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Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling (Original Song)

Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling (Original Song)
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Body Painter Transforms Humans Into Breathtaking Portraits Of Animals There’s more to this beautiful heron than meets the eye. It’s actually a human body covered intricately in paint. The stunning work was created by artist Shannon Holt, a body painter from Florida who’s known for her ability to transform the human body into a canvas for beautiful art. The piece is part of Holt’s “Florida Wildlife Series,” a collection of several animal portraits, all painstakingly drawn on human bodies. Each portrait is said to have taken Holt about six to 12 and a half hours to complete, according to Caters News. In a May interview with the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Holt explained what it is about body painting as a medium that she loves so much. “You can have a really beautiful work that transforms the body into a human sculpture or abstract piece that touches on art history, or is a master copy of an Italian Renaissance painting,” she told the news outlet. She added that she loves the “ephemeral” nature of body painting.

Francis Dupuis-Déri – L’anarchie dans la philosophie politique (2007) Francis Dupuis-Déri (né en 1966 à Montréal) est un écrivain et professeur québécois. Depuis 2006, il enseigne au département de science politique et à l’Institut de recherches et d’études féministes (IREF) de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Il a été chercheur au Massachusetts Institute of Technology et au Centre de recherche en éthique de l’Université de Montréal (CREUM). Introduction « Quel est le meilleur régime politique ? Assimiler ainsi l’anarchie à une forme dévoyée de la démocratie directe constitue une erreur grave qui appauvrit la philosophie politique. La typologie des régimes politiques : perspective quantitative Pendant plus de deux mille ans, la majorité des philosophes occidentaux influents se bornèrent à identifier trois idéal-types de régimes politiques purs : la monarchie, l’aristocratie et la démocratie . 2. Aristote est le premier qui souligne l’importance d’enrichir la classification mathématique des régimes d’une distinction liée à la moralité du régime.

Astrophysicist Writes Brutal Response To WSJ Article Claiming Science Has Proven God Exists Recently – Christmas Day, in fact – the Wall Street Journal published an article by a Christian apologist who boldly declared that science was “increasingly” making the case for God, year-after-year. Eric Metaxas is best known as a biographical writer, but he is also lauded (in conservative circles) for his work promoting the pro-life movement and making sweeping, outrageous conclusions about the existence of God based on whatever tenuous evidence seems handy at the time. If sweeping, outrageous conclusions be Metaxas bread-and-butter, than his Wall Street Journal article is perhaps his magnum opus. It’s a doozy. After subtitling his work “The odds of life existing on another planet grow ever longer. Intelligent design, anyone?” The arguments aren’t new. Today there are more than 200 known parameters necessary for a planet to support life—every single one of which must be perfectly met, or the whole thing falls apart. Feature image via The Conversation

L'instrumentalisation de l'antifascisme Le premier juin, j’apprenais, stupéfait, l’annulation des projections en salle du film documentaire militant Dédale, un fil vers la démocratie. Cet événement, suite logique de toute une série d’autres faits similaires, était l’événement de trop : il me fallait enquêter sur cette mouvance antifasciste. Je voulais comprendre qui étaient ces (prétendus) antifascistes et pourquoi ils s’en prenaient systématiquement à des personnalités qui combattent l’oligarchie, l’impérialisme, les guerres néo-coloniales et qui, de façon générale, luttent courageusement pour un monde plus juste. Ces atteintes violentes à la liberté d’expression et à l’honneur de ces personnalités était tellement incohérentes qu’il me fallait enquêter pour comprendre et trouver un sens à cette sombre cabale. Histoire de l’antifascisme Les choses se compliquent juste après la victoire contre l’Axe, dès le début de la Guerre Froide en 1947. Mais l’antifascisme des années septante et quatre-vingt est critiqué, même à gauche.

▶ One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful (5 Piano Guys, 1 piano) - ThePianoGuys We're on Tour! Sheet Music: Album here: song here: Subscribe to our main channel: to our BTS channel: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: Get PianoGuys T-Shirts, Wristbands, Sheetmusic here: STORY BEHIND THE SONGThe idea: A couple months ago the 5 of us were gathered round a piano prepping for a video shoot scheduled for that day. We were brainstorming ideas when one of us (can't remember who!) The song: We went through several song possibilities before landing on "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. The location: Where to film? Many thanks to the awesome guys at Annex Recording and Giles Reaves (engineer) for letting us record at their studio.

12 Enjoyable Names for Relatively Common Things Fancy yourself a logophile ... and didn't have to look up "logophile"? See if you know these 12 words for common things. 1. The plastic table-like item found in pizza boxes is called a box tent and was patented in 1983. Most people in the biz now call it a pizza saver. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Getty Images 9. 10. 11. 12. What are some of your favorite extra ordinary/extraordinary words? For 12-12-12, we’ll be posting twenty-four '12 lists' throughout the day. A4 Papercuts Ogni scultura cartacea realizzata dall’artista Peter Callesen ha un unico punto di partenza: un candido e standardizzato foglio formato A4. Quello che accade dopo il “trattamento Callesen” lo potete vedere con i vostri occhi. Uccelli in procinto di spiccare il volo, scheletri che prendono vita… “The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the possibility of escaping“. Chapeau. [Via] Comments comments

How To Fathom Pi: Amazing Visual Illustrations Distribution of the first 123,201 digits of π mapped onto a red-yellow-blue Brewer palette and placed as circles on an Archimedean spiral by Martin Krzywinski Pi is, quite possibly, the most famous number known to man.* This fact is a little bit ironic, as we don’t actually have a number for pi. Well, not a complete number anyways, because pi never ends. If you try to pin it down to the decimal, you can’t do it—the decimal representation goes on endlessly, and it never settles into a repeating patters. If you are unfamiliar with this number, pi is the mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, and it is typically written as 3.14159 . However, (despite some minor set backs) the quest to understand pi continues. Recently, Cristian Ilies Vasile created an amazing way to visualize pi. This visual representation was created by a 41 year old individual who suffered brain damage after being attacked by muggers. Jolene Creighton

These 19 Nightmarish Places Will Keep You Awake At Night… They Sent Chills Down My Spine. As you go about your daily life, it’s easy to forget all of the weird and wonderful things that are tucked away around the world. A Redditor cobbled together 19 of the strangest places on earth, reminding us all of the creepy things that could be hidden in our very towns. Dark forests, abandoned cities, strange museums and other oddities are everywhere. You just need to know how to find them. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) Some of the strangest places on earth aren’t legitimately haunted, instead they are haunted by the memories of the horrors that were once committed there. Share these strange places with others… spread the chills that go down your spine.

Top 22 Animals You've Never Heard Of | MadPet - Funny Pets Videos and Pictures Mother nature is beautiful and hosts us thousand of beautiful species and breathtaking nature and environment we live in. All around the world there are a lot of untested areas and a lot of species that are not discovered. In today’s article we will show you top 22 animals that are discovered, but rare and not so well known. Check them out and let us know if you have any more suggestions… The Dhole The Dhole is a species of canid native to South and Southeast Asia. The Babirusa Babirusa, meaning “Hog-deer”, are members of the pig family found in Wallacea, or specifically the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula and Buru. Pink Fairy Armadillo The pink fairy armadillo is approximately 3.5-4.5 inches long, excluding the tail, and is pale rose or pink in color. The Fossa The fossa is a cat-like, carnivorous mammal that is endemic to Madagascar. The Gerenuk Naked Mole Rat This creature has a lot of characteristics that make it very important to human beings. Irrawaddy Dolphin Markhor Lamprey

image Do Try This At Home Scientific experiments do not need to happen in fancy laboratories. Exploring science can happen at home using inexpensive supplies. Oobleck Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that behaves unlike other fluids. Flowing freely, it behaves as a regular liquid, but when a force is applied, it is more like a solid. If you pick oobleck up with your hands, it will easily flow through your fingers. For this experiment, you will need: 1 part water 2 parts cornstarch Drops of food coloring (there are a few options with this) Combine ingredients and stir. Oobleck is nontoxic, but does get messy. Precipitation in a Jar: Exploring precipitation at home is quite easy. 200 ml (1 cup) Hot, but not boiling, water Tall glass jar Glass plate Ice cubes Pour the hot water into the clear glass jar and immediately cover with the plate. DNA Extraction DNA can be extracted and examined quite easily. To begin, you will need to choose the source of DNA. Add the plant material, salt, and water to the blender.
