ensemble des partenaires à l’aide de mots-clés ou bien de tri par type de document et par thématique. Enseignants et élèves disposent de contenus en très grande partie téléchargeables et de services de qualité, afin de construire leurs propositions pédagogiques ou de produire des travaux, quels que soient les lieux où ils enseignent et où ils apprennent. Comment utiliser ce portail ? Sur Éduthèque, l’enseignant et ses élèves accèdent aux ressources grâce à plusieurs entrées thématiques, au moteur de recherche fédérée et aux pistes pédagogiques.
